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Sarah McAbee, wife of J6 prisoner, Sheriff Ronald Colton McAbee joins the Tore Says Show to talk about the  unthinkable torture and the complete perversion of justice being done on US soil by the US Government to US Citizens.

Roland McAbee was at The Capitol on January 6th, 2021. In the middle of all the commotion, he tried to render lifesaving aid to a dying Rosanne Boyland. In addition, he helped a fallen officer who was being attacked named Andrew Wyatt. For this, he was arrested and moved around to several different facilities in the US, in what Tore says is a torture technique used against military and political prisoners and is known as “Diesel Therapy”.

Ronald was falsely accused of causing harm and has now been sentenced to 68 years in prison by a corrupt DC court. He will appeal.

To help Sarah McAbee, visit: GiveSendGo/McAbee

To help the families of those currently behind bars and for more about their story, visit:

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Greetings and thank you for attempting to bring light into the darkness.

    However, I would like to know if you are aware that the current corporate mafia posing as the dejure government of The United States of America is a federal corporation created through the Act of 1871 and operating under Admiralty Law or the UCC – Uniform Commercial Code.

    Donald J. Trump is well aware of this since Anna Vonreitz wrote to him several years ago explaining in detail the True history of our nation and how our original and dejure republican form of government was subverted and replaced by a corporate mafia known as the U.S., Inc., which has jurisdiction only in Washington D.C.

    He is part of the Cabal and is as much a puppet of the Cabal as his predecesors.

    That is why they are getting away with their crimes.

    If you do not correct your political status to that of a State National or State Citizen of the state you were born in or Naturalized in, you are a U.S. citizen – a slave of the U.S. corporation.

    All courts currently in place are administrative courts under Admiralty Law and are not Article 3 Courts under the organic Constitution FOR The United States of America.

    The process is carried out via The Declaration of Naturalization Act of 1779.

    By doing so, you will rescind ALL contracts you have unknowingly entered into with the corporate mafia (drivers licence, marriage licence, mortgages, U.S. citizen Passport).

    All of those contracts are identity theft of your property – your name was converted to an ALL CAPS fictional being through the use of your Birth Certificate which is traded on the stock market and worth millions of $$$.

    Please visit and seriously consider having her on one of your shows.

    She has reconstituted all 50 states to their original state and the dejure republican form of government is being reconstituted.

    Hope you will take this message seriously and that you will not discard it as some conspiracy theory.

    If I don’t hear from you, I will deduce that you do not care about the Truth or how to save America.

  • Clearly our DoJ, fbi, Fed Marshalls, judges, dc cops, juries and the entire Congress is so completely corrupt there is no fixing it. We simply need to put them out of office. Out of their jobs. And in prison themselves. They are the real criminals.

  • Bravo…to the writers in the comment section! Dejan, that was a masterpiece, and JD, as usual, I loved your comment.

  • When “our masters'” spider web system detects people’s loss of interest for the theatrical “event” productions like J6 or, even worse, express their doubts about the “event” being genuine expression of public’s dissent, “our masters” reinforce initial lie by another lie about “tortured prisoners , and continue this practice of containing truth in darkness by layers upon layers of lies ad infinitum.

    Here is gloss-over lie paper:

    Here is the original lie (sin) paper:

    And below is my writing from February 20th 2021 in which I called the January 6th theatrical production “a wrap up party” by the spooks employed by all agencies one can think of. A culmination of people-rousing large scale productions that started with BabyBush and are still going on … to the bitter end. Intelligence (spooky) machinations to agitate people and manipulate their mind-set which ensure that people keep coming back to voting booths, thus legitimizing “our masters'” deprived globalized rapine.
    These continuous franchise productions, to capture minds of people, I named …
    “Casting Spells” trilogy:

    This looks like the final chapter’s ending of the election psyop two-part sequel that I call ‘Casting Spells’. The two part psyop started by introducing promising new actor Obama on stage and has now fulfilled its intended purpose with primadonna (fat lady) Trump hitting the high-note. The public is right now being led out of the theater by soft music with sequences on big screen showing a production-set ‘wrap-up’ party. The whole crew of life-long actors attended this final performance/farewell party that was designed to offer set-photographers prime quality footage opportunity with its background setting to serve as the future’s schoolbook material content. The footage will be used in the future as a booster for the ‘nation split down the middle’ fictional story retelling purposes. Job well done.
    The two part sequel ‘Casting spells’ is, combined with its prequel, concluding the Trilogy, a theater franchise that was produced to upgrade theater experience itself, from rearranging parking lots outside the venue to reformation of the stage inside, all in the service of reshaping the public’s aesthetic preferences, sharpening of perceptions and molding of a new generation of theatergoers. Only the management and the orchestra kept their posts.
    The reason (behind) why the two-part sequel, the ‘Casting spells’, – featuring recurring Obama and guest actor Trump – was produced at all is to be found in the prequel, featuring recurring baby-star Bush.
    The prequel was intended to show to the public, domestically and worldwide, how stage remodeling is done, how modern theater should look in the future. But it had two unintended flaws: on the one hand its assertive stage development frightened the public with its smashing scenes to the point that theater goers, instead of joining the freedom-delivering franchise-fan-club frenzy, stopped wanting for more, while on the other hand its story-narrative had so many plot-holes and was so unconvincing that already frightened public now begun alienating itself from the most important idea producers of the show hold dear, the imperative of keeping the public coming back for more theater, … any theater.

