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Such times call for a little levity. YouTuber, King of Gorillas delivers with this remix of K-Pop crossover worldwide hit, “Gangnam Style” by South Korean artist, Psy.

Audio and video from American flag-waving Hong Kong protests are dropped into the dance track from Australian activist, Avi Yemini.

Yemini asks a Hong Kong street protestor, “Have you seen Donald Trump? Should he step in?”

The protestor responds, “Donald Trump: Don’t trust China! China is asshoe [sic]!”

This statement is looped with the Electronica beats, while drone footage of the high-turn-out protests is spliced into the big-budget K-Pop choreographies.

The result is at times catchy, humorous and exalting.


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “The result is at times catchy, humorous and exalting” but at the cost of downgrading the quality of music and culture!

  • It’s 11:45
    awaiting juvenation, still alive
    despite bullshit spook jive
    thoughts, dark noise; incoming hive
    deep breath re-taken, now time for dive

    Eggs easy upon chili replace popcorn vent
    what say you? re: happen-stance
    political impeachment, suicide tent
    Trump’s landslide: causal-effective lance

    Sensored natures, xylem and phloem
    detect broad, shallow leaving affairs
    water-plumbed into tyranny plan,
    dark forces felt, yet unseen
    back page plans; networked glee
    visualeyes, our horrifying screams

    Free speech burden; considered
    joker’s suit; eye-psy-riddle
    removes the middle
    dividing circus; Fema tent
    uncooperative, neuro- murder-bent

    Johnny’s basement, Dylan’s medicine
    detailed state loss, Hill win
    genetically remove poetry,
    uncontrolled oppo-freedom
    in-tolerated; abate before too late
    OOtube, twatter, faceplant,
    in-q-telematic seeds
    deniers expect nosebleeds

    have you seen Yoda?
    hippies now old
    many long ago sold
    corporate-military-tech load
    are you still bold
    or is the sky above too old
    neck measured; cellphone left cold?

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