In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.

After propagating a Marxist idea that black and trans people are oppressed and indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the Stakeholders are mandating their pre-planned political system, which its criminal mastermind, Klaus Schwab, alleges is better for ‘people and planet’.

Will we push back before A.I. takes our jobs, our wealth shifts to the Stakeholders and we become vulnerable to tyranny? Join tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, as he investigates The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • In the video below we get a glimpse into machinations that are happening under the public’s radar:

    Just looking at the cryptic language our managers/stewards use is interesting enough.

    Human (venture) capital.
    Gambling on children’s educational outcome.
    Children’s ‘soft skills’ used to ensoul the Big Machine.
    ‘Opportunity’ replacing Charity. Churches comply. Vatican Impact conferences, cardinals on-board.
    Global hive mind, the ‘Noosphere’, ‘Christogenesis’, the ‘Omega point’, ‘World brain’.
    ‘Outcome-based’ government contracts. Public-private partnerships.
    ‘Wellbeing’ and Wellness. Cryptic language hiding profit, control and machine ensoulment.
    WallStreetification of social services. Running on digital identity. Voucher is your digital wallet.
    The pitch: ‘You are in control of your social data, your score, you are a sovereign digital citizen’.
    The DAO’s of tokenized commons, algorithmically building social structures to run on machines.
    Mormon Transhumanism conferences, Cardano, Charles Hoskinson; tokens for everyone to equalize the wold. Tokens are the signals that are running the social bio-hybrid computer.
    Dallas Social Impact bonds, Vatican Impact Conferences, Catholic Relief Services and refugee resettlement, Casey Foundation and StriveTogether, KnowledgeWorks, Commit Partnership, Pierre Omidyar Ed-tech and GoodID, …. …. to manage (human) assets as an Ant Computer.
    Sir Ronald Cohen, a Venture capitalist, inventor of Impact Bonds is now Stakeholder capitalist.
    Joseph Stiglitz at the heart of Vatican’s heartless charity, Wellness and Happiness (cryptic language!), sponsored by FTX-EU, Ford Foundation, ESG News, with participation by Cisco, Google, Wellbeing Research Center at U of Oxford, Positive Psychology Center at U of Pennsylvania, Fetzer Institute (spiritualism and mindfulness), Human Networks Initiative at Harvard Medical School, Advanced Manufacturing at MIT, Pontifical Lateran University, National Renewable Energy Lab, Harvard Business School, IEEE, Tempelton Foundation, Baylor U., … and that is how we get public policy and legislation.
    ‘Unity’ (cryptic language)
    ‘Environment’ (cryptic language) is fort he Game Board managing of natural capital (all life).
    ‘Social’ (cryptic language) is for social physics, monitoring of relations through token signals.
    ‘Governance’ (cryptic language) is for Cybernetic steering system, a nudging machine.
    ‘Effective Altruism’ is Evidence Based Altruism aligned with Outcome Based Contracts and Dashboards.
    ‘Equity’ (cryptic language), meaning transitioning from equity capital into being just and fair.
    ‘Inclusive’ (cryptic) for web-3 environment of ‘no one left behind’, ‘either you are with us or…’
    ‘Regenerative’ (cryptic) regarding human and animal capital (all life) block-chained finance.
    Smart Impact Bonds.
    Key peaces for future financial markets:
    ‘Mastery Transcripts’ – your digital twin in your wallet,
    ’21st Century Skills Badges’ – your Soft Skills and your Social-Emotional Learning, aligned to the Work Force and the Tokens,
    ‘Cybernetic Feedback Loops’
    ‘Competencies’ – your Work Based Learning and your Project Learning
    Center for Curriculum Redesign

    Humanity 2.0, Vatican project, New Global Wellness Platform, cybernetically managed ‘wellness’.
    Catholic (universal) Church as World’s largest Tangible Platform.
    Vulcan Inc., Paul Allen’s sustainable real-estate with sensor networks (smart school, smart playground) for reflexive environment system designed to program us for Wellbeing and twinning. Purpose-built mixed communities
    Ted Dintersmeth’s Competency Program
    Steve Balmer investor in Collective Impact
    Wharton School of Business,
    Commit Partnership, Todd Williams of Goldman Sachs.
    Micro schools Network (Acton Academy), NextGen Assesments – Next Generation Science Assessment, Social-Emotional Learning, Learning Games, Games for Coding, Student Centered Learning Grants, Tracking Subskills, New School Leadership, Ed Tech incubators, Competency Based Teacher Prep, K-12 Badging, Learner Profiles, State Competency-based Credentialing System, Out-of-school learning, Learning Pods, …
    Community School Model embedding Health care and Mental health interventions.

