Dark Journalist hosts Oxford scholar and author of the Giza Death Star book series, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. His latest book, ‘The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union and Corporate Fascism’, breaks down the dark political roots and the potential global dangers of the six billion-dollar particle physics experiments being conducted at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

The book reveals the connections between CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire; the European Organization for Nuclear Research) to the what Farrell calls “the cosmology cartel”, to the postwar Nazi international underground, now resurfacing in the European Union, as well as its links to the Deep Politics of the US, from Franklin Roosevelt, Senator Joseph McCarthy and the JFK assassination. This interview covers the many suspicious details surrounding the origins of CERN and the experiments alleged to now be taking place with the Large Hadron Collider.

One prominent figure, with ties to all of the elements referred to above was a busy guy by the name of John Jay McCloy, who began his career as lawyer in the 1920s at one the most prestigious law firms in the US, during which time he had dealings with several corporations in Nazi Germany, including IG Farben. Although he was a Republican who’d voted against FDR, he was appointed as the Assistant Secretary of War during World War II. He later served as President of the World Bank and as the US High Commissioner for Germany, where he debriefed 70,000 Nazis and used their intelligence networks to help set up the CIA.

McCloy was the key figure in setting up the concentration camps for Americans of Japanese ancestry.

McCloy also became Chairman of the Rockefeller-owned Chase Manhattan Bank, as well as Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was later a member of the Warren Commission, as well as a member of the foreign policy group, called “The Wise Men,” six friends who shaped 20th century history, by developing the containment policy of dealing with the Communist bloc and by creating major institutions and initiatives, including NATO, the World Bank and the Marshall Plan.

On top of all of this, McCloy was also instrumental in the 1954 founding of CERN with Dr. Walter Hallstein, the éminence grise behind all of the postwar German chancellors through the end of the administration of Willy Brandt. Hallstein had previously been involved with reconciling the the legal systems of the two Axis powers of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, in their bid to create a European Federation. This legal merger became the nucleus for today’s European Union. Furthermore, Hallstein was one of the 70,000 Nazis who was “cleared” by McCloy (!)

Farrell reveals the little-known fact that CERN is not merely a corporation but an international sovereign entity, similar in structure to the Bank of International Settlements. Farrell takes apart CERN’s official story of its being a particle accelerator, created for peaceful scientific experiments. He argues that three distinct data sets reveal that it must be something else:

1) CERN’s $6 billion budget is three times bigger than that of the Manhattan Project. It is military in scale. The machine, itself is something that has never been built before and a marvel of technology. It’s a series of immensely powerful cameras, designed to take pictures of subatomic particle collisions. The machine’s parts are said to have been built by a consortium of global manufacturers but it is virtually impossible to discover which companies built what – and more importantly, what the big picture of the LHC truly is.

2) Farrell reminds us that the World Wide Web was originally a CERN project, initiated in 1989. He suspects that they must be harnessing the Internet to funnel all of the data that they’re collecting from their experiments.

Little known is that CERN is by far, the world’s largest user of all of the Internet’s bandwidth. Each collision generates billions of bits of data per second. The computational capabilities of CERN are absolutely monstrous and Farrell surmises that they’re likely being applied to study the side effects of the tests, such as those that the supercollider has on the Earth’s magnetosphere and in turn, how altering the magnetosphere effects human behavior.

3) Then there’s the physics, itself. That the LHC is running particles, in counter-rotating directions, along an immense circular track, 27km in diameter, in addition to the 6km-diameter proton synchrotron. This reminds him of the counter-rotating fields of the alleged secret Nazi “Bell” EM weapon, which could allegedly cause crystals to form in animal flesh from distances of up to 200 meters.

He suggests, with his self-admitted “Junior High School hack from South Dakota approach to this…that you’ve got counterrotating magnetic fields that are 15,000 times the local magnetic field strength of the Earth, plus the synchrotron, with its huge magnetic field…They’re dealing with electromagnetic fields on a planetary scale that have nothing to do with particle physics.” He says that there’s no way that EM fields of that strength would *not* have resonance effects on circuits, near and far; that the LHC really looks to him like a gigantic torsion machine. He says, “You scientists out there can send me blizzards of equations, proving me wrong – but I’m sorry, this is what I think it is.”

