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This video from the La Quinta Columna health activist group is of Spanish dentist, showing how he separates the graphene oxide out of the anaesthetic solution in the vial using heat and a magnet, so that he can treat his patients without poisoning them with graphene oxide.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Dear Alexandra Bruce,
    please indicate the link to the original video.
    Because this is a very unattentive video with disturbing voices in the background.
    Wiith kind regards
    Gabriela Kessler
    european organizational psychologist and intercultural mangement and communication

    • Gabriela, I gave a description of the video, apparently you did not see it, but it is the short article beneath the video on this page. It says:

      “This video from the La Quinta Columna health activist group is of Spanish dentist, showing how he separates the graphene oxide out of the anaesthetic solution in the vial using heat and a magnet, so that he can treat his patients without poisoning them with graphene oxide.”

      • Alexandra,
        How telling: Someone who can’t manage to type “LA Quinta Columna” in their browser attempts to disparage a video someone went to great effort to help the public with- FOR FREE.
        If she was an “E U. Organizational Psychologist,” she would have the skill to indicate that BY her name, not toss it at the bottom, to feign importance.

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