Former law enforcement whistleblower, Rich Germeau joins James Grundvig of Unrestricted Warfare to discuss the recurring phenomenon of 600 million IP addresses in the US being temporarily geo-relocated to one server on a US Air Force base in Kansas and what this might signify.

James Telegrammed me his list of possibilities:

1. Test run for the final showdown 

2. Prevent infiltrated FBI, CIA, DHS, FEMA from hunting down Americans by their mobile devices?

3. Mask location, to prevent another J6 data entrapment by mobile device for downstream swatting and prosecution?

4. Prevent border invaders from using IP addresses to selectively find Americans for liquidation

The two discuss of the construction of numerous FEMA detainment camps throughout the 50 US States, with many of them concentrated in California.

Will they be used to house illegal immigrants? The answer is “no”, according to the upcoming documentary, ‘What Is Treason?’ by former Customs and Border Protection, Supervisor JJ Carrell, who says these FEMA Camps will be used to “process dissidents”.

Hillary Clinton wasn’t joking.

In July 2022, after New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald Ploetz struck down New York Governor Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation, saying that it violates state law and “ignores the balancing act between an individual’s rights and the need for public safety,” but in November 2023, Kathy “Cruella de Vil” Hochul infamously overturned that decision . Hochul really wants to get those domestic dissident detainment camps, up and running!

James points to a recent announcement by Hochul that she is activating State Emergency Operations ahead of a coming heat wave. He reads from Hochul’s statement and comments:

“We have opened our State’s Emergency Operations center to monitor conditions and share resources,” meaning they’re going to steal all of the New Yorkers’ – and all the people that visit New York and transit New York – all of their data. That’s number one. Activated.

“So you got the National Guard activated. I guess, what are they activated for? That’s going to be pretty interesting. We’ll ask Rich about that in a minute.

“And they’ve been coordinating with emergency teams in all 62 counties of New York State and utility companies. So we’re supposed to get 100 degrees in New York on Wednesday. I don’t know if that happened but anyways, we’re supposed to have a heat event. But I think this is something different, because she came out last week with a Digital ID, a Digital ID. So they’re pushing that again, but they’re not calling it [a ‘Vaccine Passport’].”

James and Rich then discuss how a plan to corral US Citizens into these FEMA Camps might be implemented.

Rich says, “I’ll tell you this much from a law enforcement perspective. Number One is they don’t have enough National Guard. They don’t have enough law enforcement to deal with this or even do this to round people up against their will.

“Number one, after they got done with the first few, everybody be tipped off and it’d be a gunfight at every house they went to, to try to do this. So they’d lose massive amounts of resources. And even though that their playbook is ‘overwhelming force’, that’s what they do with tactical response or going to someone’s home.

“They try to use overwhelming force to just shut them down and to overtake them. But the problem is, is that if people, if you know they’re coming, their tactics are extremely simple. If you’re setting 30 men into one house, that’s overwhelming force. No question, right? But if you’re setting 30 men into 500 houses, the community, good luck to you. Because they’re going to lose all their people pretty fast.”

James agrees, “They would lose them very quickly. So I’m with you. So let’s say the National Guard were bad, right? And they would join withthe UN and FEMA. So they would use obviously what migrants maybe, and certainly the terrorists and certainly the Chinese PLA to round us up, at least. They would have bigger numbers in today’s world, as opposed to five years ago. That’s if they’re coordinated, I don’t believe they’re that coordinated.”

Rich replies, “It’d be a disaster, I think, for them to try to do this. It would be a huge mess and huge failure.”

The conversation gets very interesting about 14 minutes in, when they start talking about a story from 2016, when a farm in the middle of Kansas became the address to which 600 million IP addresses are registered, due to a glitch in the IP mapping software.

James says, “You explained to the audience what that was.”

Rich replies, “Okay. About two years ago – I always pay attention to everything, because I’m looking for different methods of communication. So I’m checking numbers, clocks, timestamps, all kinds of different stuff. And I noticed that my computer clock all of a sudden switched to Central Time. And so I was communicating with my contact daily at that time. And I asked him right away, I said, ‘What’s this?’

