Dr Jan Halper-Hayes joins Steve Shultz’ podcast and gives us a little more about her background and how she came to work on the Pentagon Task Force that is studying Americans during this fraught time. Dr Jan lives in the UK but she says she works on East Coast time and that she often receives calls from Space Force in Hawaii, which is 11 hours behind UK time.

She wants to make it clear that she is NOT part of a PSYOP, saying, “We basically take the temperature. We’ve basically got anthropologists, we’ve got sociologists, we’ve got psychologists. We even have a forensic accountant on our team to look at things and we are taking the temperature of what is going on, pretty much in social media, because it’s pretty much our lives and we’re very, very concerned about the unity – it has a crack in it – and there are certain people who we have identified as ‘Instigators’ that are purposely trying to destroy other peoples’ reputations.

“Right now, we are really concerned about three particular podcaster sites: Shadygrooove, InTheMatrixxx and The Authority. Can you believe the arrogance? ‘The Authority Q’, they call themselves. And right now, we have also identified one really, really bad instigator that my colleagues referred to the FBI.Β Β 

“Now, we’re waiting for a reaction, because one, if the FBI just drops it and doesn’t tell us anything, then we know they’re behind that person! And if they come back to us, then we have a really good case study of how we’ve been able to track the damage and find out who’s involved and who the instigators bring on.

“And I really want to caution people about that, because when you get involved in that negativity, you’re spreading it but it’s so unhealthy for you.Β So, right now, we’re concerned, because there’s some unity breaking down, partially because of the Resistance, partially because a lot of the Patriots so badly want to educate the Sleepers and they can’t get through to them and they really want to help them and that is something that one has to learn to let go. You have to say, ‘If they’re not receptive, that’s OK, I put it out there and in God’s time.’

“In God’s time. The last point I want to make on this is that, again, we have to trust ourselves…This is a spiritual war and you’ve got to decide ‘Are you part of the spiritual war? Or are you part of the people who want to destroy our country and hurt other people?’

“And that is a really big choice. Now, I would encourage anyone who follows these instigators – because they are really under investigation – that you don’t want to be forwarding on their posts, you don’t want to be connected to them, because you don’t know – I don’t know – how bad the backlash would be if something is found out.

“We know – we suspect – they’re paid. We’re tracing who pays them. We’re tracing things about their lives and this has to stop. And so, I ask everyone to please, help bring the unity back.”

Steve then asks her whether we’re each on our own and no one is coming to save us or if there really is a plan?

She responds, “There is definitely a plan. I don’t know if people are aware but the military wanted to oust Obama and they went and convinced Trump to run. I think they’ve tried to recruit him numerous times. But they succeeded this time and therefore, they knew that in fact, they could start getting rid of some of the corrupt people, start dealing with the Deep State and address all of that.

“For me, this is what keeps me going: When you read the writing of the New World Order, Cabalists, everything, they have been plotting this for more than one century. And they have been very, very patient. If Donald Trump can be patient and go through the steps, then we – if we want to support him – but if we also want to be sane, we need to also be patient with it…

“What keeps me going is praying about gratitude every day. I am grateful that I am aware. I am grateful that I have this responsibility, I am grateful for the people in my life, I am grateful my head is not in the sand and that I don’t risk having cognitive dissonance, because I don’t think for myself.

“And some people can’t admit that they were wrong. It’s really, really hard for them, so don’t get on their case.”

Steve then has her confirm that Trump is Commander-in-Chief and she says, “Yes.”

This appears to be contrary to General Mike Flynn’s Twitter tirade last week – which was a week after this podcast was recorded – in which he sniped at the “major psyop” of Q and the “disservice” it has done saying, “The nonsense about Trump is still the President and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense.”

Note that Dr Jan never said Trump is the “President”, she said “Commander-in-Chief”, in control of the country’s armed forces.

