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Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been held as a political prisoner for six months, due to his work in contesting the COVID Scamdemic. A recent leak has revealed the Federal Republic of Germany’s plan to assassinate his character and to prevent him from ever holding political office.

Now, a freedom of information request in Germany has revealed that the COVID Hoax was, indeed a Globalist PSYOP to force people to take the Death Shot, as reported in this video and article by The People’s Voice.


by TPV

Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s Covid lies and the it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

More and more people all over the world are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths hell bent on destruction and domination.

Germany is no different. The German population suffered some of the most brutal lockdowns and vaccine mandates in all of Europe and now the people are rising up and demanding accountability.

Step forward Paul Schreyer and Multipolar magazine who launched a Freedom of Information request and then launched a lawsuit against the German government when they tried every trick in the book to keep the secret documents under lock and key.

As Professor Steven Homburg explains, the results are stunning, and represent total vindication for everyone who dared to question the narrative of lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

The secret government documents – all 2,000 pages of them – reveal that we were right about nearly everything and the so-called “pandemic” was all fraud.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • This is probably why they now try to push for WW3, because they feel the people want to dispose of them once and for all.

    Howver, the globalist vermin is still trying to force on us their global takeover using agin the WHO to do so:

    Some events, although sinister like the genocide in Gaza or the war in Ukraine, are used as distractions to hide even more sinister events with repercussions much more widespread and dangerous than these conflicts.

    One of these events is the current takeover being perpetrated by the WHO (a UN branch) under the guise of “health” and so-called “pandemics” that will end every nation sovereignty on this planet, hand it over to the WHO, and impose totalitarian restrictions at the whim of unelected, unaccountable and frankly criminal technocrats.

    What is happening is better explained below by those who have followed the process started in 2022.

    There are two things they want to push on the world:

    1/ A so-called “pandemic treaty”
    2/ Amendments to the IHR regulations (IHR exist since 2005 and most people have never heard about them)

    It’s happening now:

    Feb-Mar 19-1 2024 INB meeting on pandemic treaty
    March 18-29 2024 INB meeting to finalize pandemic treaty for presentation at WHA 77 in May 2024
    May 27-31 2024 WHA 77, planned vote on pandemic treaty and IHR amendments
    September 22-23 2024 U.N. Summit of the Future (sic)
    November 5 2024 Last day to for rejection of, or reservation to IHR amendments and treaty, if amendment from 2022 is adopted shortening timeline to 10 months.

    If the WHO and the so-called “delegates” who are negotiating in complete secrecy get their way, it might mean:

    Excerpt from :

    According to Article 18 of the proposed IHR amendments, “Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to persons may include the following advice”:

    1. Review proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis.
    2. Require medical examinations.
    3. Review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis.
    4. Require vaccination or other prophylaxis.
    5. Place suspect persons under public health observation.
    6. Implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons.
    7. Implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons.
    8. Implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons.
    9. Refuse entry of suspect and affected persons.
    10. Refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas.
    11. Implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas.

    “Even more troubling,” Roguski said, are proposed amendments to Annex 6 which “empower the WHO to be the sole authority empowered to determine which ‘vaccines’ or other prophylaxis would be deemed to be acceptable for international travel.”

    To be sure, these amendments won’t only be advices or recommendations, they will be binding for any country who agree to them.

    We all remember how suddenly, most world countries started to implement the same absurd, unscientific, totalitarian and abusive restrictions at the same time during the “covid “crisis”. It wasn’t happenstance, it was coordinated by organizations like the WHO.

    The state of Louisiana has already voted against this coup attempt:
    SB 133 states the WEF, the UN, and the WHO shall have no jurisdiction in Louisiana.

    But genocide Joe and his mock administration were one of the first to “propose” totalitarian amendments that would surrender US sovereignty in term of health to globalist syndicates like the WHO.

    Most people don’t even know about it and of course the global “elite” try to sell us this takeover by doing what they do best: misinforming, denying reality, leading astray and hiding the full spectrum of what is going on.

    To have an exhaustive view of what is going on and see what they are currently planning in stealth mode for the whole world, few links from those who fight daily since years against this new coup:

  • So I guess now we are supposed to believe that agencies like the WHO and others are truth tellers because they are coming forward to admit the hoax

  • So much information has been offered since 2020 to the World as a whole. But when trained medical professionals are censored, threaten and cancelled right in front of our eyes, you can only hope that people, worldwide Awakened to Truth that we became “lab rats” for their pleasure: The invisible handlers of W.H.O. being at the Tip Top of the List!
    So many have lost their lives through unapologetic global genocide. We were to be forced💉 test subjects, thank God hundreds of millions refused to comply.
    No one has Clean hands from this Frankenstein experiment ~ no one and those than meant Evil will be judged ⚖️
    I am so grateful that even though it was meant for Evil, God turned it around for good🙏🏾

  • I’ve a feeling that this is already getting Ai quashed. I did several searches looking for a source in Germany and came up bupkis. Searched a bunch of different combinations for Professor Steven Homburg, German government admits there was no pandemic, nothing but a twitter post, 2 other sources and they are links for this video, not on this site! Even cleared my browser data, 2 different private search engines. I might search again to try figure out whats going on later and how to avoid the blanket Ai censorship. It looks like we are going to have to find a way to get the world to know about these documents subversively through memes, e-mails, faxes, jokes, satirical commentary & what ever else sticks to the wall. Thanks again Alexandra for bringing breaking news and not all the ‘infotainment'(TM FOX News)!

  • Local medical doctors are still lying about it because their political/professional institutions have circled their wagons to protect themselves from the justice they earned!

    This pandora’s box has not yet been opened! We are merely seeing inside it through cracks in its walls. The club that pulled it off is embedded everywhere, even in our halls of justice. Anybody can ferret them out, but they must have courage, character and circumspection the three C’s for success, else they will fail. Look what just happened to RFK, jr! Trump suffers from the same deficit.

    The club is addicted to other people’s property which our nations courts and legislators permit. Take that symptom, develop it and you will soon be on their trail. In other words follow the money. Stay focused on that if you expect to get to the bottom of it. I tell people where to look, but they don’t do anything. Instead they keep on looking for a savior, a political figurehead to save them without any intellectual effort on their part.

    Aint gonna happen!

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