John Cullen joins Owen Shroyer to argue his version of events during the assassination attempt of Trump. Owen believes that there was only one shooter and John shows bullet trajectories from three directions: from Thomas Crooks, on the “sloped roof”, from the water tower – and from a tree.

John says he’s arrived at his conclusions based on the photographic evidence and the ballistic evidence; starting with the ballistic evidence first, which matches the photographic evidence, which in turn, indicates the direction of fire.

John runs this video over and over of the first bullet fired and how it grazed one guy and struck objects in the Right Bleacher, and then a second guy actually took the bullet and is in critical condition. He says:

“I’m looking down that back row of those bleachers. And what I’m seeing is a whole bunch of kinetic reactions. I’m seeing people falling down. I’m seeing, I think it’s a purse flying out of a lady’s hands down the row. And it’s all happening. If you guys listen closely, it’s happening on that first shot…

“It happens at the same instant. And that’s two points on the line. So let’s watch that one more time, that back row. I’m highlighting each person and how they’re reacting. Is the purse flying away? Let’s take a look. Take a look at what happens.

“The guy in the white shorts and the white shirt goes down. He goes down. Okay but everything else along the line is happening at that same instant. Bang! The purse flies out of her hands. Bang! We see the puff of smoke at the rail the same time the guy in white goes down. And you hear the shot. You hear it.”

According to George Webb, this first man, dressed in white to be hit is David Dutch. George says:

“James Coperhaver, 74, is the second person to be hit by the same first shot bullet, standing by the railing on the same grandstand as David Dutch. You can see David Dutch in the white shirt clutching his chest in this same picture from this same gunshot.”

John Cullen claims that these two victims were hit by the same bullet. George agrees and he also agrees that the direction from where the two were hit was not from the direction of Thomas Crooks on the “sloped roof”, because in order for the two to be hit in a line, that path lines up with the red path, below, which leads to the woods – presumably, up a tree in the woods behind the barns, which busts the FBI/DHS narrative.

George continues, “From my Substack posting about four days ago, “New Evidence Points To Shooters,” you can clearly see Victim Dutch in Blue and Victim Coperhaver in Red. The firing line does not line up with the Crooks American Glass Research Building sniper position at all. It’s a Double Dutch Bust of the FBI/DHS narrative. Here is the reverse angle.

“No matter how you look at the shots and the firing lines, this evidence amounts to a Double Dutch Bust of the FBI/DHS narrative. Two firing lines mean two shooters. Two shooters mean a conspiracy, as I said four days ago.”

John Cullen continues his argument with Owen Shroyer, “The only anomaly in that back row is the guy in the black pants and the white shirt. He’s not really in the back row. He’s like two rows down. And he gets hit a millisecond after that right corner shot. That guy is getting hit a millisecond after that right corner rail. And you’re going to see it goes pop-up, pop-up. The rail gets hit. Then he gets it. That’s two shots.

“The first shot hits that rail and everybody along that back row is responding in some way. The guy in the white pants and the white shirt is hit. It looks like the lady’s purse gets blown out of her hands and it hits the rail.

“But an instant later, the guy in the white shirt and the black pants is hit [which John believes is Bullet #2]

“So there’s a guy in the white shorts and white shirt, red hat. He goes down. That’s one. All right…you see the guy, if you see the guy in the black pants and the white shirt move, that’s one, two.”

Owen agrees, “Yes, you’re correct. Now, just to clarify too, are these the first two shots?”

“Yes, Sir,” John replies.

“So one of these shots, if it is a single shooter, one of these shots grazes Trump’s ear?” Owen asks.

“Maybe,” John replies, “I’m saying if there’s a single shooter, then if these are the first two shots, one of these two shots grazed Trump’s ear and then went and hit these stands. If that’s the case, it would have to be the shot that hits the guy in the black pants and the white shirt.”

“I agree. Because the other shirt, the other shot doesn’t line up. Yes,” says Owen. John believes this second shot came from Thomas Crooks but that the first shot came from an unexpected place – not the water tower but from the woods.

“That’s the punchline here,” says John. “The punchline here is if there’s a round traveling along that back row of bleachers, it takes out the guy in the white shorts and the white shirt and hits the railing. That’s two points on a line. I’ve got a line. Guess where the line points? You’re going to get goosebumps…And this is the uncomfortable part of all this, is that that shot is coming from the woods, coming from a tree. And that’s uncomfortable, right? So that’s like weird…

“But there’s more, right? So what we’re seeing is it can’t be coming from Crooks. That’s the point. If everybody in that back row is losing purses, losing hats, the shirts get torn, one guy gets hit, the other guy gets hit.