    Producers decided to solve the problem of prequel’s diminishing interest for theater productions by introducing a new show in town with a new message and with positive emotions: the ‘Casting spell-part one’. New, young and promising star was inviting people from all walks of life to return to theater. In the movie-trailer he was suggesting: ‘You can do it, you can drag your feet back to the theater building – just forget on all the banging in the prequel and ignore present rumbling and bubbling – and try focusing on ‘our’ future, focus on what could be. You can do it, yes you can. You should believe that you can change; believe that you are the change and you will be(come) changed’.
    And people gave this new face, a rising star, who goes by the name Osama [sorry, a slip, Obama], a benefit of a doubt and they returned to theater to cast their spells [sorry, slip again, votes]. And they willingly suppressed memories of the past traumatic theatrical experience (of the prequel) to such an extent that they didn’t emotionally react any more to unnerving material from the previous production – unused footage leftovers – that was inserted into the sequel production to save production time and money. But this production also had a flaw: while the public was responding to positive emotional triggers as predicted, it still remained ‘a tough-room’, unresponsive to negative emotional stimuli. The previous roller coaster ride experience overloaded their synapses. After down’n’down ‘collapse’ and drop’em’down bombings followed by down’n’out bubble, leading to in’n’out’n’roll-about bailouts… there was this sudden skin-tone change at the end of the ride, but riders still remained transfixed, feeling goosebumps combined with buzzing and throbbing in their ears, while repetitive faint warm sounds were slowly emerging from the background noise, transmuting into chanting hearts of ‘yes we can’ healing mantra. The people were shown illusionary stage effects that were catering their emotions. Those who were convalescing from the Prequel’s shell-shock content, those becoming again responsive to fear impulses, were given more fear content in ‘Casting spell-part one’. And those who were responding only to positive impulses of ‘love’-content were given more … lies. Producers knew that a portion of the public that ‘enjoys’ consuming fear will remain consuming it, but the portion that ‘feeds’ on positive story-content will sooner or later figure out that they were given lies instead of love-story. For those loosing incentive for coming back to the theater a ‘Casting spell-part two’ was already being produced.

    Cue the guest actor Trump, a real life primadonna, whimsy and full of biases, split-second decision-flipper. A fat-lady that is in love with himself, who radiates self-love and shares it with the public, thus catering people seeking positive emotions, but who is also capable of shifting into a banging and threatening personae quite naturally, even if those emotion changes are not scripted. The ‘Casting spell-part two’ was ideal opportunity for Trump’s abilities to bamboozle the audience to shine and he was the best choice as the main story’s narrator. The story of the good and the bad fighting, tug of war between two opposites, black and white worldview in collision. Theater of love and fear. Only difference from the ‘Casting spell-part one’ with Obama as the lead, was that in the sequel with Donald the production crew decided to show both, fear and love, the good and the bad by employing hired professional stuntmen. Editing of the show was made much easier when the ‘fear’ and the ‘love’ contents are both unreal, pure fiction, created out of lies with background looking real. The public, followers of this theatrical ‘masterpiece’, was supposed to react, some to ‘fear’ and others to ‘love’ messaging, and register each-others actions which catalyzed new reactions, thus the public has become part of the actors revolutionary guild. Once theatergoers were hooked to the main story-line, once they were made revolving actors and pro-actors, it was much easier for the producers of the show to make them believe in the main premise of the production: ‘you are split, just observe yourself while the show is happening. Don’t you see that you are now part of two opposites fighting for survival, isn’t it obvious that whence you exit the theater venue you will remain split exactly down the middle. If you are the one who still can’t decide which part on the stage to join, you should choose soon or you will become a minority hated by all for your inaction in this historic blockbuster.’
    So unsuspecting people went and cast their spells [not again, sorry, votes] to ensure that their vision for the movie’s ending would survive editing-room and that their sporting-roles would make it into the final-cut. But people didn’t realize that there was director’s-cut already made, waiting to be released. People’s footage was never meant to make onto the screen, no matter how decisive their appearances were. The director’s-cut finale had to correspond with make-believe story of ‘nation-divided down the middle’. There could be no other ending then the one supportive of ‘nation-divided’ fiction: primadonna jumping up and down the stage, hitting high screeching notes while the orchestra, tucked below the stage, invents aleatoric musical accompaniment that builds up stage cacophony to the neurotic grand finale.
    And then…curtains. Nothing to see. Go home people, disperse! Desist. You are not needed any more on the set. All that you were supposed to contribute in this sequel was to cast your votes, chanting spells to give the story some appearance of believability. From here on theater producers, now in possession of all the footage they need for continuation of the ‘nation-divided’ fictional story re-telling, are retaking the reigns of showman-ship. All that is left for theatergoers to do, while back at home firmly seated, is to keep eyes fixated on the MSMedia re-views of the ‘wrap-up’ Hollywood-style party shot entirely on the historical setting, using ‘nation-united’ symbols as a stage background. That Capitol background serves as comforting visuals for people to feel at ease in the isolation of their homes, that, despite their absence from theater venues, they are still vital participant of the theatrical production. There is nothing more captivating then a story embedded within another story which keeps audiences confused, with payed-actors enacting for the people a make-believe ‘story of division’ while performing on the ancient make-believe ‘stage of unity’. Audiences are to either reminisce about ‘unity’ or project toward ‘division’.

