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From @GeneralMCNews

“Initial policy change to allow Ukraine to hit targets in Russian territory did not occur until after Russian troops opened up a new front near Kharkiv, and even then the administration’s initial change was only a half step. The policy has been revised, but it’s still unclear to Congress what exactly the policy is. Recent reporting indicates that the administration is restricting the use of U.S. source weapons on Russian territory to within 62 miles of the border of Ukraine, well short of the full 190-mile range of the attack.

“How many airbases are within range of the attack is the administration preventing Ukraine from hitting? What we have been trying to do is provide the weapons and focus them in areas that were of most immediate need. So first that was where Russia was pursuing the initial offensive, in that box right near Kharkiv. And now as Jake Sullivan said last week, if Russia attempts to widen the front, Ukraine can reach out more.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • What if it was Florida that wanted to join BRICS, and they were bombing some old retirees (who liked being part of the U.S.) up in the Florida Panhandle region, and the U.S. invaded Florida to make them stop doing that and keep BRICS off the North American mainland; and then Russia tells Florida “it’s okay to start shelling U.S. cities (like Atlanta, or Macon or Biloxi), we’ve got your back”. How do we think that would play in D.C. (much less Atlanta, If they don’t want to depopulate America, they’ve got a strangelove way of showing it.

  • As far as I am concerned, Vladimir Putin has shown unbelievable and admirable restraint in his retaliation against America’s Ukrainian Proxy War. If he is inevitably forced to nuke America, I can only hope that he strikes “The Head of the Snake”, not we uninvolved real Americans.
    I feel that we real Americans are quite capable of governing ourselves without the benefit of so-called “Big Government” in Washington, DC, and I would enjoy having the opportunity to prove it.

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