    Obviously the children are at the focal point of Human 2.0 project and crypted ‘newspeak’ language is used to obscure it from their parents. Parents will die off soon enough, and children will be cybernetically steered away from procreating if their overall social-value metrics is under a certain bar, if they are unmarketable.

    Neo, keep on coding to stay alive and soon enough you will code into existence your own eternal invisible prison.

  • In street terms, the WEF is simply another fear mongering mob protection racket on steroids. What makes these pushy people so very dangerous is money, lots and lots of money they swindled other people to get to buy whomever is willing to sell their souls to them. Money to do as they please to keep us on our heels, backing up into the new old world feudal order. They’ve already told the whole world what their intentions for absolute power are. They are chameleons, ever changing their appearance for advantage, fascists to some, communists to others and capitalists to yet others. To some extent it’s show business and why every manifestation always takes control of it.

  • I don’t know about the exact number of smart people. However your 1% matches another number. It is of those still alive when the dust of it all settles. Do not ask how I know. And do not take it at face value. They say they want 90% out. So 10% still in, right? Well, apparently it is only 1%. But does it make a difference for us, the pebbles?

    Turn to the only GOD and His Son because there is no other emergency exit when the fire takes your house.

  • I intuited the path Our Masters would take us down, as is highlighted in the video (above) long time ago.
    My story’s function (below) is to preemptively strike against Our Masters’ end-game goals.
    I wrote the What-If story more then ten years ago as a way to beat Our Masters to the punch.
    Today it has become self evident that it is inevitable for the global tent-people (majority) to make a decisive move … or vanish quietly into oblivion of history managed by Our Masters’ historians.

    Story of Archy*** by Everyone (not just Family-Banking-Intelligence LLC)
    … and An-Archy by Anyone.

    For a while now I am toying with this idea that ties to the fact that current economic model is like a Monopoly game. Few (or only one) win the game and all the others loose. Since I’ve only recognized this fact – as if it was a product of societal development, and not trying to correct it, – I will now try to develop a simple replacement, an idea for the future of the world economics.
    World of free market that would be as fruitful for the people as it could be. And would recognize all the effort and sacrifice of the previous generations. Lets reset the “game” then, Really Reset it, not just tweak the margins. Lets evaluate all that mankind (infrastructure, hardware and knowledge) has accumulated so far. How much is its global worth? Could everyone who is alive right now be a millionaire (in whichever currency)?
    Lets say we live 100 years and a year has 10 months. That is 1000 months in one’s life. If every person at birth is to be given a million (a new million is created by the birth of a child), he/she would have on average 1000 units of that currency per month to spend until death. At death that million would be taken out from circulation (individualized money that has your number on it).
    Question arises: Is this reset good for an individual? Those without the land would have to buy their food. But now the farmers could be in position of independent price forming (getting paid properly for their labor). And with extra money they could directly finance robotics developers who would create robots that would by their design benefit farmers directly (not abominations like BostonDynamics “hyenas”). And that would earn those robot developers extra money for food and leisure … and … the cycle begins.
    … Those who work manually and/or with their brains would accumulate money that could then be invested into new projects of their choosing or leisure. And those who don’t work and have no innovative ideas would loose money. If you invest wisely, disperse in many benefiting inventions (and not spend all on food, housing and clothes), you get rewarded with the influx from products that were developed and sold as a consequence of your investments.
    But remember: whatever you do with your money, wherever that million of yours ends up, all your money will be erased once you die. So … there is no danger of inflation, there are no central banks needed, there are no banks at all, since there is no interests possible, there are no money lenders, there is no Ministry of Finances that regulates currency flows and no taxation from the state, since there is no money related bureaucracy. Only infrastructure needed is ATM like globally connected grid, where you pay-in for your expenses or you are payed-out for your services. The People are free to invest in what they consider worth or necessary investing in and in amounts they judge appropriate by their discretion.
    And this “monopoly game” has its Objective that is different from to-days economic farce: Aim is not to win by grabbing and holding all the currency in circulation (with few winners, or only one) and thus shorting/ending the game, but quite the opposite, the aim is to play the game as long as you can (the game never ends) while intellectually and emotionally enjoying it.
    Of course this idea is “just plainly ridiculous” at first glance. And at second. But what if…?