“Then the black pants-white shirt guy gets hit in the hip or something. That’s a separate shot. That shot came from Crooks. The shot that hit the guy in the black pants, white shirt hit was from Crooks. But I do not believe the shot that hit the President or President Trump, former President Trump. I don’t believe Crooks took that shot. I can show you why…based on ballistic evidence.”

John argues that when Trump turned to face the Jumbotron with the illegal immigration statistics, the angle of his head made it such that Crook’s could not have clipped his ear from that direction.

“Crooks can’t hit his right ear if he’s glancing at the Jumbotron. There’s something directly behind that Jumbotron. Can you guys in the control room pull up a video that was in that folder that says shooter in the water tower? Let’s listen to that if you don’t mind…

“I got another eye witness. I got another eyewitness. There’s a video that says, ‘he killed the gentleman’.

(Roll video of eyewitness)

The sharpshooter shot to the left. He killed the gentleman in the water tower, here. The sharpshooter shot to the left.

John continues, “The real shooters on the water tower. Let’s take a look at that. So you just heard a couple of eyewitnesses tell you that they shot a guy on the water tower.

“I said, well, ‘What the Hell would you do that for? And why was that being covered up?’ So the real shooters on the water tower is some footage that somebody took. Shaky footage. The water tower is way off on the horizon. So I gotta zoom all the way in, stabilize, sharpen. It’s royal pain in the butt. So it’s not gonna look great, but we’re looking for an anomaly, okay? You’re not looking to figure out is the guy in Fila, right? We’re looking for an anomaly.

“Do you see an anomaly on top of the water tank is the question. So let’s let this run and see what we see.

(Rolls video a few times)

“I’m just looking for movement. I’m looking for anything that tells me that’s not just a shadow. So now I’ve got one last video, which is where are they running? And that’s the last we’re gonna take a look at and then we can wrap up.

“So where are they running to? And this is another eyewitness video sent to me by one of my subscribers, right?…There’s a bunch of cops running over towards the water tower…

“She says, ‘Where are they running to?’ And just pause when we get to the water tower. And then I don’t know if you guys have the ability to zoom in on that portion of the video in the control room…can you go up to the top of the frame? There we go. There we go. All right.

“Do we see any dark shadowy figures up on the toppy, tippy, tippy top of that water tower moving around? And she wants to know, why is everybody running over there? I think you got a shooter on top of that tower.

“I think we got a shadowy figure moving. I’ve got photographs before and after where first we see somebody and then we don’t. And we’ve got eyewitnesses who are, you know, 50 year old, 60 year old women saying they shot the guy in the water tower. So I don’t imagine she is lying.

“Imagine, you see a bunch of guys running across the thing away from Trump and there’s no gunfire yet. Nobody’s fired around and they’re running towards the water tower.

“And next thing you know, we hear from some 60 year old lady that they shot some guy in the water tower. And I think the way Trump’s head lines up with the Jumbotron, let’s go, let’s wrap up with that image, guys. The new crime scene infographic.

“So the new crime scene infographic shows everything we just talked about. The people in the back row of the bleachers, the shots at Trump by Crooks. He took shots at Trump. He missed. I think the guy in the water tower is the guy who clips his ear.

“Crooks is shooting. He hits the guy with the black pants and the white shirt. He hits the hydraulic line. Crane comes down.

“So he’s shooting. I don’t know who takes him out, but whoever took him out, took him out in the mouth. That’s a hell of a shot.

“This is showing you, you’ve got that first shot down the back row of the bleachers. You’ve got a shot potentially from the water tower that clips Trump’s ear. And then you’ve got your 20 year old incel shooting at Trump and missing but he hits the guy with the black pants and the white shirt. And that’s what the ballistic evidence indicates to me. But I could be wrong, though.”

Owen then wants to respond and he says, “I’ve done very similar analysis to you. The two things that you highlight that would raise some curiosity for me is I would just ask the question: were Secret Service the snipers shot at, now? Will we get that information? That’s a major piece of information that would change everything. If the Secret Service was indeed shot at, that changes everything…

John responds, “I think it’s pretty clear. I think it’s pretty clear that they are. We have video footage isolating them.”

When Owen presses him, John concedes, “They could have been flinching because they heard gunshots. I’m just leaving that open for interpretation.”

Owen then argues that, “To take that shot on a water tower when you have to stand up and balance yourself, I just don’t I just don’t see that that is possible. And plus…the bullet would have ended up hitting the front of the stage. And I think somebody would have seen that.

