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From Ben Bergquam:

Insane! This ad was given to us when we were in the Necocli, Colombia before we crossed the Darien Gap in Panamá. The cartel is directly marketing to China and the CCP because of Joe Biden and the Democrats open border policies. Cartel travel agencies working with the United Nations and Democrat NGOs to commit National suicide!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It has been like that for a while. Sadly, lots of people on the right become China supporters/sympathizers and consider these reporting as “blaming China” propaganda.

  • Ah it’s another Chinese PROPAGANDA campaign again
    Stop the silly blame game, ignore propaganda, and focus in developing stuff in own country.
    The same thing can be said about banning Chinese social media and other businesses – If we have strong business, we have no need of worrying other businesses getting in to our way.

  • If the numbers are accurate for the death rate from the clot shots we are probably still losing population overall. This new crowd of American slave colonists will have to pay a high price for the good life in “Hotel America” you can check in any time you like but you can never leave if you owe the cartels the price for admission. The kiddy trade is booming and the pedos don’t have to kidnap anymore they can adopt and swap with their pedo neighbors and party like it’s 1999 !!

  • Silly!
    Do the real one how Muslim Arab’s are taught how to infiltrate Western Soceities & use the Federal Programs to start up their own businesses.
    It’s called “Muslim Invasions” through infiltration!

      • Clearly you are not paying attention. They even are invading the Churches of “Jesus”. Their Arabic/Hebrew writings are on the Churches.
        They open a new business every few months with our Tax $$$ in the Chicago suburbs.
        The Orland Park Mall that was built by us Europeans in 1974 is now like walking into Mecca during a “Pilgrimage.”
        I’m all for “Freedom of Religion”, but follow history & you will see Arab’s/Muslims infiltrate Nations as they are weakened by wars. Look at Iran, once was home of the Persian Empire, who were Aryan, Egypt the same, the list goes on, why are they in Europe….Sweden…. Russia….the list goes on!

        • You seem to be mixing up mixing up Arabs with Jews, besides enslavement has existed with all kinds of people; and NOT limited to Arabs

          • The Arab’s are the Jews.
            Besides that important point, we Europeans refuse to Eat the Sin of the Arab Slave Trade, as we have been for the entire making of America, but besides that the Arab Jews control over Africa has been misguided in history to make people believe it was us Europeans. They began their Conquest of Africa 640 AD & remained there well into 20th Century, and still exploit Africa till this day under United Arab Emirates.

      • P.S. We Never had to have Security at the Orland Park Mall until about 5 years ago. There is tension between the Black community & the Arab’s, due to the historical fact that it was the Arab’s who enslaved the black Africans in the Congo. You see Adam, some black folks know real history & they resent their Slave master’s following them here to America!
        Perhaps the Black Americans over played their cards on Slavery against the Europeans for the past 200 years, considering as well, Thomas Jefferson in 1808 made it illegal for importing anymore black Africans to the U.S., meanwhile they hunkered down on importing more Irish slaves. Who do you think White America was really fighting for in the Civil War…..

  • 1.3 million unemployed China workers migrate to Vietnam, proof that corporate centralized planning doesn’t work any better in a top down collectivist government than a top down democratic government! BECAUSE STUFF wears out, gets old and loses its ability to satisfy!

    China led the way of getting people off the land, out of their ancestral villages and into mega industrial cities and it didn’t work there any better than it did in America.

    Unlike North Korea which holds their people prisoner, China is happy to let its unemployed, unmarried males migrate elsewhere because they have way too may males anyway, thanks to their one child policy, which they unwisely entered into in exchange for off-shored US jobs.

    One can have all the stuff they ever desired, but if they don’t have love, affection, a sense of belonging and purpose, it’s all vanity.

    Corporations are not gods, they can be devils!

  • Death to the land we were born in by a thousand cuts!

    A borderless nation is a defenseless nation.

    A nation that forgets its history, loses its identity, purpose and collective mind.

    This has all the earmarks of an artificially pacified population that would tolerate sociological rape.

    Look very closely at the west coast states, their culture is gone and the people are in denial, a form of mental illness! Big city governments are powerless to stop the death of their cities, they can now only temporarily postpone it until the inevitable end of freedom comes because only a tyrannical form of government will be able to manage in such a Cloward & Pivin polyglot.

    • Yep, about the West, look at what they are doing to Utah’s Mormon identity @ “Dry Bar Comedy.” They are trying to soften the people of Provo Utah by using comedians of color, which than the comedians of color point out to the rest of the Marxist people of color where those whites still maintain their identity. They also use by-racial marriage in their skits to soften the strong minds of Mormon Utah.

  • Chinese Waterworld! Hopefully most of these Chinese adventurers/invaders will find that their American Utopia lies on the bottom of the Atlantic. They can form the new Chinese Atlantis!

    • Not all of Atlantis lies on the bottom of the ocean. China goes out of their way to cover up the Pyramids of the Nobility Class that once ruled them.
      Robert Sepehr has a great video titled “Legend of the Yellow Emperor” on his website: Atlantean Gardens.

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