She also says that Trump is very “strategic” in how he speaks, and his communications are like a “jigsaw puzzle”, necessitated, no doubt by the various insane gag orders that have been slapped on him by the corrupt DOJ and she says that he does use disinformation, because, “He wants to fool certain people and sway them in the wrong direction.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • 8 Citizenship fundamentals that will reshape your vision of the world. We the people need to learn some surprising things quickly. 1824 Webster’s – Federal is a synonym of the word contract. Federal Government = Contract Government. DC is the “Contract” zone for our sub-contractors….all of them are commercially registered incorporated entities…Corporations have owners…our government is not incorporated! So who does Joe actually work for?

    Things like:

    1. You are a national of THESE United States, not THOSE United States. Our United States are fifty physically defined States of the Union that exist in 3 dimensional physically defined geographical space by metes and bounds . Their “United States” are fifty paper entities DBA British Crown corporations in the business of providing government services or fifty HRE Municipal Corporation franchises in the same business. We are unincorporated. They are incorporated.

    2. If you are a State Citizen in your State Assembly, you can be considered a Citizen of The United States (public office), but otherwise, most Americans aren’t citizens of any kind at all.

    3. The word “citizen” implies an obligation to serve a government, instead of the government having an obligation to serve you. Are you a registered British Crown Federal Government Corporate employee (paycheck – civil servant & U.S. Military) or the dependent of a British Crown government Corporate employee? Are you a registered volunteer or Franchise of the U.S. Government? Your Birth Certificate is the commercial Franchise registration…

    Note: We were all trafficked into a foreign political status adopting U.S. Citizenship with this singular document which is a BOND…monetized commercial paper signed by the “Registrar” which is an officer of Probate Court for decedent estates…chew on that! U.S. Citizenship is not what you think it is! Your entire life you always checked that box Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes or No not understanding the full implication; this is the “Trojan Horse” that they use against you! You are an American National not a British Territorial U.S. Citizen. Know the difference because they sure do!

    4. We don’t live in a democracy. We don’t depend on majority rule, also known as mob rule. We have our own “republican form” of government that upholds the rights and property interests of each one of us.

    5. We don’t live under any Constitution, though we enjoy the benefit of Constitutional Guarantees. We live under The Declaration of Independence, instead.

    6. 92% of Federal Code and 100% of State of State Statutes do not apply to us. This is why Americans don’t, generally speaking, stand under any Federal Code, and why State of State franchise statutes should never be applied to us.

    Only about 8% of all Federal Code, that which is published in the Congressional Record, may apply to average Americans if we choose to: (1) engage in federally regulated activities (manufacture, sale and interstate transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms) or (2) enter the premises of known and actual federally owned and operated facilities like Post Offices and Naval Dockyards.

    Please note that in the majority of cases, the actual States never ceded the land and soil underlying “federal” facilities, and our money and our credit assets were used to build them. This means that many facilities that appear to be “federal” actually belong to us and are State Trust assets.

    7. There are three separate populations of people in this country — State Nationals, Territorial U.S. Citizens, and Municipal “citizens of the United States”. It is necessary for you to know which group you belong to and have reasonable evidence to prove it.

    8. We are guaranteed the right to live under American Common Law, while our employees live under Maritime and Admiralty Law. We have the right to set up our courts and run them for our people within the boundaries of our States. Our State Courts are Courts of General Jurisdiction that can judge the law and the facts of any case. Their State of State courts are strictly limited tribunals that collect debts and punish employee infractions.

  • Jan is VERY enigmatic IMHO: I get nothing but good vibes from her & she is constantly fighting the smile back as a parent does before giving their child a surprise gift. Admonishing all forms of negativity is a good sign.
    I like to use these opportunities to 1. take stock of how a INTUIT a person’s disposition & 2. did their actions over time align with this INTUITION => for purposes of developing and gaining confidence with one’s INTUITION.

    Gen Flynn gave Dave of X22 a huge smackdown on ‘military is going to unitarily save us’ stating emphatically that military gets orders from CIVILIAN PRESIDENT and MUST rely upon the citizens to put good people in office for good things to happen. A rogue military is the antithesis of a constitutional republic.

