by Aaron Hawkins at Storm Clouds Gathering

In February of 2022 Austria would attempt to set a new precedent: compulsory vaccination enforced by steep fines and imprisonment. Other jurisdictions would follow suit.

Even as these announcements rolled in many still clung to the idea that protests alone could deter the psychopaths running the show. Given the scale and intensity of these protests such optimism was understandable but premature.

In this video we’re going to provide specific instructions on how to overthrow governments with little or no bloodshed. These tactics have been employed successfully in Serbia, Egypt, Ukraine and elsewhere. The existence of the Color Revolution approach is well known, but most writings on the subject are highly abstract and obscure the details.

If used properly, and in time, a great deal of suffering could be averted. However in order to understand the urgency, one must account for the unpleasant surprise that those in power have planned.

As the Omicron variant replaced Delta as the new boogie man of choice the mainstream narrative was falling apart in spite of mass censorship. Resistance was mounting all around the world. Legal challenges had hamstrung progress in many jurisdictions. And the tactic of branding any and all opposition to medical apartheid as as “anti-vax” was not playing out as intended.

A Rasmussen poll conducted in December of 2021 found that more than half of U.S. voters were concerned about side effects, and opposed to mandates. Even those who had previously rolled up their sleeves were now balking as it became clear that this ritual of compliance was scheduled to continue indefinitely.

With the wheels coming off of this clown car at such an early stage it was obvious that the new iron curtain would ultimately fail, however those who believed that it would end quickly, and without sacrifice did not understand the motives of those in power.

The political, corporate, and religious elites would push forward with their plan no matter what. This was a matter of life or death for them. If the control group could not be eliminated quickly enough, their crimes would become increasingly obvious. If they failed to control the narrative, they would lose much more than their seats. This made them dangerous, like cornered animals. It would be mistake to underestimate their resolve.

Protests alone would not stop them, and riots would just play into their hands. It’s important to understand that these policies were intentional provocations. The non-compliant were being impoverished and pushed to the edge. Sooner or later someone would snap, and that’s exactly what they wanted: aimless violence and mayhem: a justification for the military to step in.

And this was only round one of their Great Reset. The elites still had several tricks up their sleeve. An engineered food and energy crisis developing behind the scenes would escalate in waves, punctuated by a sudden event that brings the modern world to a grinding halt. Communications and power grids go down. Chaos ensues.

For those living in major city centers this would mark the beginning of a long grueling nightmare. Without the means to produce their own food they would find themselves at the mercy of their oppressors; the essentials of life weaponized. Their only options would be fight or flee. Those who froze were doomed.

This was the ultimate Hegelian trap (Problem, Reaction, Solution). Ordo Ab Chao – Order out of Chaos.

Their solution was ready, waiting in the wings: Central Bank Digital Currencies that tracked every transaction and gave governments total control in real time. This combined with health passports and social credit systems were the capstone of their New World Order.

The non-compliant were to be cut off completely, forced into camps and ghettos, or disappeared. Those who conformed would be conditioned like dogs, stripped of all rights and dignity, but even their obedience would not protect them.

There is a way to stop this, but it will require more than protests. The level of civil disobedience that brings down governments is dangerous, and usually illegal. Those who go down this path risk prison time or even death. But when you understand that the alternative is to condemn our children and future generations to an open air prison the moral imperative is clear.

Protests are toothless. They channel discontent into a public display that has little or no impact on the system. Color revolution tactics, on the other hand, have been used by intelligence agencies to topple governments all around the world. Like any weapon, it can be used for evil or a higher cause.

Though often attributed to Gene Sharp, and his book “From Dictatorship to Democracy”, this approach is really just an application of the psychological principles first described by Gustave Le Bon and further developed by Edward Bernays.

Color revolutions are organized in three layers. The first layer is comprised of strategists and coordinators who understand the principles involved and which are responsible for training and equipping individuals who are to represent the public face of the movement. These representatives who comprise the second layer don’t have to be charismatic leaders. Ordinary citizens can fill the role. However in order to be effective they must be both brave and respectable. For example an old woman who is not afraid for herself may be more appropriate than a young man who lacks self control.

The third layer is made up of those who already support the cause but lack the knowledge or experience to plan effective actions on their own. These are the masses that are already protesting in the streets.

The first challenge for the organizers is to define the central message of the movement and distill these ideas down to a small number of memorable slogans that touch upon a moral and emotional core. Crowds are not moved by complex ideological discourse. The rallying cry must be primal and absolute.

The second challenge is to develop visual queues to unify the movement. This might include symbols, flags or even clothing items of a particular color. This is where the term “Color Revolution” originates. This visual identity must be adapted to the history of the region. For example during the French revolution the resistance identified themselves by wearing the Phrygian cap (or bonnet rouge). This red conical hat with the tip pulled forward was a style of hat that was given to slaves in ancient Rome when they earned their freedom, and at one point was used by a populist leader to incite a slave insurrection.

