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Alexandra Bruce
December 13, 2013

A bit of levity – such is the darkness of our times…

In this segment of The Young Turks, the presenters hash out the absurd topic of Jihawg brand, pork-infused bullets, which were released onto the market, earlier this year.

The manufacturers of Jihawg Ammo, with their “proprietary pork-infused technology” (Patent-Pending) staunchly defend their product, in the face of accusations that it represents a “hate crime.”

The irony of it all must certainly not be lost on anyone. Shooting bullets at human beings, by definition must generally involve hatred toward that person and their life, on some level (duh!) But the secret sauce in Jihawg Ammo is that they are designed for the express purpose of preventing Muslims struck by same, the possibility of entry into Heaven.

I can’t imagine what this must do to the prospect of entering Heaven for the manufacturers of this product!

Gross as these “proprietary” pork-infused “bacon bullets” may be, they don’t even come close to wreaking the ravages of Depleted Uranium ammunition, I reckon….

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Alexandra Bruce

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