    Jan’s message of being led from WITHIN is probably the most significant sign she is speaking in Truth & Light.
    Emphasis on the Spiritual War and Satanic Forces is another indicator, in that BlackMagick Cabal has worked feverishly at ensuring this dynamic does not rise to the public stage.
    Highly encourage folks to seek out Leo Zagami’s lecture on Egregores to gain an appreciation for a sizable dynamic in the SpiritualWar… and to CAUTION church-goers that Egregores are EVERYWHERE – with the SuperBowl being a prime example where fans’ energy is harnessed to feed an Egregore.

    This also goes for concerts,etc. I posit Hollywood’s primary mission is to produce functioning Egregores – along with poisoning of culture. Adoption of ‘Artist Names’ also might be seen as affiliated with creation of an Egregore that would harness energy of fans & CelebWorship.

    Danny Carey of Tool is in full knowledge of this Spiritual Technology – going to the extent to arrange his drum kit and stick-work to facilitate Sacred Geometry movements to reinforce the Ritual conducted EVERY time they play. Overt proof of Carey’s Occult involvement can be found on his ‘ode to LAM’ page: https://dannycarey.com/30032-2/
    Aleister Crowley summoning of this being immediately preceded the ‘Age of Greys and UFOs’ of current times.

    There is definitely a PsyOp in play.. one could debate if its a WhiteHat Psyop or a BlackHat PsyOp masquerading as a WhiteHat PsyOp. In some sense, it is irrelevant as the purported purpose of a WhiteHat PsyOp is to deprogram a critical mass of people such that they reclaim control over their own destiny ( then seek to deprogram the rest ). There is zero reason to wait around for their prompting, we should be actively seeking deprogramming.

    A large part of this is to be AWARE and OBSERVE events, taking note of intuition against info – remaining detached, unemotional, and unpolarized. Research and Vet information.. become a student to become an Adept.
    I know 1st-hand 1000’s of times my emotions immediately ran hot and spouted off – only to find minutes/hours/days/months/years later NONE of the narrative was true. I fed & propagated an Egregore: ‘someone’ created the false narrative to elicit a response… knowing that response would feed their Egregore.

    The MAGA movement is raising its own… (Christians can spurn this, but every Church Congregation has created & feeds an Egregore & mega church PsyOps capitalize on this specifically… why else are they MEGA?). Trump has evoked such a visceral response from the DarkCabal because they know EXACTLY what he has initiated. Those that know about this dynamic won’t be speaking about it – specifically the Cabal: in doing so, they will arm Humanity with the key to breaking its back.

    Just some personal thoughts.. but please do look up Leo’s lecture on Egregores… do your own research to come up with your own sentiments. Cheers!

  • 10000% Praying Medic is a ConMan Grifter. I did a deeeeep dive on some things I noticed in the later Q posts and someone reached out to me in response to Gab posts I was pushing on the matter. Beyond selling ‘Q decode’ session, he & his wife and a sprawling webring centered on asking for donations under false pretense. The person that reached out to me worked for telecom industry recovering stolen equipment so had software tooling to track IPs, traverse the DarkWeb and the like. qanon.pub had bitcoin donation id that kept cropping up elsewhere.

    Will be interesting where Jan’s story ends up if not a PsyOp unto itself.

