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Well, this morning after running all my fancy algos, I’m going to put forward to you a very, very plausible scenario. As we know, these riot groups that are allowed to occur are increasing their hostility. One with the app, which is identical to shit we did in Europe. You need to look back in time and history.

And they are ready to wreck the United Center. Chicago PD is on full alarm, but let’s not forget who dominates Chicago. That would be the Obamas.

So here’s the plausible scenario: They can’t use the Adam Lanza types, the lone wolf types, you know, the ones that are angry at the world. It has to be something that sparks civil war.

Now, I mentioned this before, you know, to stay away from riots and whatnot. But I believe that this time, they could step into very dangerous territory. They’re not going to pick a random.

And I don’t believe that the person that they’re going to select is actually a killer. Think of it this way. This was like, what? So I had to say it.

And if I’m wrong, it’s okay. But I’m putting it out. What if they took one of your influencer, maybe like a QAnon person that lays out like prayers, right.

Or, you know, or some person that, you know, sells Mary Kay, but they’re an influencer because, because, or maybe it’ll be, you know, like Ivan Raiklin said, retribution, he published his list, right. People are, you know, or a Pete Santilli, right. I’m pointing names out and I’m not targeting them.

Please don’t misconstrue this. I’m giving you a real, real understanding of where I’m going or even me or anybody else. They kidnapping them. And just for like maybe 24 hours, maybe, you know, they court them to drive them a little bit crazy. Maybe they get upset. Maybe they storm out.

They only need them for less than 24 hours to be off the radar around the time of the conference. And then they actually do the deed and help themselves maintain control by eliminating Joe, which has like one and a half foot already in the grave. As we know, Kamala, they don’t want her.

And for anyone to say “That’s way too much”, don’t forget your own government implemented the protocol of knowing from all other nations that reported it prior to them, establishing it, that it increased fatality, that it was banned from use even from China because it was killing people in the hospital. Okay? I want to make this clear.

Everything for them is at stake right now. And this is why I am against rhetoric such as “retribution”. You can go arrest people. “We need the military”– because that’s exactly what they want because we need to remember this. So for all of all those out there, please remember your oath.

And I would say, please don’t be the person they will frame. Keep yourself safe. Make sure at least for that time period, you’re either at home and bound with like a bunch of people because they are desperate, right now.

And could you imagine if, you know, Pete Santilli or Ivan Raklin were just off the radar for a bit? No one would think anything if I, you know, if, um, even their family, it’s 24 hours, 12 hours, right?

All they have to do is fly them to the vicinity 12 to 24 hours after the event, because they won’t tell you who the killer is because they need to investigate. “It’s an ongoing investigation. We’ll release the details when we can.”

And then they just placed them there.

And then, there will be the people on the Right. They were like, “Yeah, I knew that person was a grifter. That person was this, they were really bad. They were really this, you know, so there’s the Right. And then they’re going to be defending president Trump and that he would never allow something like this. Right?

But it’ll be someone that has pictures with president Trump pictures with leading figures within Trump’s thing, either pictures with General Flynn, pictures with Kash Patel, you know, being at, you know, places, um, you know, raising up things. And up until the moment that they placed them there, they’re a hardcore Trump supporter. And they advocated for war or, you know, I don’t know, malicious it could be Ann Vandersteel.

So you don’t know their, their pick is many. I am, I am saying this and I could be completely wrong, but my numbers are rarely off. They’re not going to use a Lone Wolf. They’re going to use a verified lone wolf.

They’re going to use someone that exists, that has a base and that has a history of pushing violent rhetoric and pushing for war. The only people that want civil war are them, the ones that seek to maintain control.

Please. If anything, just listen to what I’m telling you, what they did yesterday to president Trump, the attempted assassination attempt, right? Was opening the door for them. So I would highly suggest, now that whenever president Trump is somewhere, there’s a three mile radius, please.

And for all of you out there, alternative media, your Jonathan Lee Richie’s assets, if you’re disposable, well, they don’t even care if you’re disposable, they’ll just take you.

It only takes one moment. So during that period of time, please ensure that you’re in constant communication with someone you trust. And during that specific time, for those of you that are heading to the DNC, you know, you should be extremely careful because they are desperate.

And this will indeed be a very good way for them to kick off civil war and completely taint president Trump, taint his base. And I’m calling this out because there is a 68% probability. And that is huge.

When my numbers say anything over 40, it’s huge. And they’re usually accurate. This is not a game.

We are at war. So if, even though I say it, this occurs, please be sure to keep this in mind when it comes to it. That’s all I have to say.

God bless America.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • This reminds me of Clif High and his Predictive Probability computer program.
    According to that, billions of “The Vaccinated” were supposed to die in mass deaths by now.
    I’m still waiting for that Extinction-Level Event. So disappointing.

    • VAX is poisonous as even corrupt authorities now admit about side effects, and are paying compensation (even though they will try hard to deny); been saying that it’s an overstretch when somebody talks about bio-weapon, which you can easily notice it when you know that virus isolation itself is a fraud (therefore, there shouldn’t even be proven “bio” weapon in its existence).
      & There are psyops from different sides as it seems.
      Therefore, I changed my tactics by going around different topics, connect puzzle pcs without diving into each too deep.
      That being said, truth still remains truth, depending on what we perceive as it is; so there can be many variations anyway.
      I bet that if people keep believing in psyop scare tactic, their mental state can actually kill them (even as placebo) just as a lot of cancer patients tend to have stressful life.

  • Is that John McAfee behind?
    An idiot named Pompeo, who’s chosen by an unknown wished death of whistleblowers, by the way.

  • I am so tired of this Tore person. I think she has one of the biggest cons going. Good for whoever owns HER.

  • “God bless America”

    Wishful thinking, wouldn’t you agree?

    75+ years of complacency, ignorance, arrogance and selfishness in America since WW2 is defining the epitaph for this country. We had it all, literally. And this is the best we could come up with. Its laughable.

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