This video was posted by John Cullen who did a lot of work on the Las Vegas Shooting.

Cullen found video that shows the first two casualties of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

As we see clearly, here, the first shot hit two bystanders and the railing.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • 2024-07-30

    Does this video here now have greater significance since the release of the Stewart video? The Stewart video contains audio capturing about 9 shots. They all have the same volume, so they seem to be coming from the same place (mike is not indicating a different source or direction).

    The shots are in 1 group of 3, then a group of 5, then 1. Only the last one sounds different than the rest, to my ear.

    There are still a lot of unanswered questions, aren’t there?

  • You’re all not helping, I mean come on now!
    At this time in the history of the world, we need to stop the individualistic maneuvers that are obvious attempts to stroke egos more than anything of substance. You want to make yourselves heard, somehow that does something for you. That’s no better than mentally ill men pretending to be women. It doesn’t help anyone at all, ever.
    These people are the victims.
    They don’t look like they’re fake acting to me.
    And maybe the shooter was brainwashed by the CIA as many have suspected over the years with all the other shooters but we’ll never know.
    All the stories, the opinions of the opinions in this case are fodder and nothing more.
    Point is: Stop feeding this story. Unless you have video like this or PROOF, then just STFU.

    • I don’t know how long you have been following my website but if you are familiar with my work, then you know that what I post is not about “me” or any kind of “ego stroke”. So GFY.

  • Problem is that failing to identify “Las Vegas Hoax” was another staged event is no reference for a “researcher”.

    And one looses all confidence in a “researcher” who specializes in opinion-based ” journalism” and idolizes J. E. Hoover, the prototype hoaxer, so much that he names his youtube channel after the old flamer. One can read about the old hoaxer’s escapades here:

    The John E. Hoover channel’s ‘about section’ says “Evidence-based opinion journalism focusing on […] This channel is not monetized, nor is it considered NEWS. This is not NEWS. This is Satire. Comedy, just done poorly… This is opinion-based journalism. I could be wrong…. Imagine if I wasn’t. What would that mean?”.

    Well it means that this IS an opinion-based satire, done poorly.
    No journalism, no news, just satire. That could be said of any and all propaganda we are being relentlessly shoveled down our throats which uses words “evidence” and “journalism” merely to propel the desired opinion.
    In ‘satirical-comedy’ sense (opinion pushing propaganda) I read also these words written in the channel’s ‘about section’:
    “John Cullen is incognito, in hat and sunglasses, because he has named suspects in the shooting in Las Vegas that are killers, and would want John silenced […]”.

  • Not just that, the woman directly behind Trump, sitting perfectly still while shots being fired, never ducks and makes sure she videos it all!…..Who is she??….the Asst Director for the FBI!
    Imagine my (lack of) shock!

  • Alexandra,

    Forwarded Message :

    — Why did that NYT cameraperson use a high-speed camera, capturing that bullet ? —

    And notice how the
    bullet’s trajectory is
    wrong – it’s UPWARD –
    as Trump was BELOW
    the plane of shooter’s


  • So, apparently they were trying to either assassinate the Jumbotron or the audience. As “luck” would have it, whoever was taking video of Trump (just before his handlers cut him) decided that THAT would be the perfect time to point the camera towards themselves. Some bystander deaths or woundings, real or faked, makes no difference are vital to the kayfabe. As they figured out in pro wrestling (and have used many many faked “historical events”):


    Spilled blood
    sells tickets.

  • Is there a chance in hell we will get an honest investigation including ballistics? The timing of Trump’s words, ‘you want to see something sad’, is supernatural.

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