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RFK Jr is seen in a hotel room on the campaign trail holding his cell on speakerphone. Trump is heard on the other line saying:

“I agree with you, Man. Something’s wrong with that whole system. And it’s the doctors you find.

“Remember, I said I want to do small doses, small doses. When you, when you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines, and it looks like it’s good for a horse, not a, you know, 10 pound or 20 pound baby. It looks like you’re giving, you should be giving a horse this, and did you ever see the size of it, right? You know, it’s this massive.

“And then, you see the baby, all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times. And then, you hear that it doesn’t have an impact, right? But you and I talked about that a long time ago.

“Anyway, I would be, I would love you to do so. And I think it would be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re going to win. We’re going to win. We’re way ahead of the guy [Biden].

“And you know, he’s interesting. It was very nice. Actually, he called me and he said, “How did you choose to move to the Right?” So I guess people saw it. You know, if I was looking straight around, right? [his head would have been blown off] “I said, I was just showing a chart.”

“I didn’t have to tell him the chart was on all the people pouring into our country. But no, I just turned my head to show the chart and something wrapped me. It felt like a giant, like the world’s largest mosquito.

“And, uh, it was, it was a bullet going around. You know, what do they call that? An AR-15 or something. That’s a big gun.

“Those are pretty tough guns, right?”

RFK Jr later tweeted that his in-house videographer was filming and that he should have ordered him to stop and that he’s mortified that it was posted and he apologizes to the Prsident.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Aloooooot of TDS has attacked your site Alexandra

    Got a true “conspiracy theorist” lib on comments saying Trump let someone try to shoot an apple off his head

    Who here would allow a bullet to fly that close to them?

    Subject closed Dijan, you’re an idiot bringing your stupid shit

    Several of you others won’t vote Trump and will allow 2 commies to take over

    The populace of this country has been MK Ultra’d no doubt

  • Aloooooot of TDS has attacked your site Alexandra

    Got a true “conspiracy theorist” lib on comments saying Trump let someone try to shoot an apple off his head

    Who here would allow a bullet to fly that close to them?

    Subject closed Dijan, you’re an idiot bringing your stupid shit

  • unless the upcoming shootout at OK corral goes off the rails RFK 2.0 could see a great leap forward call up from the minor league back bench seat being offered up by trumpenstein . accidental leak my ass bobby gave it a little twist so mortified he was butt still shived stiffly butt surely an accidental ass stabbing it was .

  • BTW RFK Jr. complained previously that Trump did not listen to him even though he told Trump about vax being poisonous.
    What he does is what he is, not what he says, in the end.

  • I had a Herbal Medical Book and there was a section Medical doses , about what to give Children and babies, I assumed all Doctors did this!Children and baby vaccines way to much and toxic, criminal not to follow basic medical rules of dosages!

  • “The Trump Shooting was of course Staged”:

    “Before we get into it, let me just state the obvious: in that “iconic” photo, Trump is not saying “fight”, he is saying “fuck”. Everybody knows that, so let’s just be honest. That will help get us in.
    Another clue is that, technically, the flag is upside down in that photo above under title.
    Then we have the bad moulage job, where some make-up girl was hiding behind the podium and smeared some fake blood on Trump when he kneeled down. It isn’t convincing at all, since the straight lines of blood look like they were drawn on with a red marker. Then there is some red goop on his ear, but she didn’t have time to make that look real, either. All she did is make the whole ear red. But where is the bullet hole? We seem to be missing a bullet hole.
    Then there’s the little problem about allowing him to stand up and do his little dance, gesturing to the crowd and so on. They had to get the picture for the papers.
    Next we come to the assessment that has made the papers, that being the Secret Service acted nothing like the Secret Service. Some are implicating Secret Service, implying there was some sort of stand down, but that is again misdirection. Yes, the strange (in)actions of the Secret Service indicate either a stand down OR they indicate a faked event. So why is no one in the mainstream or alternative press on either side allowed to point that out? Only a few wingnuts like minor actresses are saying it, and they are being leapt on from all quarters as insane. But what is insane about it? Logically, it should be the first thing to mark off, right? Any real investigation would start by proving the event happened. These are Hollywood people, after all. Trump is an actor and has worked on TV and with WWE, both masters of fakery. So there is nothing insane about looking closely at this event for signs it was staged. If we do that, it quickly becomes clear it was allowed to happen, but not because SS wanted Trump dead. It was allowed to happen because it was staged. Occam’s Razor applies here, since the staging explanation is far simpler than any other explanation.
    If you haven’t read the mainstream admissions, they have admitted SS had previously tagged that rooftop where the shooter was perched as dangerous, so it should not only have been restricted, it should have had an agent physically on it. Snipers on adjacent buildings could see him and had already spotted him, but allegedly weren’t allowed first shot. Yeah. If you believe that you will believe anything.
    Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump. […] The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long.
    Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight [number 8 is a hoax marker] bullets whizzing past them. They stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. That’s because they know the bangs are just blanks. […] You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn’t add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn’t mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today. […] His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.
    That’s the alleged shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a Blackrock commercial from last year. For some reason not given, Blackrock shot their commercial at Bethel Park Highschool, where Crooks was a student. […] Any student appearing in this commercial would be handpicked by the directors. They don’t just shoot randomly and then ask students to sign a release. My guess is Crooks is related to someone high up at Blackrock, and this was his first foot-wetting for his career. What career? CIA, of course. His fake death in this event is the perfect entry into CIA, since he now has cover. The best cover available: a faked death. […] Most of those Crooks were already scrubbed off his immediate family’s pages yesterday and I only found them with some inspired digging. […] LinkedIN also delivered on Kayla Crooks, since as it turns out she is now Kayla Crooks Kennedy. […] she married Devin Kennedy in 2021. […] Our Devin Kennedy is a senior IT business analyst at PNC Bank, Pittsburgh. He even looks like a Kennedy: […] Plus, we find he went to Wheeling Jesuit University. The Jesuits are Catholics, of course, so this also tends to peg him not just as a Kennedy, but as from THE Kennedys. A clue in the same direction is SIFE, which he was in at Wheeling. This is Students with an Interrupted Formal Education, which is not just ESL students, it is also these pampered people like Kennedys and Rockefellers and movie stars and musicians, who are too important gallivanting about the world to go to school, so they get left behind academically and have to play catch-up in college. […] But don’t worry about him: PNC had already hired him in 2019, one year into his four-year masters. It wasn’t all wine and roses for this Devin Kennedy, though: in 2011 he worked as an auto body detailer for all of three months. And he has it on his resume! I am just surprised he survived it. […] So we are starting to flesh out our fake shooter a bit, aren’t we? He is not some white-trash wingnut living in a trailer park, and we are seeing some of his connections.
    I will point out one thing, though, on the way out. Robert Kennedy has also accepted this event at face value, and even tried to sell it by saying it reminded him of the assassinations in his family. Yeah, it does remind us of those, since they were equally fake.
    [ ] Or actually much worse. So it is sort of fitting I was able to pull in a Kennedy here with just a few clicks at LinkedIN.
    I am not partisan. I hate both parties and candidates about equally. I have destroyed Biden and the Democrats many times, pointing out they are now more fascist than the Republicans, which took some doing. Everyone is now reading from scripts, and I have admitted the Republicans currently have a better script. They have been given the more rational talking points for a reason: this is all part of some long-term plan to move the country even further right, into the waiting arms of the governors. But I am not buying any of the scripts and I recommend you don’t either. You should be looking for ways to drive around both parties and the Matrix that has become our world.”.


    That was Miles. Just to add some thoughts of mine:
    Actually all candidates, Kennedy/Shanahan blockchaining duo included, have the same script, that is to usher in globally interdependent digital fascism. While Kennedy’s vice president candidate Nicole Shanahan is tasked with the people-chaining job, with Trump the same job is in the hands of his vice president candidate James David Vance (born James Donald Bowman), a “hillbilly author” turned venture capitalist. This dirt-poor white-trash in 2019 somehow “co-founded Narya Capital in Cincinnati with financial backing from Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen. In 2020, he raised $93 million for the firm. With Thiel and former Trump adviser Darren Blanton, Vance has invested in Rumble, a Canadian online video platform popular with the political right. [wiki]”.
    This also pegs Rumble as another data/signals gathering (CIA-five eyes) operation by the ultra rich for the global rich.
    Vance joined the investment firm Revolution LLC in 2017.
    All revolutions are planned and executed by the ultra rich investors and they handpick do-good useful idiots to sell the illusion of change to the poor and the middle class people under the banner of revolution which is a mere mask for silicon valley (CIA) taking over cities first and then the globe:
    Take a look at who are your future jailers (who portray themselves as “investors” on that site).

    With Schmidt, Thiel and Andreessen as backers of all vice presidents, poor people’s future of stolen & digitized slave-souls looks ever more like a done-deal (slave-souls unknowingly given to, or cybernetically stolen by, “the rest, parasitizing the poor thus securing future profits for the best”).
    🙂 Andreessen –
    🙂 Thiel –
    🙂 Schmidt –

  • Trump sounding like he’s weaseling out of responsibility for the Covid calamity, but it doesn’t make any difference, it’s in the bag now for Trump unless something more dramatic appears. BTW I see JD Vance has already hit the road in a vigorous trot attacking the war in Ukraine while the neocons entertain visiting NATO delegates.

  • Let’s hope RFK Jr. knows what a GREAT LIAR trump is.. His first presidency should have shown it to him…. The same story there, call from trump, and NOTHING DONE afterwards….
    Also, PITY RFK does not see this ‘assassination trial’ as a Great (Reset?, no not yet…) STAGE for trumps success to get RFK out…. The entire politics STINKS. 4 Years of possible SLAVERY and continued MURDER on American People, on the entire humanity (via his War Speed) by this Crook(s, oh no that was the ‘schooter’), should be just a WARNING…

    • I don’t suppose RFK Jr. knows much about as he doesn’t even speak out loud about virus isolation fraud (yet).
      They both stink.

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