  • Maybe so, maybe not. Anyone who’s still believing this line of devolutionary, savior’s-coming-you-just-can’t see-him thinking may not be doing anything to change the tide because they feel like it’s being changed for them. Case over, pass the popcorn. Hopium is deadly when it comes to motivating action and it’s the cabal’s best friend, so certainly they’re going to promote it. Just keep that in mind when you listen. Maybe it’s true, but maybe it’s not. We’re in the shape we are precisely because generations of Americans let it happen by not paying proper attention, the constant scrutiny the Founding Fathers said would be necessary to keep a democracy on track. We were lulled to sleep by the cabal-owned media. I submit that this COULD BE more of the same lulling. It’s not Trump’s savior-ing that will save the country. It’s mine and yours and everybody’s, not just in the crises but always. If Dr Jan is correct, great. But if it’s not, we could lose this battle by doing nothing. I would say DO ALL YOU CAN, then if she turns out to be right, we will still have gained from all our efforts and be that much ahead. If she’s wrong, and we didn’t get off the couch, we will have lost our country.
    And don’t forget when you hear the constant beating of the drum of The Book of Revelation, there’s the tendency to leave it all to a second coming. Ok, now..#one….Revelation was nothing Jesus taught. It was a VISION of John of Patmos, decades after Jesus (and not the apostle John). #2…Biblical scholars say this book was never about our end times, but those of the Roman empire and they will site all the symbols. Number 3…Those trying to take us over have been trying to force the messiah’s return by bringing about the conditions of The Book of Revelation… good luck with that one. I think this is pretty well known. So, events in our time that look like The Book of Revelation could be being engineered, including a big finale of a nice Project Bluebeam Second Coming in the sky.
    Time to stop believing children’s tales and run our own world…EVERY DAY.

  • Told you so!

    Everyone starts somewhere on the journey to freedom.

    Some action or idea, which proves too powerful to ignore, sets us off.

    For Matthew, it was the simple question, “What is Canada?”

    For me, it was, “If they are honest, why won’t IRS officials admit their own instructions in writing?”

    For Kevin Annett, it was, “What happened to all these Native children?”

    It doesn’t matter which particular issue gets us started, the important part is that we start.

    It’s our world and our due diligence is required, isn’t it?

    Once we start this process, we inexorably unravel the spider web, and it all eventually leads to the center of the web—and the spiders spinning it.

    The “spiders” in the Western World have always inhabited certain locations: London, the Inner City of London, Rome, Geneva, and Ghent, in Belgium.

    In more recent times, they have extended their reach to Denmark, Delaware, Washington, DC, New York, Ontario, Taiwan, Shanghai, and points beyond.

    Wherever they are, the results are always the same — endless criminality designed to control commodities, labor resources, communications, and transportation systems.

    Whether you call them “the British Raj” or the American Raj or the Shanghai Raj, they remain the same brand of British Territorial Mercenaries bullying and bothering, pillaging, plundering, and acting as parasites.

    The German Raj we mistakenly call the Nazis, were simply better organized and enjoyed more funding.

    Take the time to listen to this brief overview of the history that should concern all of us:


  • Wondering if anyone listened to President Trump’s recent rally speech in NH a few days back?
    Either reading from the teleprompter or speaking ad lib, idk, but just minutes into his address to a very enthusiastic crowd, he referenced the same news headliner of the beheading of 40 babies by militant members of HAMAS. Biden had previously stated he’d seen photos of that atrocity. Yet many independent sources even within the IDF have discredited the report. With so much propaganda from the media, here and abroad, it is so impossible to know, really. True or not, affirming this incident is just perpetuating this war and innocent civilians on β€œboth sides” are being slaughtered.

  • Alexandra,

    A couple of reports ago, you
    mentioned this about yourself :

    β€œI don’t watch TV.”

    Well, you suffer far less
    cognitive dissonance than
    those of us watching how
    DEGRADING/Immoral TV
    has becomeβ€”from, say,
    the 1950s forward.

    What degree of anxiety
    do white people suffer,
    after watching TV news
    showing 50 to 60 blacks
    trashing and stealing in
    stores – over and over
    again ! – then watch TV
    commercials dominated
    by black faces all happy
    and living MORAL lives,
    while their SOCIAL
    CHARACTER – as shown
    on TV news – is extremely
    OPPOSITIONAL to those
    ads ( study my essay,
    β€œThe Color of Crime” ) ?

