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SGAnon goes through a brief breakdown of comms with Donald Trump and Dan Scavino, and also discloses some intel regarding US National Guard movements.

The highlights of this discussion are:

• Belarus is about to enter the European war
• The alliance between Erdogan-Putin remains strong
• More National Guard troops deploying to East Coast
• China to invade Taiwan

An imminent large scale false flag attack will be blamed on Russia by the illegitimate governments and agencies of the US and EU. This will be used to justify a coordinated NATO response. It will be perceived by the masses as “World War III”.
SGAnon says it will be akin to the Bay of Pigs crisis crossed with the War in Iraq, “Rolled into one giant red pill burrito,” he says.

He says there are bioweapon Level-4 facilities in Taiwan, which the Chinese will be going after.

He describes the entire COVID event as the greatest crime in human history, posting on TRUTHSocial:

“They were going to genocide humanity, enslave our children and their children, and permanently end an entire species’ God-given immunoadaptive systems.

“Be patient, Patriots.

“This level of EV!L doesn’t die quickly.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Nothing will stop what is coming …………
    💕 Love Wins 💗for WE THE PEOPLE in
    🇺🇸AMERICA and THE WORLD🇺🇸. 💥Buckle Up The HOT Zone Will BURN🔥

  • Well, if China is going after Taiwan we will find out if those 20 missiles allegedly pointed at Three Gorges Dam really are pointed at the dam, won’t we?

  • Stunning Intel that I needed! When I talk about the DUMBs with smart people.. they want evidence of their existence and I am at a loss, except to send them to the usual video venues.. I am a teacher of many years and an education reformer, Homeschool advocate.. and worried to the max about the world’s vulnerable children, ongoing. We simply Must End this heinous trafficking, ritual sacrificing.. so sad for me.. I do all that I can to help and inform and Watch .. Thanks a million for your encouraging information..
    I did not see where to find YOUR personal Podcast, etc . Can you supply that?

    • Connie Sponheim,

      Petition the ACLU (( American Communist Lawyers Union )) —
      which has worked so hard, for seven decades, to wreck Whites’
      Christian Civil Society — to reverse course, say, to the standards
      of the mid-1950s.

      Ask the Marxian, Libertine Left to restore what has been destroyed—
      well, just ask that XXX porn be removed from the public square
      and public schools.


    • I don’t have a podcast, I’m a proponent of homeschooling too. I have been for about 20 years. Long before they started with the pedophile crap. Then it was just communist propaganda and false history. Washington, Franklin and that Congress signed our sovereignty away. That’s what freemasons do.

      • Your last two sentences in question. Lots of propaganda against the founding’s, in general.
        The Pyramid = Novus Ordo Seclorum = “A New Order of the Ages”
        (Novus = new, young, novel, renewed) (Orde = order, row, series) (Seclorum=Ages, generations, Centuries)
        The Eye of Providence, on the Great Seal:
        Annuit Coeptis = “Providence has favored our undertakings”
        (annuit = nod, assent, to favor, smile upon) (coeptis = undertakings, endeavors, beginnings)
        E Pluribus Unum = “Many uniting into one”
        (pluribus=plural/ is an action, unum=unit

        • “Providence” a word favored by our founders.
          Declaration of Independence:
          “Our firm Reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.” (1776)
          Providence = the foreseeing care & guidance of God.
          Rays of “Golden Light” are symbolic of Providence. = The Eye of Providence, on the Great Seal.

  • Good morning from Alberta. It’s the 18th of October ’22. This is my first exposure to this guest of FK.
    Although a lot of the information confused me as I’m not connected to the QAnon network, I did manage to decipher what I think the message is.
    That being; all is going according to plan?
    I’m a watcher. I’m 74 coming up and been aware of the plot to destroy mankind for over 50 years. I know who the monsters are.
    I’d like to hear more from SQAnon. I’m going to see if I can.
    As to the comeuppance the monsters will receive, God bless those who mete it out! Give em one for me.

  • President Trump is as guilty as Biden when it comes to mass genocide using a Bio-weapon against the humans of the world. There is no good war, there are no white hats in wartime, just survivors against Tyranny. The common everyday person who wants the government to leave him/her alone. Our enemy is the World Economic Forum and any person who supports them. Qanon is a military/intelligence psyop…

  • Q has a track record, a history of being deceptive and providing false hope! Worse, in my opinion, it may well have its genesis in a planned attempt to entrap its followers in a sting.

    The solution to our sorrows is not rebellion, which we believe the enemies of liberty want, it’s recognition of the truth, repentance and reformation.

    It is we the people who have been corrupted in our thinking, who have enabled criminality in government. Proof of this assertion is popular acquiesce to private ownership of election tallies, which is a bold violation of the fiduciary duty of all government parties sworn to protect and defend against!

    Private corporations now own American election tallies! How is it that these corporations have been located in such foreign nations as Ukraine in the 2020 national election? Why have we allowed this offshoring of our elections? Yes we have! A stupid move, but it is reality which we’ve yet to face squarely.

    Why do we have to go though the courts to get past patent laws to see what we have a constitutional right to see without going through an expensive, time consuming litigation process, and then not allowed to fully see and understand the mechanisms of how our votes are counted? This is in a word – NUTS!

    Them as counts the votes owns the outcomes!

    • I agree Jon, one question though “The solution to our sorrows is not rebellion, which we believe the enemies of liberty want, it’s recognition of the truth, repentance and reformation.” Okay, how without shooting our way to power?

      • Rob, those who have not had their thinking corrupted with lies need to teach those who have. Which is what we are doing here. It doesn’t result in instant results. A firm resolve and patience are needed.

        If one’s heart is not right before a just Creator, it will not survive the test. Life itself is a test.

        Anyone who has studied wars cannot fail to see there is a dreadful price to be paid by kinetic rebellion. Once the violence begins all bets are off regarding the outcome.

        Our present situation is the result of good people believing lies and doing nothing to stop the mouths of liars in the court house, state house, church house and the school house. I don’t mean physically, I mean confronting those lies with truth.

        It’s not easy, but it is if your heart is right with your maker. You realize life is not a vacation from responsibility, but a spiritual battle zone which is manifested in temporal results. Otherwise one will exhaust themselves tilting at windmills in their own strength.

        Experienced warriors are battle hardened and are little concerned of the conflicts, knowing how to smell the roses along the way.

        • Beautiful & wise answer, thank you, I copied it to read it several times! I couldn’t have said it any better!

  • The military in most honorable countries are to DEFEND THE BORDERS against invaders. Our country calls our military Department of Defense, yet it has never done such things. Our young soldiers are scattered in more than 100 foreign bases. Historically we went to wars more than 100 times on foreign countries. We funded Ukraine revolution in 2013, and appointed a government there that does not represent the people, and encouraged them to wage war against their own citizens who speak Russian. For 8 years such evil work was allowed, with no respect to Putin plea with the West to stop shelling the Dumbas?

    • Yes, I know… but not sure about anyone else.. I’m a Voluntarist.. believe in small Communities, small non-govt. schools or Homeschool.. We’ve Never needed govt. (aka mind control).. It’s mostly a rogues gallery of opportunists , grifters, predatory parasites. but can’t get much traction when I try to discuss. Not a Statist..
      See a friend of mine, Cory of YT channel “Nature is the Answer”… He discusses this often… Cj

      • Yes nature is the antidote to techo-world of Artificial Intelligence, deep knowledge & understanding to stupidity & bias, love & respect to wars.

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