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METAL LEO has been faithfully documenting the decline and destruction of California, from Beverly Hills to San Francisco.



The most requested video in the comments: Fisherman’s Wharf, is one of the city’s biggest tourist traps . Souvenir shops and stalls selling crab and clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls used to be all over as with the postcard views of the Bay, the Golden Gate ridge and Alcatraz. But in recent years, street conditions are eroding all the boutiques and eateries and visitors are met with rows of shuttered stores and boarded-up restaurants. In this video, I am walking at the heart of Fisherman’s Wharf – and I have to warn you, It’s not easy to watch. Brace yourself for another eye-opening video.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • As of 2022 California population was 39 million people almost 40 million people ,
    1 day A Mass Exodus will force the People to leave California…
    It’s only a matter of time ,
    2028 , 2035 , 2042 how many more years to the Exodus finally happens ???

  • They make so much money at Seafood places, of course Bills are super high! I would have to say people do not feel safe to venture out and get Killed or robbed! Immigration, yeah! Sorry! I meant step into a pile of shit!

    • If you are able to understand, anything, it is that I never voted in a lying scumbag politician…..ever!

      Whereas you have, so you are responsible for the destruction of America, because you have played that fools game.

      Now you are being held accountable, by the scumbags….and because of your foolishness, humanity is paying the price.

  • Not surprising, the combining of middle class impoverishment with the toxic waste of Sodom and Gomorra on the west coast. But never fear, they have migrated to the Gold Coast of Florida!

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