This is the first footage of Julian Assange since he was freed from Belmarsh maximum security prison, according to Sky News.

Assange has reportedly left the UK and is on his way to his home country of Australia.

Assange has agreed to enter a plea deal with the Biden administration that would allow him to avoid prison in the United States, according to newly-filed federal court documents.

Under the new terms, the Justice Department will seek a 62-month sentence for time served in prison in London, allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Australian Gruberments should be ashamed of themselves for allowing the imprisonment of Julian to go on for so long. Not just the 5years as reported. The MSM outlets now want to report on how he is doing! Let’s hope all media outlets are incarcerated for their mindless propaganda and actions over the last few years. Assange is a hero in my book.WHY: For speaking out on the atrocities that mainly the U.S and the Western countries have committed. He needs to be reimbursed for his time and loss of livelihood. Welcome home Julian Assange 🇦🇺was proud to attend the Melbourne rallies on these political issues that people had the right to know.🇦🇺🙏🌎👏

  • so no hero’s welcome home parade then just a pity party and early retirement on a STFU pension plan . .

  • Private jet, ey?
    Finally, hopefully, this theatrics is winding down. Or is it?
    And of course, he is guilty, of … whatever … who would even remember the details. As long as the public is in-formed (ingrained subconsciously) that he is the guilty party, he is free to fly private.
    Of course his mouths will be legally gagged to prevent the public, asking the real questions – and here I mean real people meeting Assange in real life, not the MS-and ALT-media stooges -, from ever getting any real answer out of his mouth.

    Lost that bearded martyr’s mask, though, he was wearing on the day of head first Ecuadorian embassy exit (thumb-up & pop-eye & Gore-Vidal’s book*** shield).

    That determined stride of his, the blue collar shirt with rolled up sleeves and the performance of sifting through some legal paperwork with his reading glasses on, indicate that he is not done playing the role (fighting for the little man), yet. Oh no, there might be some afterthought bamboozling directors-cut theater coming our way once his five-eyed handlers-crew, The Family, get it all up and running again down-under. If the CIA approves of their sequel’s scenario narrative, they might get back (in bed), mounting the media stage, soon.

    An intelligence asset from 1991 onward, it seems (see from minute 15 on):
    “All the clues are there that he is a puppet of U.S. intelligence masquerading as a champion of truth, and subtly propped up by mainstream media with their fake cynicism. I am sure there will be more evidence brought to light in future to make Julian Assange a bigger laughing stock than he already is.”.

    Here is more detailed (four part video) insight into Assange and Wikileaks by Richard D. Hall:
    Hall’s introduction:
    “In conspiracy circles Wikileaks generates much excitement. But not at Richplanet. Whenever you hear the words “Assange” or “Wikileaks” in relation to some new “leak”, there are the questions you ought to be asking yourself : What is the ulterior motive for this leak and am I being taken for a ride here? In today’s programme, for the first time anywhere I reveal just how much of a handled entity Julian Assange is. Assange is not an independent activist, but is chauffeured around by establishment handlers. He is not a wanted criminal, he is not being given asylum, he is not a whistleblower, he is not an advocate of freedom of information. He is an intelligence created tool being used to front one of the biggest psy-ops currently in operation on this planet. Wikileaks is funded and supported by globalists who are using it for a number of agendas.”.

    And here is another link to a video by Hall (starting at about 5 minutes in) that summarizes Assange’s Ecuador/London/Sweden/US pantomime with some willie-leak humorous inserts:
    “[…] the Wikileaks Sweden episode, when Julian Assange had it off with two different Swedish women in the space of a few days. Did he commit rape? – The smutty details are presented. Also, how was this episode used to launch Julian Assange’s nine year long UK pantomime appearance which followed. It’s very depressing that most alternative media channels believe Julian Assange and believe Wikileaks goals are exactly what Assange has told everyone.”.

    And there is also this book, mentioned in one of Hall’s videos, by Daniel Estulin, Deconstructing Wikileaks (direct pdf link):

    From the books Prologue:
    “WikiLeaks is a conspiracy reaching deep into the inner sanctums of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. WikiLeaks is an officially sanctioned covert operation that takes us into a “netherworld of intrigue, compartmentalization, secret operations and contrived situations,” as my American publisher Kris Millegan has written.
    Agnotology is the scientific study of culturally induced ignorance: such as when intelligence agencies or other shadow players use their behind-the-scenes capabilities of media spin to conceal scurrilous activities and agendas.
    As Author Peter Levenda wrote about his own book, Sinister Forces, “Some of you will throw this book across the room, then get around to picking it up and reading a little further before you throw it down again in a fury at the uneasy possibility that the story you have been told by the mainstream, corporate press, may be an outright lie at best or a planned and well orchestrated conspiracy at worst.
    Truth always lies in the higher order of processes. True sovereignty lies not in popular opinion, but in the creative powers of the individual human mind. And as I stated during my press conference on the Bilderberg group at the European Parliament in Brussels on June 1, 2010, “Until we can bring mankind into the Age of Reason, our understanding of reality will be shaped in actuality, not by the wills of masses of humanity, but by the mere handfuls who, for purposes of good or evil, steer the fate of mankind generally as herds of cows are steered to and from the pasture—and, occasionally, also to the slaughter-house.”.


