Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was incapacitated and hospitalized for four days without even informing his next-of-command, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who herself was on vacation.

Alex Jones asks Flynn, “How could anyone do anything like this while you’re starting major wars with Russia?”

Flynn says, “We have woke leadership at the top and that includes Secretary of Defense Austin. These people are putting our country in danger by their own personal behavior…and the fact that the Deputy Secretary was on vacation and these people, when you look around in the Pentagon and the people that are running the Department of Defense right now, most Americans would be so upset, because these people have no business – never mind being around military, running our military – running our armed forces!

“This is such a dangerous period of time and we just saw an example of how dangerous it is, with the behavior and the actions of Secretary Austin, his deputy and quite frankly, the behavior and the actions of the Administration over in the White House and the way that they responded to this thing.

“Austin should resign or be fired immediately. We need leadership in this White House and in this Pentagon. The last thing I’ll say, Alex is that most people are not paying as close attention as you or I but Secretary of State Blinken was just over meeting with Abbas, the head of the Palestinian organization. They wouldn’t even put up a US Flag while he sat there next to him. They didn’t even put up a damned US Flag! That’s how much they could care less about the leadership of this administration.”

Montana Republican Congressman, Matt Rosendale is moving to impeach Austin, saying,  “Secretary Austin has violated his oath of office time and time again, and has jeopardized the lives of the American people.”

Pennsylvania Democrat Congressman, Chris Deluzio is calling on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to resign, “due to lack of transparency,” the first Democratic member of Congress to do so.

Like all the other Globalists now “serving” in the US Government, Austin is a traitor to the People of the United States of America.

As CD Media says:

Austin presided over America’s surrender in Afghanistan, the unrestricted flyover of the United States by a Chinese spy balloon, and the Department of Defense’s program to force an experimental “vaccine” on servicemembers. During his tenure, many of the service branches have also repeatedly failed to meet recruiting goals.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Why don’t we get it? Here is another black man intent on destroying America . These guys are soooo vendictive because of what happened nearly 200 years ago. They hate white folks soooo much that they would destroy the greatest nation the earth has ever known, just to get even for “slavery” … and that will not satisfy their disgusting hatred anyway … only Jesus can do that!

  • Get your affairs in order as time is short. The irony is that your affairs will go nowhere as every American is in the crosshairs of these tyrants.

  • Democrat Social Engineering gone mad!

    Who in the District of Corruption are the adults?

    It’s an out of control circus, now that all the social engineers got their hands on the levers of power. Look what just happened in the congress – Biden’s boy and his cadre of thugs arrogantly breezed in, thumbed their noses at congress and walked back out like they owned the place! Who in DC knows anything about running the government, or the military!

    The Chicoms have to be delirious with laughter.

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