Spiro Skouras interviews Richard Hoagland, who claims that the Moon is surrounded by a massive glass dome – and it is this, that we are observing during an anular eclipse.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Well, I lasted 17 and a half minutes then came to the comments. What a condescending putz Hoagland is. When you’re credible, you’re usually professional. This guy came across as a pompous windbag. I cringed when the the Host apologized to the rude bully, and it was all I could do to continue listening. No knowledge shared in this video . . . lot’s of weirdness . . . and believe me, I have a very high tolerance for conspiracy theories. This was nonsense (the first 17.5 minutes anyway). Back to doing something relatively productive like picking my nose.

    • LOL. I just hadn’t seen anything in a long time from either of the two – and it was quite unexpected to find them together!

      Hoagland and his Hyperdimensional Physics® was not part of Spiros’ beat, as far as I knew!

  • The g
    “Glass dome” is the lense of a camera. Not a lie mate!
    He is a NASA consultant, no one can argue that

  • Since the moon is a Hollow Alien surveillance satellite for influencing humans using frequencies I’m not surprised if Richards theory is true but it would not be “Glass”

  • Spiro, so sorry that Mr. Hoagland is so rude to you. I understand he is an “expert” but his attitude from the very beginning of the interview was RUDENESS. So unnecessary. And I just read the comment by Dejan below (or above) mine, once I submit … and Mr. Hoagland may be just another CIA disinfo agent after all. His energy is very negative which is my personal barometer … I am an empath, and I cannot listen to this man any longer.

  • What a Clown, more Propaganda photo’s to cover up older fake space Propaganda photo’s.
    There is No Dome around the Moon, the Dome is around the Earth.
    Job 37:18 “Do you spread out with him the firmament of the skies, hard as a brazen mirror”? (Vatican/Catholic version, study bible).
    Job 37:18 “Can you join him in spreading out the skies, hard as a mirror of cast bronze”? (Zondervan, NIV study bible).
    Who remembers old Hillary Clinton’s comment (2016 election debates) “there are many cracks in that glass ceiling & were going break through it”…….
    Wehrner Von Braun from Paperclip project (NASA’s fake space program) his gravestone references Psalms 19:1 (The heavens declares the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands”) NIV version.
    Vatican version”The heavens declares the glory of God, the skies proclaims its builder’s craft.”
    Further Psalms reading in chapter 19:1-6, speaks of ends of the earth & pitching a tent for the Sun, running its course “It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other.”
    (in other words, rises in the East & sets in the West. The earth is Not tilted, nor does it spin. Our Celestial Clock is what is revolving (Sun, Moon & Stars)

  • Sorry. Don’t buy it.

    I believe it was NBC that ran a show back in 1992(?) called 100 Years of Television or something like that (Candace Bergen was the host). That was the first time I ever saw footage of the moon landing from 1969. That was when I stopped believing in the fairy tale. It was just not believable. If you get a copy of that footage, you should watch it. See if you believe it then.

    The graphics displayed here are not convincing either. They look like they were also made for tv, just updated for the new modern expectations of what we think it should look like after several decades of movies geared towards fantasy.

    But, hey… could be wrong. I just wish he would say something that leaned towards provable obvious facts.

    I don’t know what all the hype is about this eclipse, but whatever it is, I’m betting it’s a mind job.

  • ABout the interviewed Mr. Hoax-land: ‘Missing Husband Caught 23 Years Later — Living with a New Wife and a Dead Man’s Name’
    Anyone more good/bad night sleep stories?

  • Adding Spiro Skouras and Ridhard Hoaxland on the list of active CIA’s agent-bamboozlers.
    Same CIA script they are all ‘converging’ towards, with each of them having their own ‘specialty’. Hoaxland’s slant is towards this moon-crap nonsense.

    And, of course, he reiterates the ‘man on the Moon’ Apollo program hoax as being real fifty years ago. He was, after all, a media whore then, an essential part of the hoax back then. And he obviously remains committed to media hoaxing until he dies.

    Those Enterprise mission “images” (or are they ‘graphics’ done based on ‘images’?) are a real test for people’s credulity. An idiocy test. Not one real photo in the first eleven minutes of this bamboozlers’ video.
    And that CGI-ed landing of the Enterprise mission lander is another test for brain activity.
    There might be glass on the surface of the Moon, but not in a form of any kind of global dome. Those glassy beads – that we know that are scattered on the surface – formed each time the Sun spewed heavier elements (plasma flares) towards the Moon and those elements condensed and solidified as glassy beads on Moon’s surface.

    Eleven minutes in and no photographic evidence. Lots of bold statements of fact accompanied by CGI graphics, but no evidence. I’m discontinuing watching this video and declare it waste of my time. CIA agents at work alert.

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