On an evening in which Antifa has promised to unleash violence during the Democrat National Convention, there are some positive developments in the background.

Late last week, there were reports that the “Swifties,” the legion of fans of Taylor Swift, numbering in the hundreds of millions around the world have made a sudden shift towards Trump, as a result of the recent foiled ISIS terrorist attack in Austria.

I suspect may also be related to a movement of billionaires bailing-out of the Globalist agenda, as recently described by financial analyst, Edward Dowd.

Taylor Swift is a billionaire, after all and her catalogue and total assets must be worth billions more. Does she represent a faction that’s no longer supporting the World Economic Forum? Her “Boyfriend” was paid millions to advocate for everyone to get their COVID-19 booster shots alongside their flu shots, last October – after which, the company’s stock hit a five-year low. I wonder whether he (or she) is having any side effects?

Then, on Tuesday, on the Impact Theory podcast with Tom Bilyeu, we heard RFK Jr’s VP-pick, Nicole Shanahan hinting of the possibility of dropping out of the 2024 Election and endorsing Trump.

This had the effect of instantly torpedoing the campaign’s fundraising abilities. In the long version of this interview, she prefaces these copmments with stories about how their campaign was sabotaged from every angle, including, from within and you can see that she is exhausted and that she’d exhausted every countermove, however, the campaign is looking to leave the most positive impact they can in the 2024 campaign.


Nicole Shanahan: “You know, there’s two options that we’re looking at. And one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz Presidency, because we draw votes from Trump, or we draw – somehow – more votes from Trump.

“Or, we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump and, you know, we walk away from that and we explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”

The Leftist Jackal Media outlet, BuzzFeed, which published the infamous and fraudulent “Pee-Pee” Dossier” is now gloating about how Shanahan’s rogue announcement has, “just absolutely killed fundraising,” according to Jeff Hays, a Kennedy fundraiser, told NBC.

BuzzFeed also reports that Kennedy had responded to Shanahan’s comment by cancelling a Utah fundraiser and that Kennedy wrote in a post on X, Tuesday that he is in “talks with other campaigns”.

Kennedy campign insider, Kyle Kemper told NBC he would be “heartbroken” if Kennedy were to “sell his soul” to Trump. “Don’t make a deal with the devil,” Kemper advised, demonstrating the schism within the RFK Jr. campaign; between those who cling to their Trump Derangement Syndrome and those who don’t.

The more mature and wise members recognize the existential threat of allowing the un-democratic installation of Kabala as a fourth toxic term for Barack Obama, to “Finish the Job” of collapsing and destroying America with the Cloward Piven Strategy, the CBDC , the eating of bugs, and more of the forced vaccinations, endless wars, the theft of our Treasury and the genocidal tyranny of the United Nations’ World Health Organization.

There had previously been clue that a move toward Trump by the RFK Jr Campaign could be in the offing last month, when RKFJr’s son, let leak a videoed conversation between his father and Donald Trump.

RFK Jr is seen in a hotel room on the campaign trail holding his cell on speakerphone. Trump is heard on the other line saying:

“I agree with you, Man. Something’s wrong with that whole system,” he tells that 10-20 lbs babies are being given shots quantities and in doses more appropriate for a large horse, Trump adding, “And then, you see the baby, all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times.

“And then, you hear that it doesn’t have an impact, right? But you and I talked about that a long time ago.”

In this leaked call filmed by RFK Jr’s son, Trump told RFK Jr that he’d love him to be a part of his Cabinet, saying, “I would love you to do so. And I think it would be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re going to win. We’re going to win. We’re way ahead of the guy [Biden].”

The two the briefly chatted about Trump’s recent assassination attempt and Trump mentions that Biden nicely called him and asked “what had made him move his head?”

RFK Jr later tweeted that his in-house videographer was filming and that he should have ordered him to stop and that he’s mortified that it was posted and he apologized to the President.

However, it did seem like a strategic leak, which has how led us to this moment, with the Swifties AND the RFK Jr voters being directed toward Trump. That’s could make that too many votes for a steal to overcome.

CNN followed-up with Donald Trump after seeing Shanahan’s comments on the Impact Theory podcast, asking him whether he would appoint RFK Jr to a cabinet position. Trump was caught off guard but repeated that he always liked and respected RFK “a lot” and he that he probably would, if that came up.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Nicole Shanahan is a true patriot. She has my support where ever she goes.

    If they drop out and join team Trump, then team Trump will have my vote.

    For those who are unfamiliar with Nicole, she does great work and is against Big Pharma, who are the #1 cause of all chronic illnesses and sterilization via vaccines. Whatever food has a strong healing effect Big Pharma will demonize and have politicians create laws to ban or make very difficult to obtain.

    Here is a must watch, mini-documentary she did on the history and benefits of Raw Milk:

    • How will she explain to her base her real reasons hiding behind her so innocently sounding “quest to solve chronic disease”. She may look good and sounds even better, but ‘beware of Greeks bearing gifts’, because the reasons they give for what they are offering as a solution are merely good-enough reasons to persuade their “attentive” audience, but they never give the real reasons.

      Here is part of my comment from the link:
      “Video of POTUS wanna-bee Bobby and wanna-bee Vice president(ass) Shanahan is linked below.
      You can watch the whole video, but the two minutes (8:50 to 10:50) are quite enough to see through their ‘good sounding’ doublespeak:

      Vice president(ass) Shanahan:
      🙂 “While Bobby is focused on ending the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies ….” = [doublespeak for … under Bobby all public regulatory agencies’ operations will be put on permanent ledger (block-chain) in the name of transparency and constitution will be replaced by AI’s interpretation of Commercial Code minutely detailed as micro-contract layer of web-3 domain. Yes, technically this is an ending of corporate capture, but it really means that web-3 block-chain capture is the tool for an absolute capture, for all times. No coming back from this setup. Ever. For anyone. ]

      Shanahan continues:
      🙂 “… I’m going to assemble the best technologists and scientists in the world, and we will use the latest in AI and computation to examine health records databases of our nation and those other nations who are also on a quest to solve chronic disease.”

