Justin Trudeau and his family have fled Ottawa after the massive trucker convoy began arriving in the Canadian capital on Friday night.

According to Israeli sources, the Trudeau family have been moved to a safe place in the US.

Tens of thousands of truckers are parked in front of Canadian Parliament, saying they will not leave unless Trudeau resigns or drops all mandates. No negotiation. They are prepared to stay there for weeks or months.

Note in the video that there is a wall around the Parliament Building, just as there is now a wall around the White House in DC.

Farmers have now joined the truckers and are driving their tractors toward the Capital, with 67,000 truckers from the US reportedly en route to Ottawa, as well.

At his Saturday night rally in Conroe, TX, Donald Trump said, “The Canadian truckers, you’ve been reading about it, who are resisting bravely these lawless mandates are doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far.”

Citing its powers under the COVID state of emergency of March 2020, the provincial government of Nova Scotia has declared it illegal to finance, organize, aid or participate in a truck convoy, as well as to stand along the roadside in support of a truck convoy, with violators facing $10,000 fines.

The MacDonald-Cartier bridge connecting Ontario to Québec was partially closed due to this planned protest.

Meanwhile, the Pfizer building in Paris was surrounded by a crowd of protestors on Saturday, shouting at Macron and Pfizer executives, calling them “Assassins!”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • We don’t want you here in the U.S. either Trudeau!!!! We have enough issues already dealing with our own dictator!!! WE ALL MUST STAND UP AGAINST THE HANDFULS OF GLOBAL ELITES. WE THE PEOPLE OF ALL NATIONS HAVE THE POWER, NOT THEM!!!!! THERE’S BILLIONS OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAY NO, WE’RE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR TYRANNY ANY MORE!!! GOD BLESS US ALL!!!

  • OH, GR8!!

    Prime Minister “Black Face” [ what an idiot, eh?! ] is n the US?!!!


    He is a WEF-trained Klaus Schwab grad…

  • There is a Roman Emperor who Trudeau reminds me of. So much so that I call him the Canadian Elagabalus.

    Elagabalus is the name this Emperor is remembered by and needless to say he was neither good nor great. He reigned in the early third century as one of the later members of the House of Severus.

    look him up

  • Trudeau is hiding in the USA? Canada has extradition with the USA?

    then charge Trudeau with the crimes he is manifestly guilty of and get him handed back.

    OR if he is hiding somewhere in your own country hunt him down and arrest him

  • Canada is not waking up, USA have them convince and part of the Globalism elite corruption . you don t have to be Rep or Dem…its the plan and Canada is another part of it….

  • Trudeau characterized the convoy as a “small fringe minority” and said they held “unacceptable views” in the days leading up to Ottawa’s Saturday protest.

    Justine Trudeau may have missed a major opportunity for great statecraft here!

    He should have stayed home and confronted any truckers at his front door…

    With or without a loaded 12 gauge, but it would have been a great chance to engage his critics with “dialogue and better arguments”, and Justine Trudeau is a great fan of better arguments! And what a wonderful display of statecraft that would have been.

    Instant respect! But instead, he ran off like a sniveling coward.

    And if (and that is almost impossible to even believe!) he ran off to the US, he is finished in Canada! Was there not a suitable “bugout cabin” or hotel in the enormous country of Canada big enough for him? If the leader of the nation actually flees the entire country, that means this leader have surrendered all power and only wants to save his own skin!

    I can just imagine how depressing it must be to be a citizen of Canada these days.
    Having a Prime Minister without balls must really hurt…

  • Klaus Schwab. “You will have nothing and be happy.” He was recently boasting about how they have placed all his lap dogs in high Government positions throughout the world. His pet gofer, Trudeau has jumped ship so Klaus will need a replacement SAP. We have one in Aus named Hunt with his party at an all time ratings low; Klaus may need a plan B!

