This is the most comprehensive film about every exasperating detail about the official story of 9/11 that simply does not add up.

It was produced by an Italian production company and funded completely by donations of hundreds of people, who wanted to know the truth.

It features Sibel Edmonds, Ross Wittemberg, Barbara Honegger, Daniel Hopsicker, David Ray Griffin and Webster Tarpley — speaking surprisingly good Italian for his interview.

(in alphabetical order)

Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed
Philip Berg
Robert Bowman
Louie Cacchioli
Guilietto Chiesa
Brian Clark
Sibel Edmonds
Jurgen ElsasseR
Dario Fo
Morris Ghiadoni
David Ray Griffin
Giuseppe Guardabasso
Barbara Honegger
Daniel Hopsicker
Robin Hordon
Les Jameson
Steven E. Jones
John Judge
Amanda Keller
Paolo Marini
Robert McIlvane
Jeannette McKinley
Marina Montesano
Moni Ovadia
William Rodriguez
Coleen Rowley
Kevin Ryan
Ralph Schoenman
David Shayler
Michael Springmann
Webster Tarpley
Gore Vidal
Francesco Vitanza
Ross Wittenberg

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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