“Now, I talked to multiple eyewitnesses. Nobody mentioned any bullets hitting the front of the stage or anybody in the crowd in front of Trump. And I feel like if any shots came from the water tower that that would have happened and somebody would have seen that. And I would just say the video footage of a shadow on the water tower is just there’s not enough for me there to lean into that….

“Now, the other issue I have with with his head turning, is…I think the better measurements to use for that are the tip of his hat, because it’s kind of the Trump has kind of point. There’s like a little point at the tip of his hat. And then that one new video where the guy takes the most regrettable selfie of all time.

“If you watch that, Trump’s cheek is actually parallel with the podium. So when and I think that if you review the video, I think you might agree if you do if you do another review that his cheek is actually parallel with the podium and that when he’s turning, he’s really looking out of his peripheral vision and he’s not fully facing the video board.”

The two debate this and other details. Owen finally agrees that the first shot could not have come from Crooks and John is willing to concede that Crooks may have fired the second shot, which struck the guy in the black pants but which may have clipped Trump’s ear, en route.

The two agree that they’ve had a constructive conversation and agree to do an update next week with new details, should they emerge.

On Friday morning, Tony Seruga, self-described Big Data Scientist & Pioneer and CIA/NSA Contractor/Whistleblower tweeted that they had “Tracked the black SUV that had picked up our phantom water tower sniper that escpaed using a zip line via the backside of the water tower into the trees and then on foot a short jaunt to Meridian Road. With 💯 confidence, based on cel phone data, that particular sniper was FBI and the SUV was registered to the Department of Agriculture”:  

Seruga claims, “My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the US and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and US government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.”

Then, curiously on Sunday morning, Trump posted to TRUTHSocial:

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Distraction to misdirect from distraction which misdirected from distraction that was produced to hide our reality. Endless progression of misdirects.
    Few thoughts from the “The Trump Shooting was of course Staged” paper:

    “Everyone is now trying to sell you multiple shooters, to keep you from questioning the event itself. You see what they are doing, right? They are following the Kennedy script, which was to create as much confusion from the beginning, to blow smoke all over the event and keep all clarity at bay. [ ]
    If you are studying multiple shooters like this you aren’t studying all the evidence I have given you above that this was staged. There were ZERO shooters. But in releasing pictures like this, they just make it easier to see how ridiculous this entire story really is. Look how close that building to your left actually is to the stage! After the buildings to the rear — the SS sniper perches — it would be the first thing you would secure. The next would be that water tower. And yet Cheatle just told Congress that building was OUTSIDE the perimeter of protection! She has previously stated that no agents were on the roof because it was slanted and therefore dangerous. Not believable in the least. You can see it isn’t as slanted as the red buildings behind, where agents were stationed. So there is zero chance the story we are told about Crooks just climbing up there with a 5-foot ladder is true. He would have been in full view of the SS snipers on the red building. Not one tree was blocking their view, and they should have had that roof-top in the cross hairs. Actually, they should have had an agent on that roof, but even if they didn’t they could see anyone on that roof the moment he set foot on it. So this was definitely a stand down OR a staged event.
    So how do we know it wasn’t a stand down? Because if it were a stand down, it wouldn’t have failed. Do you think the Deep State can’t hire a real sniper? If SS had really stood down, Trump would have been a sitting duck. They would have taken him out with one shot. There are tens of thousands of people who could make that shot in their sleep. We wouldn’t see eight shots fired wildly, with Trump only allegedly grazed by one of them. They have these shooters missing by yards, hitting multiple people in the crowd who weren’t even on the line of shot. But I guess we are supposed to believe the Deep State can’t afford to hire a real sniper. They can buy off the entire Secret Service, DHS, FBI, and CIA, but they can’t hire one professional sniper? Would someone please ask Alex Jones and Mike Adams to explain that?
    Jones is now claiming that high level Pentagon sources have confirmed there was a Deep State attempt to assassinate Trump. Really, and you believe that? They are going to lie to Congress but call up Alex Jones and admit it? OF COURSE the Pentagon is going to play their part in this vaudeville, since they are complicit in all this staging. They want you to believe Trump was nearly assassinated, because that is the script right now. It isn’t Trump’s script, since he is just an actor. THIS IS THE DEEP STATE SCRIPT. Get that through you head. The script currently is to build support for Trump and tank the Democratic Party. I have been telling you for years they are doing that to move the country right, but they may have other things up their sleeves as well. I have admitted I can’t get into the diseased heads of these people, so I don’t claim to be able to predict the future or know what they are up to fully. In my opinion, they seem to have some sort of death wish, since I don’t see how this is good for anyone, even them. I guess they have some computer model that is telling them the Phoenix rises out of this stronger than ever, but in my own model — which has turned out to be smarter than all their computers combined — this turns out worst for them. Destroying all trust in government cannot benefit the governors, can it?
    Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has now testified before Congress on the fake assassination attempt, and I will be told that went exactly like we would expect if she was covering up a stand down. Yes, and it also went exactly like we would expect if she was covering up a staged event. Most incredibly, she testified SS had no recorded radio communications from that day. You really have to laugh. This is the Warren Commission all over again. […] Close listeners to this latest Congressional theater (which AOC assures is “not theater”) will notice yet another use of the Trump assassination hoax, beyond those we have already discussed: increasing the already bloated budget of Secret Service. Yep, you should have seen that coming, since we saw Jan6 [another faked event: , , ] used to balloon the budget of Capitol Police to the level of a large city police force serving several million people (despite the fact that Capitol Police’s jurisdiction is one building — that being Congress, the Capitol building itself). We get wind of this subplot almost immediately, as early questioners numbers six and seven, Mr. Lynch and Ms. Foxx, key on alleged understaffing and underfunding of Secret Service. This despite the fact Secret Service already staffs over 8000 people with a budget of over $3 billion. That budget has already increased by almost 72% in the past decade, increasing from 1.8 billion in 2014. Have we had 72% inflation since 2014? No. We have had less than half that, meaning the SS budget is outstripping inflation by 2x. With all the questions Congresspeople could be asking Cheatle, you might ask yourself why they are playing into her hands, trying to sell you understaffing and underfunding. It is nearly beyond belief, except this is Congress we are watching. Nothing is beyond belief as far as they go.”.

