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Worldwide Protests March 20th

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Clones,clowns,cyborgs,body doubles,silicon masks-look very closely at a series of photos/videos of u.k. Royals,Bidens,Killary devil Clinton,Merkel,others.Blackeye club=rfid chipped and s. Nists.Pope is an actor.Different colored eyes and different shaped head.Nothing is real but the,Dr. Breggins.c,Dr. Mercola,Dr. Yeadon-expfizer ceo,Dr. Cahill,Dr.Tenpenny,Dr. Vernon C. On brandnewtube.c,Dr. Atlas,,, jr. Sue them all!!Foia them all!!This is a fight for your Life,liberty,basic human rights.They will Never let you go back to normal or anything close to it if you,,,,,, is a Private corp.,Not u.s. 2009 and 2015 lost legalcases=Fraud,Unsafe practices,Illegal marketing,etc.Luciferase is in moderna deathjab operating system!! Astr in the Hindu holybook=poem,The Mahabharata=devastating weapon of mass destruction!!Wake Up!!Judges and politicians can be Impeached,recalled,sued,and Jailed.Boycott select co.s!Corp.s. Charters can be revoked.Class action lawsuit for fraud filed against health depts.,cdc,The Who,Fraudci,Gates,governors,election officials would go a Long way!2015 Rothschild covd patent,why??

  • We are NOT alone!!! We do NOT need the anti christ’s vaccine; our DNA is the messenger of GOD. We ARE GOD’s people – God is us; we are the spirit of eternity – rise and shine!!!

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