“So he told me, he sent me a Wikipedia page to a lake in the center of Kansas and he said that Space Force related to cybersecurity, they do a designation to individuals as “Malicious IPs”. And they move the IP addresses to this location. This happens actually through an Air Force base near Wichita.

“So what they’re doing is they’re concealing people’s location and identity and moving them to where all of their transmission goes through a server off of this Air Force base, which designates them as a Malicious IP. It means that intelligence services can’t track your location, because it’s going through a server in the middle of the United States. So, if they try to find you, it lumps all of them together and it puts them in one spot in the middle of a lake.

“It used to go to this house in Kansas, except what happened is the residents of this house were constantly getting visited by the CIA and the FBI, who were looking for these people…

“But what was important was about two days ago, I get up and I look and sure enough, I’m on Central Time again. And at this point, I’m not really communicating with my contacts. So I’m not able to ask them about it, but it stayed that way for about 24 hours…

“When it’s on this different time clock, it shows your activity as being off by two hours. Right? So if someone’s trying to track your location via activity, right, or find out where you are, for one, it shows a different time than you actually were active.”

James chimes in, “So you got a spoofing technology that, One, changes your GPS location, technically. Right. And the location of your URL or IP address. And Two, it changes your clock – unless you are in Kansas or Central Time. I find that really interesting.”

Rich continues, “And it’s all being done through this Air Force base in Wichita.”

James, the Eternal Optimist then asks, “So do you think the White Hats are behind this, or the Alliance of Good Guys to give a test run of what might come, related to FEMA? Because I’m starting to see, how are they going to track people; always wanted to track people like January 6th. If you were in DC in the Capitol on J6 2021, your phones were used against you. Right? People that went there with their Smartphones.

James continues, “In 2013, I interviewed Gus Hunt. Who was he? He was actually a civil engineer by education, but became the CTO of the CIA, 15 years ago.

“Gus and I had a conversation on the record – some of it off the record – but the only thing that made it into the Epoch Times article was on the record – just for the audience. So, I talked to Gus about everything. And he made a phenomenal presentation, just an amazing presentation…

“He told the audience back in 2013, down in Downtown Manhattan, at a great conference, he pulled up the phone and goes, ‘Your phone can be off,’ he goes, ‘but you still can be tracked. Even if your battery runs out, you still can be tracked.’

“And what he was alluding to was your second battery for the internal clock in your phone. It’s always on, always on. So they can track you when your phone’s off, just to let the audience know.”

Rich replies, “Well, that’s what these phones were designed for in the beginning was it’s all been a tracking device related to this Beast System. That’s their tool. If you don’t have a phone, you are somewhat invisible, because you can’t be tracked in real time. And it’s really difficult for them to, as explained to me, they can track you through other people’s devices and phones, but it takes a lot of resources to do it and it’s very difficult.

“Plus, the AI, the facial recognition systems can’t confirm your identification without bouncing it off the phone in your pocket.

James interrupts, “Which means it’s useless in courts of law, useless to track you down, at the moment. If all of our IP and tracking data is sitting in an Air Force base in Kansas, you gotta love it, because the NSA often has satellite bases, they have it in the Air Force base in Northwest Utah, probably got one in Kansas. So your data is actually being protected, your location is being protected. And the nefarious elements of FBI and CIA cannot do anything about it. I love this!”

Rich continues, “It’s actually Space Force that are the ones that are designating these IPs. Under Cyber Security.”

“Got it,” James says, “And so you believe what happened, when you experienced this last week – and obviously, other people did, because this is on Reddit – what do you think? Do you think this is a test of the system? And that if it is a test, is there something coming this summer? That’s the question. Rich?

“Oh, I do think it’s a test,” he replies, “Also, it’s a communication. It’s a confirmation, because I got told directly when it happened, what it actually was, because they knew I would pay attention to it. They know I would see it. When I asked the question, they were truthful with me. And they just told me straight up, ‘Okay, this is what’s happening.'”

James asks, “Did you talk to somebody or email somebody related to this for confirmation?”

“I was talking to them in real time,” Rich says, “but not via email, not via a telephone.”

James responds, “Nevermind. That’s good. You got your trade secrets. I’ll leave it at that. This is good. So thank you for sharing this with the audience, so the audience understands we’re not all going down like J6.