The third challenge is to stage an event that neither the public or media can ignore. This event must be highly disruptive and employ non-violent civil disobedience to provoke the authorities. The explicit goal is to push them to brutality and to capture that brutality on film. This is why the courage is so important. In order to be effective, the front line representatives must be willing to endure violence without returning it. Examples of this principle can be found in the actions staged by Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Non-retaliation is important for two reasons: one sided brutality evokes outrage among the general public. It destroys the moral authority of those in power, and can be used to shame the enforcers; pressuring them to turn.

This is another reason why a sweet old lady can sometimes be more effective on the front line than an aggressive young man. To strike such a person is social unacceptable. This provides an opportunity to challenge officers up close and personal; condemning their complicity, and demanding that they stand with the people.

There are many kinds of disruptive action that can be taken in such operations, but it is important that the target be chosen carefully with a mind towards who will be most inconvenienced and what message such a disruption would send. For example blocking traffic on a random road may merely frustrate the public without making any relevant point. A better target would be a business or institution which is discriminating based on medical status; a large grocery story or train station for example.

To maximize impact, the operation should be designed to last long enough to cause significant problems. If a building is to be occupied it must be done in such a way that police cannot easily remove protesters. This is often accomplished by chaining doors shut and chaining participants to each other and to the infrastructure.

The initial target should be a low hanging fruit; an operation with a high probability of success. Though the event may force a change in policy, the real objective is to reach the hearts and minds of the public and to encourage insubordination within the police and military. One commander refusing to enforce an order can set off a chain reaction that exposes the impotence of the political class and brings an end to the state.

To many, this course of action would sound extreme. The risk too great. The price too high to pay. Unfortunately the window for non-violent action was closing and the base case scenario was outright war. For those in no position to stand and fight the only sane alternative was to leave.

A new underground railroad was already taking shape: a migration from wealthy totalitarian nations to places where the people were poor but much more free. They would cross borders on foot and sail across seas, but this is a story in and of itself.

There is no easy way out. This is the test of our generation. Neutrality is complicity. Those who cling to life will lose it. So if you’re the praying type pray. And if you’re not you might want to start. The forces of evil are real, but so is the other side, and each and every one of us has to choose.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I use my kind of writings as to expose the very person who is heading it.

    Scott Morrison PM claiming to act after “re-election” when I view he should have done so long ago to prevent terrorism and treason. He might just discover waiting too long as anyone aggrieved may just decide it was the straw that broke the camel’s back and take whatever action as a revenge.

    This document can be downloaded from:

    By this others who may not previously have realized the real issues may just awaken and become involved to as I already made known in 2020 to commence a WORLD WIDE WHITE REVOLUTION being a VELVET REVOLUTION.

  • I am praying this is well watched I for one would take the front line As not fighting for nothing rights are numbered one.

  • I always understood it. And I know just several people who think same way. Unfortunately whoever else I talk to just repeats what MSM says. I’m losing my hope.

  • I cannot view the content here. I get the message that It contains adult content and must be viewed at youtube.
    Also, I wanted to download and share the video but my software can’t parse the link. I wonder what that’s about.

  • There is no organization message or leader. Big tech/govt will crack down if anything is posted online. Everyone knows this admit it.

  • When, not if, these criminals are charged with treason, and numerous other crimes, will ALL THEIR ASSETS BE SEIZED? THEY NEED TO PAY OFF THEIR DEBTS!!!

  • The genocide so far has been voluntary using blackmail and coercion. We are entering the next phase of mandatory vaxx with lock down and roundup of the unvaxxed to be put into camps . The docile will succumb to the pressure , the resistors will be runners and the plan to stop the runners is coming online now if the government pushes it this far it will also be when the shooting starts. Some will not accept this level of tyranny this is where the split happens people will migrate out of the areas of forced compliance. The military and the police are already onboard with the vaxx agenda like the 60% vaxxed population. The runners will be darted from helicopters like some shit you watched on mutual of omaha’s Wild Kingdom or maybe Blade Runner , except the genetically modified freaks are the ones chasing the normies.

      • I agree DJ…it is ALL an ILLUSION. And yes, any attack or defense (which is also an attack) only serves to enforce the belief that the illusion is a solid reality. That being noted, just stating to someone that is all an illusion does not good whatsoever. There’s a whole lot more to this story and if a person doesn’t have the complete story it is highly unlikely that they will ever really recognize the illusion much less find the path that leads out of the illusion. The first step, though, in undoing the illusion is to start questioning it as doing that begins to reveal the deception. And if the person keeps at it they will eventually and inevitably discover that all perception of the world/universe is nothing but deception. There is no Truth in the illusory world of perception, there is only interpretation of what is being misperceived. This is why everyone seeming to exist in this illusory world can seem to have their own “truth” that is peculiar to them, which, BTW, is the first law of chaos.

      • Pray, pray, pray Ginny! Ask God to send someone to them that they will listen to. Sometimes our friends and family will not listen to us, so pray God will send someone to them that they will listen to. More and more people are becoming aware.

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