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Matthew Tye aka “Laowhy86” lived in China for over a decade and married a Chinese woman and started a family there as a successful YouTuber, making upbeat videos about how great China was.

By 2019, he realized that would never get Chinese citizenship and become a part of Chinese society and the government was accusing him of being a spy and he was forced to leave the country with his young family.

Now, he reports that schoolchildren in China, as young as 5 years old are being trained to hate and kill Americans and to go to war with them and with the rest of the world.

A big component of this indoctrination is the teaching of Han Chinese racial superiority. Chinese children are taught that they evolved separately from the rest of the human race and are superior to the rest of humanity. Their beliefs would make Hitler blush.

He explains that China has two faces: the face they show the rest of the world, as a peaceful country that merely wants to become economically developed and the face they show themselves, as a strong military power that is essentially at war with the rest of the planet.

He says, “This is not the face of China that they want you to see. In fact, China is very, very upset with me for showing you these clips. These are not meant for intimidation. Look at these innocent faces. This is meant to scare other people into getting their children involved and to scare other schools in China to make sure that they are participating in this, because they will be left behind in Xi Jinping’s China if they are not ready for war and not ready for battle.

“These kids have to learn this stuff, because their leader is so proud and so arrogant that he believes that as a new emperor of China that his country will be the one to take back Taiwan and to face down the US. This is the sentiment going around China and the children are the ones that bear the brunt of that force; that bear the brunt of that arrogance.

“China doesn’t want you to see these clips for a very specific reason: because it’s brainwashing. It’s ugly but it’s the truth and I don’t care. People don’t want to cover this.

“The fact that this is happening on such a wide scale is something that needs to be talked about in the West and the solution is not to send your kids to military camp to get ready for future conflict. The solution is to realize that there’s a country on the other side of the world that’s training their children from day one to hate and kill you.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It’s all the same bullshit happening everywhere.
    Americans haven’t done too well about it either though?

  • “The solution is to realize that there’s a country on the other side of the world that’s training their children from day one to hate and kill you.”

    China is over 7,000 miles away. Perhaps we should worry more about our own ruthless and murderous government. Lets deal with the enemy in our backyard before wondering about someone so distant. Can you see the logic in that?

  • Hi,
    Well the article made Perfect Sense to me.
    Clearly and Easily Explains.
    Except I do look with the eyes and heart and mind of someone who pays attention to what China does.
    For example: China owns at least or maybe more than 65% of all solar manufacturing plants in United States.
    I also remember what old people have told as I went along in life.
    It was just yesterday I read about how Android Cellphone and IPhone Cellphone are going to become obsolete.
    A Co. Called Humane is going to / already did develop a Cellphone with AI artificial intelligence, the Humane phone will put the screen on a hologram on the palm of your hand When In Use,
    China is Only doing What The Elites Want Done. ..
    The Stage Is Being Set , For those with eyes to See , Will See , and For those with ears , will Hear,
    When you Ask for clarity and guidance, And you Honestly Believe, Then you too Shall See and Hear.
    Good article !!!


  • “Chinese children are taught that they evolved separately from the rest of the human race and are superior to the rest of humanity. Their beliefs would make Hitler blush.”

    Now thats a stretch isn’t it? Stop reading at that point. This sounds like more propaganda about China. It never ends

  • There was no need to mention Hitler who went up against the same enemy we do today.
    The author has lost me.

  • I don’t believe this – I think it’s one big psyop. The war in ukraine isn’t giving the parasites the level of fear that they need so this is all jinned up to ramp up the fear.

    I believe nothing that comes out of china – especially when it appears on tic tok videos? Nah … doesnt’ pass the smell test.

    • It’s too easy to imagine our government as The World’s Only Bad Guys.
      These are the original Totalitarians who taught our criminal elites the ropes of Oppression.
      We are not innocent, but that doesn’t mean they are. That’s a programmed knee jerk reaction, unfounded in reality.
      I have seen this concept throughout the alternative Media, and I believe it is certainly absurd nonsense.
      If anything, they are ALL in it together with the same reduced population and NWO government as the shared goal.

  • Whats so surprising?

    Godless governments do not value human life. Marxism is a godless for of government. In fact it’s the most godless form of government I know of with a long track record of murder on an industrial scale.

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