“If the sh*t hits the fan, to put it in New York English, they’re going to turn the fan on high. The UN and the Globalists are going to try to take over the United States but this is one way how the Alliance is going to protect us. That’s what I believe. Rich?”

“They’re protecting some people that way,” Rich says.

“Some. Yeah, not the migrants, trust me,” says James.

I actually spoke to James on the phone directly about that. Could this massive IP data-scrambling actually be used to hide and protect the locations of the tens of millions of unvetted migrants and known terrorists in our midst? And he told me that there was a plan to turn off all their phones and credit cards simultaneously, backed by a heavy-duty military campaign. He said the big cities will be completely locked-down and cleared-out.

Back to the video: The two then get to talking about how Seattle and other cities are hiring illegal migrants to be police officers, while simultaneously reinstituting the draft for both men and women. The same kinds of things are also happening in several European countries, leading people to suspect that the Deep State is trying to kill off the natives of the West in the fields of Ukraine and to replace them with the people from the Third World who have already been shipped-in by the tens of millions.

Rich doubts that young Americans will allow themselves to be drafted into military service and since there is so much lawlessness and the police departments are so under-staffed, he just doesn’t see this plan jumping off.

James agrees, “The Biden regime is getting mocked by all kinds of people of all ages, saying, “We’re not going to war for the 1%. That’s over…

“And again, I’m wondering if it’s the White Hat Alliance? Things to wake up more people, like ‘You really want to live with migrants as your police officers and you want to be drafted to be slaughtered in wars for the rich?’

James, the Eternal Optimist continues, “I think this is kind of like psychological advertising that the Good Guys are using to wake up the other people, so they don’t do the bidding of the bad guys. That’s how I feel about this.”

Rich says, “The other side of it, it’s really just to further erode faith and trust into the system, because the system operates completely on faith and trust and as soon as the people turn on it and realize what it really is, it’s over. Right. So really what this is, it’s a signal to the people that obviously, they don’t want you to get yourself into trouble, but they want you to stop obeying and stop participating in this garbage.”

James agrees, “Yeah, absolutely. And if you arrest Trump, you’re going to see a lot less people obey and no compliance. I just see that happening.”

Then, James brings discusses the upcoming Cyber Polygon event, scheduled to coincide with the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.

James says, “So all of the G7 or G20 countries that are on the side of the Cabal are all going to be sharing information. So they’re going to run this drill to the United States. Whoever it is is going to collect all this data and share all the data, including FEMA on this, and that’s what’s going to happen.

“Rich, is this going to tie in with some grid blackouts and grid failures and some banks not working? What do you think could happen, if we don’t have that stuff happening before this date?

Rich responds, “I think 9/11, that may be the cutoff date of when – up to that time – this could happen anywhere within this window. It was confirmed to me that a cyber attack would likely be the kickoff point related to everything, a fake cyber attack, false flag, which was going to affect, number one, the banking sector, erase banking records, so cover for economic currency collapse.

James chimes in, “All of the money and rig system they’ve been doing; draining trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars out of United States markets, out of people – all of it. It’s coming to an end.”

Rich continues, “Communications, banking, and utilities. It gives them a great excuse. See, they can blame whoever they want for it and use it as an Act of War.”

James says, “The NSA, the White Hats got everything. Got everything on the murders, all the incentivized pay-to-murder, insurance codes for COVID. They’ve got everything on the election fraud of 2020 and 2022. They got it all.

Rich repeats, “They got it all. What I was going to say is also on that is that, okay, you use a cyber attack where you can blame whoever you want for it. When the dollar is getting ready to collapse, the banks are getting ready to go down en masse. You can deploy this thing, erase all the banking records, so everybody’s accounts are zeroed out, which is the only thing people care about is their money. That will be something that they can use to try to gain support for a world war. That’s the one thing that will piss everybody off.”

James says, “You mentioned a good point that by September 11th, these exercises should more or less come to a conclusion and look at FEMA. FEMA is actually backing up what you’re talking about. This is OpenFEMA: Datasets related to data, to technology, to collecting information. You got Mission Assignments.