    That is COGNITIVE
    applied by the Marxian
    DEEP State, as in 2020
    the Marxian Ad Council
    had BOLDLY shifted ad
    actors from 80% white-
    dominated TO 80%

    Everyone had been in
    their homes for the
    Covid-Hoax, so lots of
    EXPOSURE to TV ads,
    designed to psycholo-
    gically entrain/mold
    whites to A C C E P T
    their soon-to-be
    MINORITY-Status, in
    their-own-built CIVIL-
    IZATIONβ€”and while
    Anti-WHITE people of
    color – in the multi-
    millions ! – march across
    our border, to S T E A L
    their place in a civilized
    society they could not
    conceive of nor build in
    their countries of origin.

    Recall my satirical
    essay, β€œYour White Face,”
    which was TOO predic-
    tive of coming events;
    for GENOCIDING and
    Civl Societiesβ€”all of
    them, for :



    • P.S.

      This paragraph, from the above FKTV
      report, prompted my above column :

      “What keeps me going is praying about gratitude every day. I am grateful that I am aware. I am grateful that I have this responsibility, I am grateful for the people in my life, I am grateful my head is not in the sand and that I don’t risk having COGNITIVE Dissonance [ my emphasis ] because I don’t think for myself.β€œ

    • I started noticing the shift in print ads in the mid 90’s. It was like all the ad agencies got together and said we need to put the 13% in every single ad. It was like it became a crime to feature a blue eyed blonde. Now when you see print and internet ads the whites are watered down with olive skin and dark hair. The people with big kinky hair dominate. Yet when you are out and about you rarely see these minorities in this very big exaggerated mop hair style. Whites have pretty much been erased even though we buy the majority of products these companies advertise. I just saw the latest Sam’s Club flyer and had to look very hard to find a white. If you work in advertising you probably get fired if you place too many blondes or redheads in the ads. They can’t fool all of us.

  • Republics Versus Republican States – Founding Fathers left instructions for us.

    Yet another confusion — and this one is meant to be confusing, so watch out.

    In recent days (and in the past) I have described the Bunko Squad crime called “mirroring” which is another form of impersonation.

    It can be someone dressing up and adopting your name and appearing to be you, or it can be an organization doing the same thing to another group or business, or in this case — government.

    Think of the little gambit of “McDonnel’s Hamburgers” versus “McDonald’s Hamburgers” and you will get the drift.

    Parodies that involve mirroring are legally protected, like me pretending to be Steve Martin, but deliberate mirroring so as to confuse the public for purposes of financial gain or to promote false authority and exercise of power under color of law, is not.

    This second brand of mirroring is what we have here — trying to pass off State Republics for republican States.

    Part of the confusion is created by the interplay of two distinct languages — Latin and English, which have different grammar and style conventions. The rest is provided by similar words providing a basis for deception.

    Many English-speakers are familiar with the fact that other languages, including the Romance Languages descended from Latin, and the modern Germanic Languages and Scandinavian Languages descended from Old Saxon, assign a Gender to nouns, so that the definite article for each noun has to be learned along with the word itself.

    “Republic” in Latin is a male noun, whereas “republican” is a female adjective describing — in our important example, “form of government”.

    The Constitutions guarantee us the right to assemble our “republican form of government”.

    Not a “republic form of government”.

    This may not seem like a big deal to an English-speaking public, but it is a big deal.

    Remember that the Treaties and Contracts including the Constitutions were all finalized in their official versions in the diplomatic language of the day — French, which is a Romance language derived from Latin, complete with gender issues.

    A “republican form of government” is not the same as a “republic form of government” and that should be our first clue that the Federal Republic Government is a different beastie than the government guaranteed to us under the Constitutions.

    The State Republics created to be members of the Federal Republic are a different government apart from and operating in a different jurisdiction of law from the actual republican states guaranteed in the more than 200 year-old French.

    And here we encounter another difference between English and Latin and Latin-derived languages: in Latin (and antique French) small letters denote elevated status or seniority, whereas in English, all Proper Nouns (and though this is something of a grammatical oxymoron, all Proper Pronouns standing for Proper Nouns) are written in Upper and Lower Case.

