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Max Igan aka Snordelhans aka Les Visible From His Reflections in a Petri Dish Blog:

“Monday is here but I am six hours ahead of the US and it is morning here, so there’s no news to speak of yet. There will be. This is a little dated, by about a week, Max Keiser nails the situation; a little mellower than he has been of late. It’s clear as crystal that the root of all evil is exactly that and those in whom it is blooming are the enemy of humanity.

“The bankers are the problem. The bankers manufacture recessions and depressions to exert a greater control over social and political structures. The bankers create and finance the wars on both sides of the conflicts. The bankers orchestrate famine, poverty and want. The bankers control the policies that control the media and the education system that is operated to maintain ignorance in the public so that they can be shorn like sheep. The bankers launder the drug money and keep drugs illegal. The bankers are the problem…

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Alexandra Bruce

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