    Miles asks: What they are up to? the Inner Party (known as deep state)?
    To finalize – bring to fruition their more then hundred years old plan – the creation of multi-polar world of “socialistic” super-states. They need a mythical “hero” who will with help of the masses hoist the capstone on top of the pyramid, Trump playing the Big Brother role, so that the US can be effortlessly transmuted into “socialistic” super state, ending an era of individualism on the planet. And they are already revealing to us the casting mold for future Inner Party members, by parading flip-flopping doublethinker J.D. Vance on stage; see: .

    • Really, Dejan?

      Cross your heart hope to die, really? How many people would have to get shot and die to make what happened real? Get a grip.

    • That which is counterfeit cannot be made real.
      But it can be believed in. And at the same time not believed in, because counterfeit “reality” is always “rational” and therefore as “infallible” rejects belief.
      It demands, seeks and fosters doublethink. With doublethink it works like magic.

      As long as the belief in counterfeit “reality” prevails, the reality is excluded to fringes of disbelief.

      Counterfeit “reality” works very well for most, as long as doublethink (belief and/or “reasoning”) is nurtured systematically.

      Somethingness we are all immersed in with our five senses can be perceived
      … as reality (if correctness of perception is anchored in disbelief) or
      … as counterfeit “reality” (if belief/rationale in infallibility of perception is anchored in doublethink).

      The only belief I hold (the only one left to hold) is belief in Nothing, simply because Nothing can only be inferred/implied and since it is obscured from insight by continuously emergent chaotic (randomness of) Nothingness (which negates any possibility of belief or disbelief).

  • Looking at the red path of the first shot, that building where those “counter snipers” are on, is a far better spot to fire it. Why the hell are they concluding that the shot came from the… woods???

  • Dear Prudence,
    MIGHT have been buyable… until the Iwo Jima shot. I can forgive Trump for posing (which is exactly what he’s been doing for the last 10 years at least), but I CAN NOT forgive the PHOTOGRAPHER for
    1. Being pre-placed to take that exact shot, and
    2. Being stupid enough to stick his head up to put it in perfect frame and focus… UNLESS he KNEW THAT NO LIVE AMMO WAS ACTUALLY BEING USED.

    Same problem with buying off on events in Dealey Plaza: the only way Jackie is going to risk making her children orphans (by climbing out on the trunk of the limo) is if she KNOWS THAT NO BULLETS ARE ACTUALLY BEING FIRED AT THE CAR. Her job (on pain of who-knows-what) was to make sure no parts of the Animatronic JFK fell into the wrong hands. Disney unveiled an EXTREMELY LIFELIKE Animatronic President Lincoln the next year at the New York World’s Fair. Whatever got its head blown off in Butler was very likely another Animatron, while Mr Crooks goes on to his next assignment for the company.
    PS. JFK gf Mary Meyer got her own animatronic death later in 1964: shot in the head and heart (in a “random attack” that the CIA was first to report), there was reportedly no blood to be seen at the scene. Oops. The reunited couple was reportedly planning to honeymoon in Antarctica.

