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“As a Democrat, who has been left homeless, who is now definitely in the center, but probably leaning increasingly right, I’m left yet again with an appreciation, despite the messenger of the message, of the Trump administration, because what those guys did, was pretty incredible.”

He continued, “These Abraham Accords, the accords with Israel and the GCC, the almost accord between Israel and Saudi, to really be able to, like find a long-lasting peace is just a real example for the world. And those guys did a lot of really great work…

“When are we going to stop shooting ourselves in the foot? When are we going to actually take the time to look past who was saying things and actually listen to them word for word?”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Doesn’t enforce property rights , ha! . The settlers terminology applied to the gulag and not the prison masters so sayith the property developer looking to cleanup after the next firesale expansion . The new settlements will be funded by the US handouts as usual and new lines will be drawn in the sand of what belongs to israel . The map changes so fast that nobody knows who the sand belongs to. Only thing certain is it stops when they hit the waterfront . The reservation will be made out of whats leftover after the dust settles or they all die out whichever comes first .

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