    All is now prepared for a new method actor, Joe Harris, to mount the stage. Or is it actress behind him, Kamala Biden, that is really going to deliver words scripted for the main role? He or she, or maybe he-she, who knows any more in these modern times of gender confusion? Actually it doesn’t matter any more. ‘They’ don’t have to worry about ‘their’ acting performances because the script doesn’t require them to be anything any more, least of all convincing actors. The leading role is not important. People, seated at home in isolation with all microphones listening and cameras focused on them rolling, are now flooded with spotlight attention to give a supporting-role of their life. Some are expected to act in fear, others with lies [sorry, love], some to preach unity, others to yell: ‘Secede!’. Any role a theater follower chooses to play on the prearranged stage leads to the same ending:
    self-fulfilling fictional story of ‘nation-divided’ becoming new abnormal reality. If producers had to invent spell [sic, vote] numbers in previous castings, the in-coming fiction will be materialized as a reality-projected. If in the past the spells were empty of substance, the spells of the future will cast a real shadow of darkness upon the stage. Producers count on the Solar activity to help them drive people into more active role playing mode. To make sure that to many people don’t fall-out-of-the-role of their choosing, play-writes have old material from the Trilogy on reserve to be littered across scenario pages when needed, to help nudge supporting actors to resume with their virtual home-based performances. More Sunlight to squeeze out more darkness in the production that I will name now as: the ‘Trojan host’. Anyone who is injecting himself into the coming production as supporting actor or unwitting stand-in will serve as a host, harboring mind-bug infection that will burst out like Alien just in time for the next elections spell casting. But by then those well gestated mind-bug spells invoking ‘four more years’ will have projected black light onto the stage, until the whole theater goes dark.
    The only solution, it seems, is for the people to cast ‘no spell given away’ votes in 2024. They should nominate themselves for the leading-role. And voting results would finally demonstrate how many potential presidents there are in the US. ‘President or nothing’ should be the new nick-name for Capitol building’s majority.

  • In the footsteps of Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, Polpot’s Cambodia, Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Juan Peron’s Argentina, Francisco Franco’s Spain, to name a few tyrant teachers of Satan’s rule. This is the payoff for removing the Decalogue from the American school house and from the American church house!

    Today I had the good fortune to sit beside a retired lawyer politician at a Christmas dinner, whereupon having heard what he had to say, I remarked that he likely was privileged to be the son of godly parents who taught him to regard and to love their neighbors, just like my parents taught me. To which he gushed, not anymore, its now me first regardless of the cost to all my neighbors! HE IS EXACTLY RIGHT!

    Churchmen have largely sat idly by while Satan’s imps dismantled our nation! Why? I’m telling you why.

    These same imps who got rid of the Decalogue in our nation, now wish to finish the job by getting rid of the Decalogue’s remnants in people’s hearts! But it’s mission impossible because the Decalogue has been written upon the hearts of all mankind. No matter how hard a jack boot stomps on a man’s face, the Decalogue will not be destroyed! Their only hope lay in diabolically changing man’s DNA.

    One way or another G-d’s will, will be done. Them as refuses to learn from light lessons will be taught by hard ones. It is inevitable.

    And now you see the rest of the story. Kapish?

  • Who’s been arrested? Which ultra-wealthy elite pervert has been arrested and executed for crimes against humanity? Mass murderer Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer is free, Klaus Schwab, pedophile homo pervert of the WEF is still free, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc., etc., WHICH MASS MURDERING RAT BASTARD HAS BEEN ARRESTED AND EXECUTED? No one of huge import. Until we hear about it in public documents that can be verified, then it’s business as usual, our corrupt, criminal, treasonous US government continues to whitewash these disgusting pricks, allowing them to keep most of their wealth, and avoid prosecution. Like Epstein, who did not kill himself – he’s living in Israel, enjoying teenage girls there.

    What a sick, disgusting world. May God burn it to the ground. Humanity isn’t with it.

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