Cash Jordan reports that the only Costco in Manhattan is now being targeted by thieves, and it just so happens this Costco is next to a Target which closed a few months ago, because of theft.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I am suspecting most of merch is on consignment, owned by suppliers.

    100% of Home Depot merch is since 1990′. They only sell, and keep markup. Same most of Amazon stuff. That is why they don’t care about returns.

    I deplore shoplifters, as well as corporate thieves. I am more sorry for local mom and pop stores who cannot compete. Costco pays no taxes and gets public subsidies.

    Good doc: Walmart. High cost of low price:

  • An army of hooded thugs, in late June no less and dressed like Sir Edmund Hillary! I don’t EVER turn my back on a hooded punk in late June.

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