“This is version one. So the most important thing on this page is you got an API endpoint, you got a program URL, but at the bottom, you have a hard date. And with that is a depreciation date, meaning the collecting information after the 30th of 2024 is not going to happen and the data is no longer important.

“So they’re going to collect public analysis, public sentiment, social media, everything up until the last day of September 30th, or about three weeks after the cyber drill. Rich?”

Rich replies, “It’s the window. I mean, 9/11…I think that things will likely be in such a state of disarray and they will be so exposed by the time we get to September. I mean, it looks to me that everything is on edge now. The stage is set. We’re kind of in like a lull where everything is, it’s almost a small calm before the storm right now, where no huge developments, but that could change in any minute…

“It was on the 18th that my computer went to Central Time for 24 hours, the day after the 17th. So I mean, that could have been a marker, too, related to a clock where they’re doing these tests, in preparation for whatever’s going to happen but I think it could happen anytime from now on. I mean, the flashpoint could happen any minute, right? Cyber attack could happen any minute…

“I’ll say this too. The Q posts give a great clue, related to how these events are going to kick off. And I remember, it talked about that related to the “Scare Event” and that everything would be going on as normal, right? That we weren’t going to slide into a constant degradation. It wasn’t going to continue to degrade and degrade and degrade. It was going to get to the point where we’re at probably, continue just to bounce along. And then all of a sudden – wham.”

James responds, “The question is, who carries the stick? Will it be a combination of National Guards going against their own Constitution? Would it be the Masonic police that toss in their police uniforms and put on their UN uniforms? I don’t know.”…

Rich opines, “If the White House, as we talked about before, putting dissidents in [those camps], if they’re used for patriots, they’re obviously execution camps because nobody’s leaving there alive.

James agrees, “No, no, no. In fact, they’re going to radiate people inside there with 5G and EMF, microwave weapons. They’re going to vaccinate you. You’re going to get GMO, poisonous toxic food, and water. You’re all going to get poisoned. You’d be lucky that a healthy, fit person will last two months in a situation like that. That’s your termination point.”

The two then start talking about. the upcoming film by JJ Carrell, ‘What Is Treason?’, Jim says, “Good old Christy Hutcherson, I know her well. She’s been on the borders for the last five years. Yes,, is J.J. Carrell’s website.

“You know, they’re all trying to break this as “new” news. This has been a 30-year operation from Agenda 21 in 1992, this has been a 32-year plan to enslave us.”

The two discuss how, even with all of the insults of complete Communist lawlessness, there is yet to be a single Patriot, a single God-Believer to fire a shot or truly misbehave. They discuss how this may continue to play out, if there is continues to be no military support for the American Citizenry.

James maintains his belief that the FEMA camps are part of an elaborate PSYOP to “Wake Up the Normies” and he maintains his belief that the transition in power on January 20th, 2021 was from Trump’s military administration to a military government and that this military administration has since been in charge; that it never went to Biden and Biden has never been President.

That statement may produce an eye roll in many, yet it is true that this is exactly what was said on morning of January 20th, 2020 on ‘Good Morning America’ to host, George Stephanopoulos by the masked National Guard Commander, when he thanked the local police and Secret Service for their help “During this peaceful transition to Military Power.”

James continues, “We’ll learn this in the future, but that’s what I believe. We’re in a military administration, but what the military doing brilliantly is trying to wake up the people. Why? So we avoid coups and we avoid civil wars and we allow people to learn on their own the truth about the world we live in.

“It’s not white against black. It’s not left and right. It is the human beings that are going to be exterminated. All human beings are going to be exterminated by the Globalists. And this is what the military alliance is trying to do worldwide. This is what’s happening…

“You notice how Iran never responded violently against Israel? I found that extreme, when supposedly, the CIA and Mossad killed the Iranian president and the finance minister, decapitating that government. They might’ve been evil. I’m not saying it, but the fact is, Iran didn’t even respond to that, I find that as a signal, as well. I absolutely believe Iran is part of the alliance, as well.

Rich adds, “All I’ll say is this, if all else fails, all Trump has to do is say the word “Go”, and he can send loose 80, 90, 100 million people against them, just like that. No question that would happen. If all else fails.

