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On May 12, an apartment complex in Belgorod, Russia was bombed by Ukrainian forces, killing 15 people and destroying the homes of dozens more.

Although the official story is that this apartment complex was struck by fragments of an OTR-21 Tochka Soviet-era ballistic missile, launched by Ukraine using Adler and RM-70 Vampire (MLRS) multiple launch rocket systems and shot down by Russia, my former colleague, Scott Bennett is on the scene, to deliver his oral affidavit that this civilian housing complex was destroyed by American and NATO weapons.

Between this deadly attack and the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline in 2022, It seems to me that Russia has grounds for war against NATO, however, during a Q&A panel at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 9th, Vladimir Putin stated that, “We are not brandishing [nuclear weapons].”

As Putin explained, Russia’s nuclear doctrine clearly states that atomic weapons can only be used in the face of a “threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of the country. “I do not believe that it is the case now.”

On June 12, a flotilla of Russian naval vessels, including the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan docked in the port of Havana. This was apparently a scheduled exercise and the US Government announced that they were unconcerned.

The flotilla left on Monday after a five-day stay, amid reports that the submarine’s hull appeared damaged – which may be propaganda, as even Newsweek reports that, “Submarines are typically fitted with stealth coatings, or anechoic tiles, which are designed to absorb sound waves, making them less vulnerable to attacks and harder for enemy ships to track. It is common to see patches of missing tiles on submarine hulls.”



This is a legal affidavit, an oral affidavit. My name is Scott Bennett, former United States Army officer, State Department Counterterrorism Analyst.

This is an affidavit testifying that the area behind me is the place that was struck, the apartment complex, the civilian housing structure that was struck by American and NATO weapons.

These are civilian targets. These are not military targets. As such, this is an act of terrorism.

This is an act of intentional terrorism, meant, designed and orchestrated to exercise political extortion upon the Russian Federation. As such, this is an act in violation of the United States Constitution, the United States laws, the laws of the several states. This is also a violation of the United Nations Charter, as well as the laws of war.

This is an affidavit that will be sent to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Senate Speaker Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

And as such, this is a notice that it must cease and desist the civilian targeting using American and NATO weapons, or else failure to cease and desist will constitute a continuation of war crimes.

This is another angle. Just look at the internal world of these people that was suddenly shattered on this first floor, and then above them the second floor, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth.

You have books. You have towels. You have toys. You have cookie boxes. You have ironing boards. You have art. You have pictures.

All of this shattered in an explosion, an explosion done by NATO weapons.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Good luck getting those war mongers to listen. They want war. Bankers are needing to reap more profits.

  • The whole world is in a complete mess due to the bankers war and the people are still blind not all but the comfortably numb who are financially secure and think they are u touchable they won’t have to wait long when their world falls down they will understand then starting with digital banking then there are a multitude of other thing that can and will go wrong most people not seeing big picture

  • If you keep letting someone other than yourself make your laws and run your affairs for you, they will always steal your money and property and enslave you. All Representatives are bribed, bought off, blackmailed and controlled by The East India Trading Company located in The City of London. This Representative form of government came from the Roman Slave System. We desperately need Direct Democracy now. And anyone like Alex Jones and Mike Adams, who claim that direct democracy is mob rule are in fact controlled opposition. Because of course it’s mob rule. It’s the whole damn mob of us Daring to make our own laws and run our own affairs. A German philosopher once said that, “…no one is more hopelessly enslaved than he who thinks he’s free “. And the Globalists know this. That’s why their Continuance of Government will allow this system to go on. The Day After, and the smoke clears, they emerge to take control again before they allow us to create any sort of freedom. Don’t like what I have to say, slave? Well, thanks anyways, Capt Joe.

  • We know that Russia is capable of flattening Kiev, and make the midget incapable of flying anywhere?

    Obviously, one side has no respect for civilians lives. Sending report to the top fascists in congress will sure help? Not.

  • We know that Russia is capable of flattening Kiev, and make the midget incapable of flying anywhere? Obviously, one side has no respect for civilians lives.

  • Julian Assange, the Espionage Act of 1917, and Freedom of the Press
    The case against Assange represents the first time the 102-year-old act has been used to target a media organization.
    he Espionage Act has never before been used to prosecute a media organization for publishing or disseminating unlawfully disclosed classified information. Although the Justice Department questions whether Assange is a legitimate journalist, the fact is that since founding WikiLeaks, Assange has been in the business of gathering and publishing newsworthy information and documents. He came to the U.S. government’s attention because much of what he has published has been highly incriminating and “embarrassing to the U.S. government” including the controversial “Collateral Murder” video showing a U.S. air crew in Apache helicopters in July 2007 slaughtering a dozen people in Iraq. The dead included two Iraqis working for Reuters news agency, contradicting U.S. claims that all the dead were insurgents.Prior to Barack Obama taking office, the law was used four times against government officials for providing classified information to the media. The Obama administration filed seven prosecutions against government employees and contractors, including Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. In none of these cases did the government charge the media outlets who ultimately published this information. “FREE ASSANGE” Someone forgot to ‘pardon’ him!

  • Julian Assange, the Espionage Act of 1917, and Freedom of the Press
    The case against Assange represents the first time the 102-year-old act has been used to target a media organization.
    he Espionage Act has never before been used to prosecute a media organization for publishing or disseminating unlawfully disclosed classified information. Although the Justice Department questions whether Assange is a legitimate journalist, the fact is that since founding WikiLeaks, Assange has been in the business of gathering and publishing newsworthy information and documents. He came to the U.S. government’s attention because much of what he has published has been highly incriminating and “embarrassing to the U.S. government” including the controversial “Collateral Murder” video showing a U.S. air crew in Apache helicopters in July 2007 slaughtering a dozen people in Iraq. The dead included two Iraqis working for Reuters news agency, contradicting U.S. claims that all the dead were insurgents.Prior to Barack Obama taking office, the law was used four times against government officials for providing classified information to the media. The Obama administration filed seven prosecutions against government employees and contractors, including Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. In none of these cases did the government charge the media outlets who ultimately published this information. “FREE ASSANGE” Someone forgot to ‘pardon’ him!

  • The progeny of Eastern European thugs and their willing toadies in our own government have persecuted Scott for years.

    The subversive progeny of refugees from the now over century long reign of terror in that region between fascism and communism have brought their terror to the shores of our fair land. Until and only if Americans wake up to it will they be empowered to curtail it. But we got to get these seditionist’s hands off our government’s levers of power in our own military industrial complex about which President Eisenhower warned. He saw this coming, thanks in no small measure to his experience as First Allied Commander of the European theater of war.

    But we must also realize they have recruited collaborators from amongst us to serve their cause of dominion through the time tested seditious practice of Hegel’s dialectics.

    • Looks Like the work of “Obama” in Syria (as i shuffle through my notes, videos, recordings, and classified documents.) I was there, the same area where Julian Assange reported on, though th NY TIMES reported on it first, Wikileaks folowed, why was Wikileaks sabbotaged, and the NY Times patted on the ass??

    • I was kicked out and banned from YouTube at the age of “ 3 “ now gOogLe Bots, and aPpLe Bots RULE the comments?? wHy?

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