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Roseanne Barr reveals that she might be an even bigger conspiracy theorist than Benjamin Fulford! She schools him on the Satanic “owners of the world”, who control the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland and how this landlocked “neutral” state is their headquarters.

Roseanne says she been influenced the work of Dr Sean Hross and his 2012 video, ‘The Pharaoh Show’ and how he explores the history of the Swiss and why they’re a “neutral” nation and why they’re the center of banking, of CERN, of the Third Reich and of royals.

The two talk about the Biden Show and what they think is going on there. She says that she’s been an avid Q follower and that she believes that the Q posts were the work of military intelligence who were posting about the Law of War.


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Knights Templar didn’t steal from the 2nd temple in Jerusalem, they were sent there to take back what was stolen from the Nobility Class who the Knights Templar fought/worked for.
    Roseanne & Benjamin’s childish understanding of this very ancient war is actually between the Semites, which are modern Jews & Arab’s, and the Aryan Royal Bloodlines, which include Greeks, Slavs, Celts, Germanic Tribes.
    Do Not make the mistake & say the ruling class “were thrown out of the Middle East” as if the middle east is innocent, which they are not, but certain group’s themselves are Semites, that are the Babylonians.
    The Semites are the cause of much catastrophe in the last millennium such as the Sub- Saharan African Slave Trade, the Bolshevik Gulag’s.
    Point is, Nothing is as it seems, especially to the peasants, which technically these two are no different than us.

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