James says, “Yeah. unprecedented times, the world’s never been in a situation. Have genocides of indigenous people happen worldwide by the colonialists? Absolutely. Have entire cities been destroyed over war? Absolutely. But we’re talking about a worldwide event. We’re talking about the complete destruction of humanity. This is what we’re talking about.

Once the sheep and normies realize, “Holy crap!” Once they realize they have no money in their bank account, now, you’ve got their attention! Imagine, for the younger kids, who got no money, but they live off their cell phones, imagine having a communication blackout for four or five days! I guess they’re going to have to look at the world. I have an autistic son that behaves that way.

“When I was treating him with hyperbaric medicine – which works – in July of 2019 in Michigan for an entire month, my son, middle of it, halfway through 20 “dives”, as they call them, he lift his head up and he ignored the screen. He started looking around in flat Michigan, driving from Detroit out to Grand Rapids and back. He looked around for the first time in years.

“It was really interesting. Well, that’s what’s going to happen to the young screen generation, whatever you call them, Gen Z, whatever they call them. That’s what’s going to happen to them. They’re all going to take their nose out, because they have no choice. Their phones won’t do anything other than EBS communicating with us.

Rich says, “We are in a position of dominance and strength. We’re just sitting on our hands, waiting, trying to be peaceful at this time, but it ain’t going to last forever.

James agrees, “No, no, no, no. We really can’t go beyond this year, because everything’s going to break. The economy is going to break, anyway. It doesn’t matter, no matter what happens.

“And Russia is not going to play nice in Ukraine. And the drafts are really going to upset people, when the guys get draft letters in their houses. I might get a draft letter from my son, but he’s 24. He’s autistic, so can’t tie his shoe. He’s not going anywhere. That’s just him.”

Rich adds, “Some people ask questions about the Borax from a show or a couple of shows ago. National Institute of Health says 11 milligrams a day, which is about a quarter teaspoon. You can take more than that, because it’s not really very harmful, at all. I mean, it’s less harmful than table salt.

James jumps in with a medical disclaimer and says, “If you think Borax is going to go do what Rich said, take a quarter spoon and go ahead, test it. See how you feel the next day. Everyone’s immune system and everyone, at certain ages, in different places, some people might not react well. So, if you don’t feel good, stop it.”

Rich agrees, “I’ve been taking it for about three years now and I haven’t had any side effects that were negative from it,” he says.

There are a lot of things that people can take besides Borax, out there. Natural remedies, not pharmaceutical products.

James warns of Pharmakea, who he encountered during his research in AIDS, cancer and vaccines, saying, “We’ve been in this biological warfare program since the end of World War II. That’s what people need to wake up to.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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    I’ve lived through most of all this, knew about most of it I suppose and had hands on experience with mobsters, but to my knowledge I had no experience with the Jewish mob even though I worked for a Jewish corporation for nine years. If they were connected to a mob, I never knew about it.

    This video presents a lot of entertaining smoke and where there is smoke there is fire. I’ve been retired for decades and the economic/political landscape is much worse today than it ever was in my day. Our troubles are certainly caused by white collar criminals in corporations and government, now more than ever with pharmaceutical corporations in league with investment banking and secretive government schemes. Banks are the criminals must-have casinos where they traffic in other peoples wealth. I think this is evident in this video. Crypto currency potentially is a good alternative were it not so vulnerable to power supply interruptions.

  • Evil beyond belief! Taxpayer dollars, used against the taxpayer, to eliminate and enslave us. It will not go well for the cabal. Sadly, I think they relish the pain and suffering of others. Stay vigilant…Blessings to all!!

  • The future according to Ralph Kramden!

    More misdirection away from the white collar criminals with their hands on the levers of power right here in the good ole U S of A!

    Both national political parties are controlled by neo-cons aka The New American Century Party founded by Bolsheviks who are political chameleons for Daddy Warbucks deep state, aka secret government which turns visible government into an entertaining side show featuring political actors, clowns and freaks! A distraction!

    Focusing on plainly visible symptoms and future speculations at the expense shining the light of truth on the root of this socio-political cancer makes no sense to me.

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