He suggests that the particle physics story is a cover – or a minor part of the experiments, at best – and that other countries suspect as he does, that the LHC is a giant EM torsion field machine with potential military applications and that the only way for them to find out is to build their own large supercolliders. China, Germany and Japan have each announced plans to build their own.

The interview moves on to concerns, acknowledged but downplayed by CERN about the experiments’ potential for the production of “strangelets”, which would have the effect of converting all matter nearby into an ever-increasing blob of quark-gluon plasma. However, Farrell opines that the kind of tests being conducted at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Labs on Long Island, New York (infamous for its alleged role in the storied Montauk Projects) would have a higher likelihood of producing strangelets than the LHC.

Speaking of Montauk, it is interesting to note that the CERN website officially acknowledges that tests attempting to explore “extra dimensions” would be conducted. I recently ran a story about such tests, which were set to take place last week. So far, no results of these tests have been published, that I can find…Is the LHC a massive covert military project, hiding in plain sight? Don’t miss this cutting-edge Dark Journalist episode!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Dr. Farrell has numerous members of his website who actually are in the EU. I’d suggest that you contact them directly. One does not need to be a paying member to do so, as far as I know.

  • FIRST OFF,I would like to say,STOP LISTENING TO THE WOMEN,everyone in history smoked,and drank alcohol who lived over a hundred years old,including my grandpa,and I’am well on my way to making it too,AND I’VE never been sick either,NOW let me tell you why I commented on your post,THE FATHER SAYS,the cern sciencetists DON’T HAVE A CLUE WHAT THEIR DOING,OR WHATS going to happen,THEY ARE OPENING DOORS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE,and every demon and spirit of evil will come through,AND KILL EVERYONE AT CERN,and NO ONE will be left alive to shut down the thing and they will flood out all over the planet killing millions of innocent people who have no understanding of where they came from…CERN NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN BEFORE THIS HAPPENS…its a desaster waiting to happen……….stay close to the LORD,he says millions will be leaving this world soon……..

  • I think Luis Sancho at http://www.cernstruth.com has it right, when suggesting, that all those curious types Down at CERN are not really cutting edge physisist but rather weapons engineers. What they are doing is Building a gigantic terror bomb, cabable of taking out Earth, Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury And the Sun; a nova may typically blow into a fireball with 300 million km diameter. So: Fasten your seatbelts!

  • Brilliant investigation, as usual, by Dr. Farrell Thank you for bringing this information to us.
    I wonder if there is some way that you could make your website available to people in the EU……..perhaps find someone over there who speaks English very well and could do a sister site in German, and French, and Italian etc.
    There must ne people in Europe who are bi-lingual and who would recognize the necessity of this information being available in the EU. Please, please, please look into this.
    I have a number of friends in Vienna who would so much having this caliber of information available to them.
    Perhaps Dr. Farrell knows of bi-lingual students who would translate this for the people of the EU?……

  • CERN is either the device that is attempting to disrupt or blow a hole in the ‘firmament ‘ / Van Allen belt bubble to enable mankind to escape from its third party manufactured prison ( be it God or Aliens ) OR

    Given all Governments and NASA are liars and we have not even touched Outer Space beyond 75 miles up…..CERN is also just another proxy setup to suck out black funds with the front of a respectable research project…….who knows what these guys do in the facility…..build a technically impressive ring for 1B dollars and ‘they’ stick 5B in the back pocket for other black projects…..exactly the scam Big Pharma works with funds appropriated from the US government…….research, but never find a cure….CERN researches and actually produces no results……

  • I have been able to determine a shift in the axis of earth.
    Jan 2 2012………… I stuck a sticker on the window at the exact spot where my thumb covered the sun …shining in. At arms length.
    Jan 2 2016 was the 5th time I recorded the sun position on that day.
    It has made one complete cycle.
    First far west , then a bit north, then all the way back to original but higher.
    Not until this year did it return to center..?
    My question..what caused the shift.
    Could Cern do that?

  • Hello,


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