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This video, dating back seven years, features Kate Middleton wearing the same sweater, with her hairstyle bearing a striking resemblance to her recent video where she discloses her battle with cancer.

Speculation is arising among some individuals that a deepfake or AI may have been crafted based on this footage of Kate from 2017.

What do you think?

H/T @ShadowofEzra

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • not the same sweater plus the black and white stripes are meant to signify masonic checkerboard deception . the rothy royals are toast after failing to live up to the promise of delivering mayhem to lead the illuminati to victory and remove 90% of GOD’s creation . the silent circle jerk is pissed and the black sun reprobates are left crying over the spoiled last supper after the microwave oven lost it’s satellite signal from hell . boo hoo !

  • IMO, the cancer video they just released is a deepfake. Though such a good deepfake, I only had the intuition, assumption & feeling of a deepfake. I couldn’t exactly tell 100% until you pointed it out Alexandra! & it’s only a few frames. There are only a few things typically Ai wrong with the video; the strange fingers in frames & hands, & the disappearing ring, though this version and software is very improved! The Middleton Cancer announcement is a MI6+Ai+Monarchy+(to the exponent of?) deep fake though and that is the difference! Are we going to have to frame by frame watch videos for this fakery now!?!?! I find it interesting that the tech is so good on the facial recognition yet fumbly on the hands, typical artist tech types, meh. It is only fitting our society is totally fake anyway, when we call it out, we’re gaslit by people believing the fakes and calling us the liars. Every day that goes by I feel more propelled by all this b.s. to start a local revolt and revolution because sites like this one awoke my mind almost 20 years ago. Yet it’s so hard to start a revolution without government funding these days.

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