Solar panel waste is 300 times more toxic than nuclear waste and requires special disposal but since it costs more than production, they decided not to bother and send the discarded panels to landfills in poor countries.

According to scientists’ research, by 2030, there will be about 8 million tons of green waste and by 2050, this amount will increase to 80 million tons

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • the best no tech solution for generation / energy storage is pumped hydro using wave / tidal power to power the pumps and solar distillation of sea water for regreening the desert just do it for the animals . or just give up the green hoax and release the tartarian technology that extracts energy from the sky and free the slaves . just one year of no useless wars could fund the project without ransoming the kiddies . who knows space lasers could be free energy devices unless the cord is hiding somewhere in a rainbow or in those fake cloudz .

  • The ‘Green New Dealers’ who installed >90% of the big solar and wind power farms
    are the rich children of the ‘Big Oily People’.
    Nicola Tesla’s shoe box size, low cost Free-Energy generator
    that powered his big Pace Arrow car, can power 5 big American homes.
    With new materials – Nanoperm Toroids and Room-Temperature Superconductors,
    the performance is increased > 100 times, and the costs reduced by > 100 times.

    This is the world’s best car motor, & motor for most other rotary torque needs.
    Look up : “Axial Flux Motors – The New Hope” by Rolls-Royce
    Also : “Shaming the Science Community with Record Superconductivity”


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