    There couldn’t be more and more currency in circulation. And no arbitrary printing of currency possible by,/and for the benefit of, the most powerful global actors. There would be as many millions in circulation as there are living people. Once I’ve died, all the currency with “my name on it” (my serial number) becomes worthless and is taken out of the circulation.
    Essentially one would start with a million, gradually releasing it into the circulation and died taking one’s million out completely. During certain individual’s life time his/hers money would disperse so that those holding small amounts of that individual’s currency at the time of his(hers death wouldn’t “suffer” much of a loss.
    An Individual would be encouraged, from the start, not to overindulge – 1000 currency point per month don’t make you infinitely rich – and to live by the motto of ‘creating new quality for the future that benefits all’ (action that attracts outside investment). Also there would be no need for the State to exist in such a megalomaniac form of bureaucratic regulatory capacity (with standing armies and Intelligence apparatus) that too few individuals would be willing to financially support.
    And the problem of intellectual property would fall away also, if there would be none. All access to knowledge would be open. When you create a new code for the worker robots to operate in a new and better way, you get paid by the investors/investments and later by the sales of the product. One time operation, without any long turn royalties. If someone is prepared to use your already realized idea and works on its further development, that someone gets financially rewarded (by new investments) for that particular improvement or for work on replicating that product (sales) and has no extra protections. Development would be driven by the real needs of the real people (investors and/or buyers) and all the needles product would be financially discouraged (no consumerism mentality).
    The People would be initially forced to invest into sectors that satisfy their basic needs and make them more price affordable (food, housing, clothes…) and only then would begin investing in the life enhancing/indulging lifestyles. By giving everyone a million at the start of their lives would ensure ‘fair play starting position’ for everyone and destroy any need for ‘vertical social mobility’ and ‘horizontal exclusivity’ cartel associations.
    Maybe one additional feature of such individualized currency (“a million with your number on it”) would be possibility of tracking the future use and movement of your money around the world. To see what your money is doing out in the real world is very “regulatory” on its own.
    As I’ve said, a very bizarre idea on the first glance and second, ….but what if…?

    If there are to be 10 billion people on Earth by 2050`s (you can watch any of Hans Rosling`s presentation of world statistic), then all the currency in circulation would amount to 10 quadrillion. That amount would be more or less constant, since the global population’s exponential growth of 18th-20th centuries has already essentially leveled at future constant number of 10 billion people living on the planet. A million more ore less wouldn’t change anything. Those 10 quadrillions wouldn’t just ensure stability, they would also release all the creativity held back in people (like water behind a dam) by our current monetary system, designed and serving the international elite families, system that is based on artificial scarcity for majority of people.
    What really creates inflation are the Central banks, in collusion with the governments, arbitrary creating new currency by new loans (private and to governments) in amounts of new trillions. And then the interests spawning from the indebted currency itself. And all the financial derivatives and future’s gambling financial investments. That casino mentality would be all gone. Together with stocks. Money as currency backed by living individuals would be the only “stock” available for investing.
    John Doe’s million would be created only by his birth. No other reason for creating money would be allowed. So, if the population will have leveled at 10 billion people around 2050, then amount of money in circulation should be relatively constant.
    And then … THE questions, to be answered by every individual, present themselves:
    What kind of a future and what kind of a world would you want to live in? How will you act in order to be moving towards realization of your own vision of the future?
    After asking those questions, it is your individual “free choice to develop” that future with your currency’s influence. Money as a ‘Future Creating Tool’, a tool that is to-day reserved only for the “chosen” ones (the rich monopolists), who regularly reset the Monopoly-game system by creating financial crises and property/resources acquisition runs.
    Oh, if you are wondering what would become of today’s billionaires and trillionaires, Earl John Doe the XIV`s? …Well…they would still have a million of their own after this kind of global reset – a real reset and not this phony retype advertised as a reset by trillionaire Families of Banker Internationalists – just like all the others.