      [whooahhh, crowds cheering blindly her ‘good sounding’ malevolence. She wants to block-chain all health records she can get her hands on. To do what? To solve cancer? Low sperm count? No. To solve chronic disease. Poor jobbers with chronic fatigue and diabetes-2 who will have to be under continuous cybernetic monitoring so that they don’t deviate from their health plan regime. They will have to stretch when their phone says so, and eat apples when algorithm decides it is time. Permanent ledger of their health status running on web-3 trust-less block-chain in order to be analyzed and traded on global health data market. And then profiteering begins. Betting for. or against, health future outcome of every individual that is on the chronic disease eradication scheme.]

      There is more doublespeak and planned malevolence from Shanahan:
      🙂 “We will find the answers for most pressing health concerns, within weeks. We can, if we have access to those databases. It is time to move out of dark ages of medicine. We can solve the mysteries guarded by corporate influence. We can move from band-aid solutions and we can end this chronic disease epidemic once and for all. I believe it.”

      [whoooaaa goes the public again. Now she is escalating to ‘chronic disease epidemic’. She needs it be declared an epidemic, so she can legally utilize harsher legal measures on the public. She is a lawyer and she knows the difference between a disease and epidemic. And she knows that when micro-contracting, as part of permanent digital ledger, is introduced at every level of public health (in all, even insignificant interactions) that AI will sort out all databases in weeks and proceed with its cybernetic steering of public behavior by (carrot or stick) algorithms that remain in the dark. Speaking of the dark, she invokes ‘dark ages’ which tells me she belongs to those Illumined ones who started their quest for power with the same mantra thousand years ago. She wants to solve mysteries? Your health status should not be private, a mystery to her and her ilk? Give her a chance and she will use Bobby’s executive powers to force those corporations who still formally pretend to shield (while selling them around the world for profit to highest bidders) your private health records from her nosy AI and from her ‘chronic disease epidemic’ fighting algorithms. And she will do it legally. Once and for all. No going back from this mystery solving machine’s grip once she gets legal access to those databases.]

      And then Bobby lends his helping hand to her demonic plan:
      🙂 “She has spent the last decade – relaying on neural networks, AI and cutting edge science – to identify abuses in our government. She understands that health of every American is a national security issue and a national security risk.”

      [Bobby admits that Shanahan has all the necessary analytical knowledge for abuse of the government. And then he reveals to us that the best point of entrance for abuser is through the doors of legality (warfare against the people as veiled law-fare) which, once opened, in single swoop compels regulatory authorities into continuous collection of all health related data from all Americans, by declaring all the people a permanent health security risk. And all this anal encroaching is being sold under a veil of solving mysteries of chronic diseases and ‘health concerns’. He will take care of regulators and she will take care of legalities. What a racketeering duo.]

      And I have no doubt that, since the technique of total subjugation through law-fare is out in the open, all other competing actor-duos of wanna-bees presidents and vice-president(asses) will use equally ‘good-sounding’ approach, veiling the real reasons with their own alternative doublespeak garments.”.

  • What is up with that guy’s facial expression?

    I bet that is the same face he makes when his wife denies him the cooch!

  • This is the first time I have heard about this woman, and wow, she is gorgeous. More feminine and lovely than majority of women in politics, especially on the democrat side, where they look kinda off, and have these masculine traits they embrace because they have cucked their men into embracing their soft, sissy pushover side. Anways…

    TRUMP 2024

  • bobby’s election hopes seems to have petered out sure he could settle for a sloppy second place finish behind trumpy but it wouldn’t be worth all the effort for a last man standing dry run at old glory betting on a party-less grande opening . his desperate attempt to squeeze in where he doesn’t fit in will vanish sooner than his money backing fluffer .

  • need some help here.

    a friend of mines who supports trump is stating that there are currently over 500,000 sealed indictments against those who were responsible for stealing the 2020 election. does anyone know if that is really true? are there any sources or videos that back this claim up?

    i have been under the impression that nothing is going to happen to those that were responsible for the 2020 steal. i am aware some states have done things like clear voter rolls and tightened up some laws. more has to be done. if these sealed indictments do exist it would bring much needed justice.

    • GL, the larger interview of Nicole Shanahan, found elsewhere reveals the RFK campaign was not only being sued by the DNC all over the place, they had been infiltrated by Democrat saboteurs and it was eating them up. There isn’t a fair-play bone in any of the monsters in charge of the DNC today. The same elements are inside the RNC, the difference being the DNC is owned by them, while the RNC still has a remnant of patriots holding out.

    • I have heard that too. Suppose to be military trials that the public will be able to watch and see they get what they have coming. Firing squad, hanging or have their head removed, personally I like the last one for Hillary and Fauci, and some of the guys from the CIA. The military has given 50 satellite phones to the house and senate when it all breaks loose. Guess there are only 50 honest enough to get them. How many times have u heard Trump say “we got them all”. Sex trade, drugs, corrupt lawyers, judges, politicians, doctors, nurses. Fun times ahead of us

  • That would be a wise decision, though I am sorry RFK has been unable to generate more attention in the stifling poison gaseous political air that dominates today. RFK would be a terrific AG in a Trump administration, exactly the kind of gitter done balls needed to clean house and fumigate the justice department.

    The first thing Bill Clinton did upon arriving in the White House was to fire 100 anti-communist attorneys in the department. Time is long overdue to return the favor!

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