This is a well-made document of a historical case of possible mass abduction. It occurred in a very rural location in northwestern Maine, near the small town of Allagash in late August of 1976.

The four experiencers, Charles Foltz, Chuck Rack and the twins, Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner are interviewed separately here, some 40 years after the event, describing their canoeing and camping trip.

They all saw a spherical yellowish white light which left them with a sense that it was coming after them, as they canoed across a lake late one night and were struck by the feeling that it was inescapable. Then, they found themselves ashore, observing it as it hovered for a moment and silently zoomed upwards at a tremendous speed. Then it “winked-out” of sight.

Two years later, after the twins had suffered from horrific waking “nightmares” involving non-human beings doing experiments with them.

All four decided to undergo regression hypnosis, where they were regressed separately. Most of the men had startling similar repressed memories of what had occurred on the night of the UFO sighting.

This document and the testimonies of the men are completely straightforward and unembellished. It has none of the music or special effects of a television program. It smacks of the truth.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • Based on multiple testimony and cross examination
    These brave men going public brings expanded knowledge
    That humanity is interfacing with much higher intelligence/s
    Excellent Doc

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