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It’s not easy to face the fact that much of your education and pop culture amounts to a large-scale, long-term demoralization campaign. This is what former KGB Agent, Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov explains in this 1984 interview, used as the soundtrack for this latest video by Black Pilled’s Devon Stack.

The son of a Soviet Army officer and recruited by the KGB as a teenager, Bezmenov personally worked in subversion, posing as a journalist in India during the 1960s until he grew weary of this and defected to the US. The Cold War Communist tactics described here do seem to be an eerily apt description of what we’re seeing, not only in the US but worldwide.

He describes the job of slowly changing the perception of a target group, in four stages:

1) Demoralization: It takes 15-20 years to demoralize a nation because it takes one generation of students of the target enemy country of being exposed to the ideology. He says Americans have been exposed to three generations of Marxist-Leninism without this being counterbalanced by the values of Americanism.

He describes the Marxist demoralization process in 1984 as “basically completed, already – or over-fulfilled.” Demoralization by then was already such that “Colonel Andropov couldn’t even dream of its success, because Americans demoralize each other.” Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, facts or anything told to him, pictures, even being taken to a location, such as a concentration camp. He will not believe the truth until he receives a “kick in his fat bottom.”

2) Destabilization: At this stage, the subverter does not care about your ideas or your patterns of consumption; whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby, it doesn’t matter. It takes only 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. What matters are the essentials: economy, foreign relations and defense systems. “And in the areas of economy and defense systems, we can see that the influence of Marxist ideas is absolutely fantastic, I would never have believed it when I landed in this part of the world 14 years ago that the process would go that fast.”

3) Crisis: It takes as little as 6 weeks to bring a country to the brink of a crisis. He noted how this could be seen in Central America at that time.

4) Normalization: After a crisis and the violent change in the power structure and economy, you have the period of normalization, which can last indefinitely. “Normalization” is a cynical expression from Soviet times. When the Soviets moved into the former Czechoslovakia in 1968, Leonid Brezhnev said, “Now the situation in ‘Brotherly Czechoslovakia’ is normalized.”

Bezmenov explains in 1984 that this is what will happen in the United States if the US allows “all the schmucks” to come in here, to destabilize the economy, to do away with free-market competition and to put a “Big Brother” government in Washington, DC, with “benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale.” He says they will promise you lots of things – never mind if the promises are fulfilled or not.

He says, “Your Leftists in the United States; all these professors and beautiful civil rights defenders — they are instrumental in the subversion — only until the destabilization is completed. Once the destabilization is completed, they’re not needed anymore,” because they know too much and become disillusioned. When they see that Marxist-Leninism has come to power, they become offended because they had expected to come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot. They may turn into the bitterest enemies of Marxist-Leninists.”

In the full interview, not shown here, he goes on to recount how this is exactly what happened to the governments of Nicaragua, Granada, Afghanistan, Bangladesh from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It’d be funny if it were not tragic that the likes of Tom do exist. I wouldn’t even appeal to him to try and see what a ridiculous bovain stool he posts. When someone doesn’t address the essence of a statement, or idea, or comment, or the whole interview, and stages an attack ad hominem instead, you can bet they have no sufficient knowledge of the topic, or even capability to gain such knowledge. They are brain dead.

  • How the world is crumbling…..explained in said video. It’s frightening to see how close to the edge people are moving (with lots of help to be sure).
    The ‘seat belt sign’ is flashing…..I can feel it. This clip is bang on about the MSM. Who needs government/education/laws when the little square box in your living room will explain all that’s happening to you and for you. But once things move past a certain point…..there is no more ‘thought process’ to get you where you want to go. I rather doubt the MSM will be around to walk you through the process….they will gone & long forgotten.

  • The West don’t need any help from any foreign intelligence agency when the CIA/MI5 use their proprietaries like the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute to effect such social change. The biggest enemies are from within, not without. An interesting clip nonetheless.

    • Exactly. The audio is an interesting document because it’s from the mid-1980s and because he’s explaining what another branch of the Globalists (Soviets) were doing and it’s all so familiar because the West has had the same kind of operations, coming out of Tavistock and the Frankfurt School – which is exactly what we’re seeing in the video; examples of the social engineering from the latter – NOT from the KGB/FSB, let alone the Russians. So, it’s an interesting juxtaposition.

  • Without doubt the most powerful and the most important video ever posted by this website! We are at the stage immediately BEFORE Civil War!

  • what he says about equality, is such a ridiculous argument. its not about people being equal, its about people having equal rights. this is so obvious, that when someone uses this argument, he loses all credibility. besides he was a compromised individual as a member of the kgb is another reason to withhold credibility to this creep.

    • Tom, you really are special–a special kind of imbecile. Your criticism is something I would expect an enemy progressive communist to make. Think about what you said. Think about what you write. I find this man highly credible and I find your comment childish.

      Dr. Kent

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