    here is a photo of Assange’s Ecuadorian embassy exit:
    Assange is using Gore-Vidal’s book as a theatrical prop – “The History of the National Security State”, downloadable as pdf here -, a shield protecting and at the same time signaling to all the global intelligence agencies who his masters, producers of this show, really are, since we now know that Gore-Vidal was a Gore, connected to the Riches and connecting the Gores to Kennedys through the Bouviers (Gore-Vidal was Jackie’s stepbrother of sorts) and also connecting all of the above aristocratic (English peerage) families to the Clintons.
    Gore-Vidal and all related families are an essential part of the American ruling aristocracy, flamers producing major theatrical shows, selling the fiction as facts of history, while at the same time feigning, as Gore-Vidal does in his book, their own opposition that reinforces the official lie.
    Here are they somewhat exposed:

    • Dejan,

      No other WORD in your excellent
      review/report, is as IMPORTANT
      as this one—which word dumb-as-
      a-box-of-bent-nails Traditionalists/
      Conservatives/Christians F A I L
      to comprehend !—fathom its deadly
      implications, re lack of congressional
      ( our ) oversight :

      “ compartmentalization. ”

      For the above-mentioned morons—
      one department in that AGENCY
      can serve U.S. interests while the
      department next door can be steal-
      ing, and ensuring – eventuate – our
      decline and fall (( yes, the Agency
      has NO oversight !, because of
      NEED-to-Know privacy—of that
      Agency’s compartmentalization )).

      Anyone in Congress
      going to fix it ?


    • Me thinks, Deep State does house cleaning, and this was on the way. Bigger things are to come this summer. They are frantic not to allow Trump win.

  • Deep State had no case to begin with. US trial would have been a disaster, putting spotlight on own abuses instead. Conviction not guaranteed at all.

    Now, when British puppets faced moment of truth, they let him go satisfied that his lengthy torture is a sufficient deterrent for all of us.

    Who paid for charter London-Bangkok-Saipan-Australia?

    Why was he let go on his own to go to US territory?

  • ed sez,

    Forwarded Message :

    – Communists in Jewish-German Ghettos had Hatched Fascist Hitler –


    Rabbi Daniel Lapin tries to explain
    THAT : H O W Jews gave rise to Nazism,
    in his report on Nasty, Jew-Run/-Owned
    Hollywood—a mirror-image of Jew-influ-
    inced Weimar ( republic ), which had badly
    undermined Christian-Devoted German
    society ( open URL in here ) :

    And Hitler invaded Russia upon learn-
    ing of the Brutalitarian ( my term )
    Bolshevik Jews committing atrocities
    against Eastern Orthodox Christians—
    especially torturing/killing of attractive,
    young, Christian boys and girls ( FACE-
    E N V Y, this scribbler has concluded/
    believes ).

    Churchill, FDR, and Stalin colluding to-
    gether had prompted Patton to say,
    upon being marginalized by FDR’s
    Commie sympathizers ( to include
    his communism-sympathizing wife ) :

    “ I
    side ! “

    Patton had to be murdered—by
    Commies in Eisenhower’s inner
    CIRCLE (( read / STUDY :
    “Target Patton—The Plot To
    ASSASSINATE George S. Patton,”
    by Robert K. Wilcox )).

    Eisenhauer had mass-murdered captured
    German officers in the thousands (( read
    “Other Losses,” by James Bacque—as
    “German P.O.W.s were beaten, denied
    water, forced to live…without shelter,
    given inadequate food…and inadequate
    medical care…Maddened with thirst,
    some of them crawled under the wires
    and ran toward the river in open
    fields in broad daylight while American
    guards machine-gunned them…” )).


    • The claim that the Jews gave rise to National Socialism is just dis-information, just like the dis-information that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild or that Germany was bankrolled by Wall Street, its all Jew propaganda; and Adolf Hitler invaded Russia because Josef Stalin massed over 5 million Soviet troops on the Western borders in preparation for the invasion of Western Europe by no later than around the 19th July 1941. Adolf Hitler launched his pre-emptive attack on Russia on the 22nd June 1941. The Jewish Cheka from 1917 to 1925 had already liquidated over 30 million white Christian Russians which included young attractive Christian boys and girls for the reason you mention. All told, an estimated 66/ 100 million White Russian Christians were liquidated by the Jewish Cheka and the Jewish NKVD from 1917 to 1953, and over two million German POWs died in Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Concentration Camps and all told, around nearly 20 million Germans died after the war ended in 1945, mostly from starvation and disease, and of the two million plus women and young girls from 8 to 80 who were mass raped, many were mutilated by the heroic Communist Allies of Britain, America and Russia. George Patton also said about the destruction of Germany and Europa:”If this is Liberty, give me death.”

  • Get your facts right, big Ed:”This shows that the creep of Communism is engulfing the Planet. Hey big Ed, you have Fascist/Nazi myopia, a lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning. Take three Swastikas every night with a little water and you will soon be singing:”DEUTSCHLAND DEUTSCHLAND UBER ALLES.”

  • YAY!!! FINALLY!!!!!!

    BUT……is he INSANE?! He’s headed to AUSTRALIA????????
    Oh, PHUCK NO! If I were him, I’d be headed to RUSSIA!!

    The criminals that are running Australia WILL find something to LOCK HIM UP THERE!
    This is NOT ‘passing the smell test’!

  • He looks so remarkably well that he obviously was not subjected to 23 hrs in darkness, 1 hour of daylight and isolation. Thus, he is obviously controlled opposition.

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