    Thus, in the official diplomatic French version, “republican form of government” refers to “republican states” which are the very same “free, sovereign, and independent states” referred to by King George III in the Treaty of Paris 1783.

    In Diplomatic French as in Latin, our physically defined States of the Union are styled as “states of the union” because we are translating from French, not English.

    This has caused no end of confusion for Americans unaware of this linguistic maelstrom, and it has caused many Americans to assume that the French “states” have to be something other or different from our English “States” — which is not the case.

    This has also caused many weird style conversions in private and public records, such as “the state of maryland” versus “The State of Maryland” and also “the Republic of Maryland” and “the Maryland Republic”.

    As my Mother might say, “Sweet Jesus, what conundrum of Satan is this?”

    The only way to straighten it out is to decide which language convention you are going to use — translated French or English — and then use that style throughout whatever you are creating or translating.

    By the time the Confederation (doing business as the States of America) was creating the Federal Republic, and all the Confederation members operating as individual States of States, e.g., The State of New York, were spawning State Republics to serve as members of the Federal Republic apparatus– the documents were no longer being written in Diplomatic French.

    So as of 1787 we have the original members of the Confederation (1781) each doing business as an American State of State with names formed as, for example, The State of Virginia and The State of Maine, each spinning off new State Republics to serve as their members in the new Federal Government being created.

    So we suddenly had the Maine Republic, the Florida Republic, etc., and they were all members of the American Federal Republic Government operating in international jurisdiction under the original Federal Constitution of 1787.

    Okay, well, and good, but…. the Federal Republic also operated in Global Commerce, yet another jurisdiction with its own laws and conventions, so….

    The various State Republics were formed with “sister” commercial organizations all with names styled in this manner: the Republic of Florida, the Republic of Maine, etc.

    And this is what is giving rise to all these “State Republics” and “Republic of States” organizations trying to spring up like dandelions in spring.

    Does everyone reading this have a headache yet?

    What it boils down to is this: between the years 1787 and 1860, we had an American Federal Republic — an American Subcontractor that provided the States with various agreed upon mutual services and which operated under “The Constitution for the united States of America”.

    This Federal Republic and its members, the State Republics operating in international jurisdiction, and the Republics of State operating in global commerce, all disappeared in the wake of the Civil War.

    They vanished without a trace, but the actual States and the People did not vanish. We were still here, simply left without a viable American service provider — and conveniently not having it explained to the American Public, because the other foreign Federal Subcontractors were eager to take over.

    The American State of State doing business as The State of Maine prior to the Civil War was quietly replaced (as an “emergency” measure) by the State of Maine operated by the British Territorial Government — a foreign Federal Subcontractor operating as a democracy (neither republican nor a Republic) under The Constitution of the United States of America.

    And that, dear friends, is where we have been stuck ever since, as the victims of a phony emergency and a British Territorial Military Protectorate foisted off on us by traitors and fools.

    Recently, a great many people — mostly these same British-affiliated Territorials and District of Columbia personnel misleading ignorant Americans — have been promoting restoration of the Republics of State, such as the Republic of Texas, as an answer to our practical and political dilemmas,

    By what means and authority can they act?

    Certainly not as Americans.

    The American States (Maine, for example) gave rise to the American States of States (The State of Maine) and the American States of States gave rise to the Federal Republic States (the Maine Republic) which gave rise to the Republic of States (the Republic of Maine).

    The only American part of this whole apparatus still standing is the original State — Maine. Our original States of States, like The State of Maine, have been rolled up and cashiered in State Trusts operated under names styled like this: the Maine State (Trust).

    All the entities now operating as states-of-states are British Territorial interlopers foisted off on us in the wake of the Civil War, or Municipal Corporations infringing on our trademarks and Good Names, e.g., the STATE OF MAINE.

    Folks, there’s no way to get there from here, except to go all the way back to our original and still-standing States, Maine, Illinois, etc., and reconstruct our own American States of States, dissolve the foreign State Trusts, and operate our own State Governments again.

