The latest video from Greg Reese.



The official way to immigrate into the United States is very similar to most countries:

File an Immigrant Petition with the Government and upon approval, apply for a visa.

You will then have to maintain a productive status for several years if you want to consider citizenship.

But there is a new system now in place.

This new system is not official. Nor is it legal and it’s being done by thousands of government employees who have sworn an oath to uphold the US Constitution.

And yet, here they all are, submitting to the United Nations’ agenda and committing treason.

On the Mexico side, Mexican immigration officers leads crowds of people to crossing points at the border.

On the American side, government workers wait for the cover of darkness and in the middle of the night, Federal Employees begin processing the large crowd with mobile devices.

Middle schools are used as processing centers. Buses are backed-in past the media, as Border Patrol use Government vehicles to try blocking the cameras from filming the migrants being loaded onboard and brought into the country.

The migrants are given mobile phones as a digital form of ID, bus tickets, debit cards and court dates set 4 years from now.

There are no checks and balances in this new de facto immigration system and it’s turning thousands of Government workers into traitors to their own country.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Fb says I already commented on this and I haven’t. Won’t let me submit a duplicate comment.

  • Hold on folks,
    It looks like they don’t mind being recorded though?
    How do we know if these clips are of criminal activity or something else?
    You may want to cool down for a sec and find out more detail.

  • Hey, life is good. As long as those pension checks keep hitting their bank accounts and the weather is good for golf what is the problem? No worries here. When it will change is when they go to the grocery store to pick up their chips and Pepsi and get robbed and or killed in the parking lot by one of these illegals. Coming soon to a town near you…

  • With so many .gov employee cockroaches willing to sell out the country serving all parts of the UN agenda just to get that paycheck must we pray for the collapse of the financial system to stop the USA from being used as a dumping ground for economically challenged invaders looking for a free ride on the bankrupt GMO’d gravy train . The governors are the punks in this fiasco sending national guard troops to help the mygrunts so they can reduce our standard of living to less than that of Mexico. Calizuela has funneled so much of it’s budget surplus from the COVID scam to fund the invasion it is now seriously in the red and looking for new ways to screw us even harder to make it all happen, reparations my ass. Hola invaders , mi casa es su casa .

  • Horrific… And I totally disagree soundly..
    I’ve been complaining that the CORRUPT U. N. put in place by corrupt, but somehow revered FDR, (did anyone know that he was poisoned and did not die naturally?).. put that incompetent, puppet group on American soil???
    However, Greg… what do you want ME TO DO ABOUT THE INVASION????
    We’re all helpless in this BS Tyranny..
    All we can do is protect our families with the 1000 million Arms we possess.. It will most certainly be Carnage… and many govt. workers are foreign born!

  • Hello…we have found theses “officials” have not complied with the full requirement of taking an “oath” – Wet ink signature, 2 eye witnesses & notarized. What we have are videos of the swearing in (defective affidavit ) not the actual required affidavit paper documents…


    5 USC section 3332

  • We are witnessing the next phase of Bush’s NAFTA – the North American Free Trade Agreement – i.e. the combining of America, Canada, and Mexico into one UN mandated (and controlled) region. i see it as being that simple. The federal government has unofficially declared war on Americans and our (former) American way of life. They seek to kill us off and replace us with central Americans not used to what WE THE PEOPLE have come to expect from our republic.
    Being naive, i just knew that if I presented facts to the people that proved what I just wrote then maybe – just maybe – we could reach critical mass and slow this thing down. That has not happened because the average America prefers to remain willfully ignorant and mistakenly believe that this just could not happen in our Constitutional republic. Guess what – it has…

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