    This was my what if…EVERY MILLIONAIRE? story. If it doesn’t resonate with you, please, move on to others. Or add to it.

    P.S .: People who cherish freeness should run away from UBI – universal basic income – which is planned to be tied to your social credit score (priced “value”) and is meant to enslave us permanently and fully. If money is to be given unconditionally to everyone, than it must be printable and should come in one single chunk, not as monthly allowances.
    And people should also refuse the Block-Chain technology incorporating small-print micro-contract layer since it is The Tool for the ultimate and complete chaining, not just in the Money domain but in all aspects of social interacting. And forgive my syntactic blunders and spelling errors.

    *** by Archy I mean … an internalized (self) ruling.
    Therefore under An-Archy I mean … without external rulers.

  • I anticipated this more then ten years ago and outlined a preemptive solution to the problem.
    Back then it was preemptive story, a sorts of “fuck our Masters’ plans by beating them to the punch” story, but by today the solution I propose in the story seems to be more of a last resort for the global “tent-people” majority before we die off silently and forgotten.
    It is a what-if story.

    What if ?… story…or Archy* by Everyone (not just Family-Banking-Intelligence LLC) and An-Archy by Anyone …

    For a while now I am toying with this idea that ties to the fact that current economic model is like a Monopoly game. Few (or only one) win the game and all the others loose. Since I’ve only recognized this fact – as if it was a product of societal development, and not trying to correct it, – I will now try to develop a simple replacement, an idea for the future of the world economics.
    World of free market that would be as fruitful for the people as it could be. And would recognize all the effort and sacrifice of the previous generations. Lets reset the “game” then, Really Reset it, not just tweak the margins. Lets evaluate all that mankind (infrastructure, hardware and knowledge) has accumulated so far. How much is its global worth? Could everyone who is alive right now be a millionaire (in whichever currency)?
    Lets say we live 100 years and a year has 10 months. That is 1000 months in one’s life. If every person at birth is to be given a million (a new million is created by the birth of a child), he/she would have on average 1000 units of that currency per month to spend until death. At death that million would be taken out from circulation (individualized money that has your number on it).
    Question arises: Is this reset good for an individual? Those without the land would have to buy their food. But now the farmers could be in position of independent price forming (getting paid properly for their labor). And with extra money they could directly finance robotics developers who would create robots that would by their design benefit farmers directly (not abominations like BostonDynamics “hyenas”). And that would earn those robot developers extra money for food and leisure … and … the cycle begins.
    … Those who work manually and/or with their brains would accumulate money that could then be invested into new projects of their choosing or leisure. And those who don’t work and have no innovative ideas would loose money. If you invest wisely, disperse in many benefiting inventions (and not spend all on food, housing and clothes), you get rewarded with the influx from products that were developed and sold as a consequence of your investments.
    But remember: whatever you do with your money, wherever that million of yours ends up, all your money will be erased once you die. So … there is no danger of inflation, there are no central banks needed, there are no banks at all, since there is no interests possible, there are no money lenders, there is no Ministry of Finances that regulates currency flows and no taxation from the state, since there is no money related bureaucracy. Only infrastructure needed is ATM like globally connected grid, where you pay-in for your expenses or you are payed-out for your services. The People are free to invest in what they consider worth or necessary investing in and in amounts they judge appropriate by their discretion.
    And this “monopoly game” has its Objective that is different from to-days economic farce: Aim is not to win by grabbing and holding all the currency in circulation (with few winners, or only one) and thus shorting/ending the game, but quite the opposite, the aim is to play the game as long as you can (the game never ends) while intellectually and emotionally enjoying it.
    Of course this idea is “just plainly ridiculous” at first glance. And at second. But what if…?