    PPS. NB:AB, the comment editor is not allowing me to move the cursor back down if I make an edit to previous text UNLESS I Select All, then Cut and Paste; then it leaves me at the bottom so I can continue the comment. Quite the PITA.

  • This guy is claiming that the first Secret Service team was shot at, and that’s the reason one of them jumped. No. One of them jumped because he was startled at the sound of gunfire. If he ever had his scope on Crooks, by doing this he lost his target. The second team further away on the other building and out of the picture took out Crooks. If he’s using the line of trajectory on the bullets that first got Comperatore in the bleachers to Trump’s far right, at that angle they would’ve come from Trump’s right front, if in fact that smoke on the railing is from a bullet line going from Comperatore to the railing. More likely Crooks just wildly misfired and not all bullets kept to the same path.

    I’ll go with this: Crooks is like a long line of programmable patsies such as Sirhan Sirhan. He could have been that. He might have just been another in a long line of TDS afflicted people. If there were more than one shooter, and that shooter was dumb enough to have this guy has part of his team and had faith that he wouldn’t blow it all, that shooter would have been at the open window behind Crooks, or climbed a tree out in the periphery. No way would someone corner themselves in a water tower.

    • Haywood –

      Mr Cullen doesn’t include the open, 2nd story window
      of the bldg that adjoins the
      (single story)roof that Crooks allegedly fired from and died upon.

      I agree with your observation that exiting the water tower would be er…problematic.

      Still unconvinced there were shooters on the water tower…not seen evidence or heard a convincing arguement.

  • Mr. Cullen’s take seems to miss some important geometry:

    A shooter on that water tower will be angling shots *downward*
    at any targets in their field.

    Mr. Cullen scolds Mr. Shroyer towards the end of the InfoWars clip

    ” What about *the people hit in the back row(of the bleachers)*??!
    (Owen)Did you miss the whole thrust of my early presentation?!
    ONE bullet hits two(or three?) people in the back row(and the railing)!!”

    My objection:
    Bleachers are normally level, ie horizontal.

    At most, the people hit could be one level different in height from each other on the bleachers…but for Cullen’s “first bullet” to hit BOTH of them, _it would need to be travelling close to parallel to the ground_ ,
    NOT descending from a higher origin point.

    • Correction:

      Mr. Cullen’s graphic shows
      “First shot, at (SS Counter)Snipers, hits 2+ bystanders”.

      His proposed “First Shot”, red line, is coming down, at an angle, from a hypothetical “3rd shooter” in the Woods/Trees.

      (3) Shooters:
      Water Tower Shooter.
      Woods/Trees Shooter.

      This part of my comment still seems valid:

      “…but for Cullen’s “first bullet” to hit BOTH of them(bleacher bystanders), _it would need to be travelling close to parallel to the ground_ ,NOT descending from a higher origin point.”

  • so only 3 incoming shots from the second story building near the dead patsy and a fire fight between SS snipers on the roof and FBI snipers in the water tower who departed after being spotted by peeps near the woods . thoroughly botched .gov wet op with white hats vs. black hats and red hat fan clubbers used as bait to get trump in the kill box and who picked this rally site the snipers ??

  • I’m just saying stuff here, no offense tho
    I still think it’s weird due to below reasons:

    Trump: “I said to myself, ‘Wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet,’ and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down, and my hand was covered with blood. ”
    I don’t recall seeing blood on his hand.
    (But yes, speaking of “blood” on his hand, he could have been mentioning about middle east & vax injuries /s)
    Another weird thing is that BBC (a well known fake news media) started showing bullet photo, so I’m like yea… BBS with high speed camera at right movement… wtf
    *I’m not saying it didn’t happen though it seems as strange as other staged events in past.
    That being said, regardless of how evil politicians are, I don’t wish to see anybody in danger.
    So good for ya Trump, your life is spared, now it’s time for ya to consider about lives of others.

  • It was Alec Baldwin from a tree in the woods, with a .45-caliber Colt revolver,
    Alec Baldwin said
    “I let go of the hammer and the gun goes off. I never pulled the trigger,”
    and the “Obama/Soros Judge” said that’s enough for me “Case Dismissed!”


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