    The Brits came in here in the wake of the Civil War and forced everyone to write “new” State Constitutions and forced us to contract with their State of State organizations via these undisclosed and forced contracts.

    Even our own soldiers and service members didn’t know what was going on.

    It was a Substitution Fraud — the British Territorial Government substituted their very similarly named State of State organizations for our own American States of State organizations, and almost nobody was the wiser.

    They are trying the same thing again. They are trying to substitute British Territorial “State” Republics for our vanished American State Republics.

    Rather than standing down and helping our States of the Union do the reconstruction work that only the States can do, they are trying to get Americans to accept their fraudulent substitution scheme again — only this time, they are aiming at occupying our Federal Republic — with the intent of establishing their own Federal Republic, instead.

    They figure that if they could replace our States of States with their States of States, why not replace our Federal Republic with their Federal Republic? If they could get away with the State of State of switcheroo, why not a Republic State and Republic of State switch, too?

    It’s time that we woke up, all the way up, and then time to stand up — all the way up.

    Our States of the Union are in Session now. Our unincorporated Federation of States is in Session now. We don’t need any other representation or instrumentality to function.

    Our States of the Union (or in French translation, “states of the union”) are alive and well and hold General Jurisdiction over everything within their physical borders.

    Don’t like the Border problem? Join your actual State Assembly and tell the British Territorial State of State Legislature and Governor what to do.

    Don’t like the horrific problems with the medical industry? Join your actual State Assembly and tell the British Territorial Government and especially the United States Secretary of State to clean up the Patent Office, revoke all harmful and criminal patents, and kick SERCO back to the UK.

    This is your country, but you are going to have to work hard and educate yourselves to keep it secure and enjoy it. Begin now.

    Go to:

    Bypass the distractions and confusions and keep on the straight and narrow. This is supposed to be an American Government run by Americans and serviced by American organizations.

    Make it so.

    And for all you other countries, whose natural government has been similarly usurped upon and left dormant and occupied by foreign, albeit, Allied military forces — the same situation and verbiage applies.

    Most of the other countries never had any system of state or provincial “republics” to start with, and now, suddenly, people are talking about starting republics in Italy and republics in Romania — and it is all equally misbegotten.

    You don’t want “Republic” governments. You want “republican” governments.

    Pay attention to the essential difference between governments organized by the people who live within the established physical boundaries of your country, and “governments” organized by corporations to provide “governmental services” for a fee.

    If you let them, such corporations will endlessly expand the services they offer, until they are paying themselves to wipe your butts for you, to do your thinking for you, to manage and dictate your health care for you, and all sorts of other tasks you never asked them to do.

    And they will keep on serving you and providing all this unauthorized service and charging you for it, until they own everything you think you own, and they are standing there, mugging, and pretending that they were all good loyal public servants, doing what you told them to do.

    Stop the madness now.

    Restore your lawful governments — the republican form of government you are owed, and don’t be fooled into chasing after or supporting any incorporated “Republics” operated by foreign interests.

    • Steve,

      Brilliantly explainedβ€”would that, say,
      college law students were required to
      parse your above paragraphs, then,
      possibly . . .

      However, we just learned a couple
      months ago :

      β€œLaw students are no
      longer required to
      study the U.S.


    • Steve: THANK YOU for this info, well done! I’m guessing most Americans have no idea of our true history and we are in dire need of knowing the truth. This is great info, we need to spread this everywhere. The only thing I disagree with is that it was never a “Civil War” but a War Between the States – or as some historians prefer to call it, The War of Northern Aggression. The South fought because of unconstitutional and huge tariffs – no state in the Union was supposed to have tariffs put on them, that was for foreign entities. There is plenty of info to back this up and if anyone disagrees with me, I’ll be happy to courteously tell them the facts/truth. In 1871 we became a corporation, another huge step in ending the real America that was had been created. We were no longer a nation but a corporate entity, U.S.A., Inc.

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