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Alexandra Bruce
June 5, 2014

Today is the 1st Anniversary of the first mass-media release of the Edward Snowden leaks. As many work to “Re-Set the Net” and not just ask to have our privacy back – but to take them back, by downloading privacy tools for their chats and emails:

I’m also running this interview, which may possibly reveal the real truth behind the Snowden Affair.

I’m not throwing Snowden under a bus. I’m just throwing this out there.

It certainly deserves a hearing and comes from a highly-intelligent source.

In this interview with former State Department employee, counterintelligence expert and author, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, he posits that Ed Snowden is not what he is purported to be.

In this fascinating interview, he alleges that the Snowden Affair is a classic “Limited Hangout” and that what is really at play, here is NOT the mass-surveillance, which Dr. Pieczenik says has been ongoing since the 1950s – but the $60 billion of money paid yearly to private defense contracting companies by the US Government – among many other interesting insider asides, that he makes along the way.

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Alexandra Bruce

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