    There couldn’t be more and more currency in circulation. And no arbitrary printing of currency possible by,/and for the benefit of, the most powerful global actors. There would be as many millions in circulation as there are living people. Once I’ve died, all the currency with “my name on it” (my serial number) becomes worthless and is taken out of the circulation.
    Essentially one would start with a million, gradually releasing it into the circulation and died taking one’s million out completely. During certain individual’s life time his/hers money would disperse so that those holding small amounts of that individual’s currency at the time of his(hers death wouldn’t “suffer” much of a loss.
    An Individual would be encouraged, from the start, not to overindulge – 1000 currency point per month don’t make you infinitely rich – and to live by the motto of ‘creating new quality for the future that benefits all’ (action that attracts outside investment). Also there would be no need for the State to exist in such a megalomaniac form of bureaucratic regulatory capacity (with standing armies and Intelligence apparatus) that too few individuals would be willing to financially support.
    And the problem of intellectual property would fall away also, if there would be none. All access to knowledge would be open. When you create a new code for the worker robots to operate in a new and better way, you get paid by the investors/investments and later by the sales of the product. One time operation, without any long turn royalties. If someone is prepared to use your already realized idea and works on its further development, that someone gets financially rewarded (by new investments) for that particular improvement or for work on replicating that product (sales) and has no extra protections. Development would be driven by the real needs of the real people (investors and/or buyers) and all the needles product would be financially discouraged (no consumerism mentality).
    The People would be initially forced to invest into sectors that satisfy their basic needs and make them more price affordable (food, housing, clothes…) and only then would begin investing in the life enhancing/indulging lifestyles. By giving everyone a million at the start of their lives would ensure ‘fair play starting position’ for everyone and destroy any need for ‘vertical social mobility’ and ‘horizontal exclusivity’ cartel associations.
    Maybe one additional feature of such individualized currency (“a million with your number on it”) would be possibility of tracking the future use and movement of your money around the world. To see what your money is doing out in the real world is very “regulatory” on its own.
    As I’ve said, a very bizarre idea on the first glance and second, ….but what if…?

    If there are to be 10 billion people on Earth by 2050`s (you can watch any of Hans Rosling`s presentation of world statistic), then all the currency in circulation would amount to 10 quadrillion. That amount would be more or less constant, since the global population’s exponential growth of 18th-20th centuries has already essentially leveled at future constant number of 10 billion people living on the planet. A million more ore less wouldn’t change anything. Those 10 quadrillions wouldn’t just ensure stability, they would also release all the creativity held back in people (like water behind a dam) by our current monetary system, designed and serving the international elite families, system that is based on artificial scarcity for majority of people.
    What really creates inflation are the Central banks, in collusion with the governments, arbitrary creating new currency by new loans (private and to governments) in amounts of new trillions. And then the interests spawning from the indebted currency itself. And all the financial derivatives and future’s gambling financial investments. That casino mentality would be all gone. Together with stocks. Money as currency backed by living individuals would be the only “stock” available for investing.
    John Doe’s million would be created only by his birth. No other reason for creating money would be allowed. So, if the population will have leveled at 10 billion people around 2050, then amount of money in circulation should be relatively constant.
    And then … THE questions, to be answered by every individual, present themselves:
    What kind of a future and what kind of a world would you want to live in? How will you act in order to be moving towards realization of your own vision of the future?
    After asking those questions, it is your individual “free choice to develop” that future with your currency’s influence. Money as a ‘Future Creating Tool’, a tool that is to-day reserved only for the “chosen” ones (the rich monopolists), who regularly reset the Monopoly-game system by creating financial crises and property/resources acquisition runs.
    Oh, if you are wondering what would become of today’s billionaires and trillionaires, Earl John Doe the XIV`s? …Well…they would still have a million of their own after this kind of global reset – a real reset and not this phony retype advertised as a reset by trillionaire Families of Banker Internationalists – just like all the others.

    This was my what if…EVERY MILLIONAIRE? story. If it doesn’t resonate with you, please, move on to others. Or add to it.

    P.S .: People who cherish freeness should run away from UBI – universal basic income – which is planned to be tied to your social credit score (priced “value”) and is meant to enslave us permanently and fully. If money is to be given unconditionally to everyone, than it must be printable and should come in one single chunk, not as monthly allowances.
    And people should also refuse the Block-Chain technology incorporating small-print micro-contract layer since it is The Tool for the ultimate and complete chaining, not just in the Money domain but in all aspects of social interacting. And forgive my syntactic blunders and spelling errors.

    * by Archy I mean … an internalized (self) ruling.
    Therefore under An-Archy I mean … without external rulers.

  • this dead nazi vampire asshole is a permanent member of the last rites stakeholder club . RIP

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