  • Our ancestors are here ,all over the world. He’s finished now he’s got the Indians on him , plus , along with other Canadians , who’s international roots stretch through time from all over the world.
    When we reclaim our streets and land we quickly realise how fragile these vile ,evil , affiliations of international time bandits are.
    Book him Danno………he’s a rotting log , fit for nothing now.
    From a UK perspective , for years I ve been astounded how Canada has been controlled by the evil UK royalists and the square mile ,same as Australia and other commonwealth countries . We may see in future a drastic dismantling of the evil commonwealth zionisti tentacles. I had little idea how freemasonry and it’s evil spores had infiltrated Canada until I watched a video called Salmon Confidential on the u tube. It clearly showed how corrupt officials abused and mistreated their own fishery scientists and feildworkers to cover up the damage of commercial fish farms on the wild stock.
    Bless you all Canada and Oz . It’s been crappy over most of the world with the lockdown but seeing the treatment of Canadians and Ozzie’s has been really painfull for many Brits , the evil doers KNOW that such levels of lockdown in the UK would result in MPs being hung from lampposts . I do hope many countries go for full independence from the uk

  • you need one (wo)man surrounded by (wo)men that act as law enforcement to walk in the public courthouse and bring forth the lawful claim ( not a complaint) that a trespass has occurred; are the people acting as law enforcement going to be with the people or are they going to be traitors to mankind, i ask

  • Perhaps Justin Castro needs to be repatriated back to the homeland of his daddy?
    I am sure an arrangement can be made for a luxury suite at the Gitmo Hilton.

  • This puts US dead last in showing any sign of caring about throwing off the masonic / satanic / corporate yoke of tyranny hanging over our pitiful heads. I guess Jan 6 taught us who owns who and why we should’ve cared more after we were warned by our forefathers not to trust them we caved and let it all turn to shit.

  • “….saying they will not leave unless Trudeau resigns or drops all mandates. No negotiation.”
    Resign OR drop ‘mandates’?? THAT IS a ‘negotiation’! There should NO ‘OR’!

    “….the provincial government of Nova Scotia has declared it illegal to finance, organize, aid or participate in a truck convoy, as well as to stand along the roadside in support of a truck convoy, with violators facing $10,000 fines.”

    Nova Scotia should be the next target! Lets face it….Nova Scotia IS an extension of Scotland, and Scotland has GONE FULL-ON NAZI!!!

    We need to follow Kazakhstan’s lead……JAIL ALL POLITICIANS; gather ALL ‘paperwork’ (servers from Govt, banks, ect); ‘take over’ politicians homes (they’re BURNING THEM DOWN in Kazakhstan).

    Dear Globalists’ MINIONS……your MASTERS will NOT SAVE YOU from the next phase, of what is about to happen. We, The People (from ALL OVER THE PLANET)…….ARE COMING FOR YOU!! You WILL PAY, for ALL that you’ve done! ALL OF IT!!! If you are CORRUPT, in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM……you will NOT escape what is coming!

  • Media is claiming a few thousand trucks at best.
    Truth we are seeing is 130,000 trucks and 2,300,000 people almost 10% of Canada.
    Let’s face it, all governments keep moving the goal post, a double vaxxed person today is unvaxxed tomorrow if a booster is now required, next year it will be more boosters.
    Stop the scam of the banks and corporations this whole situation is not about a virus, it’s about fiat currencies failing around the world and depopulation.
    Wait until the truth about the shots called vaccines comes out. Then they will really see a protest when people find out they were poisoned and have nothing to lose.
    I just noticed in my local newspaper outside Toronto, Canada that the obituaries were 10 pages long this week, it’s usually 1 or 2 pages.

  • Justin is Hiding out in Jobama’s Basement in D.C., along with Beijing Joey, DOCTOR Jill, MacKrong and his Grandma, Lil Bath-house Barry and Big Mike, Hitlery and Pedo-Bill. They are accusing each other of screwing the pooch, whilst planning on how to recover from this mess to reclaim their diminishing luster. The veil has finally been lifted from the people’s eyes to reveal that all of the Progressive Liberal Lies, policies, and plans are just highly polished Turds, designed to Enrich the Elites, at the Expense of the People… The politicians have sprinkled them with glitter, smeared them with lipstick, and spritzed them with perfume. They promised the people that the Glittered Turds, erh, ah, SOCIAL PROGRAMS, could easily be picked up by the clean ends. But Alas, Tis but ANOTHER ONE OF THEIR LIES!! We the Peoples of the World See the Ruse… It’s A Turd! They have Always been TURDS!! SOCIALISM DOES’T WORK!! IT’S NEVER WORKED, and IT NEVER WILL WORK!! SOCIALISM IS POLITE NAZISM, and ALWAYS LEADS TO COMMUNISM!! WAKE TF UP!!

  • Media is claiming a few thousand trucks at best.
    Truth we are seeing is 130,000 trucks and 2,300,000 people almost 10% of Canada.
    Let’s face it, all governments keep moving the goal post, a double vaxxed person today is unvaxxed tomorrow if a booster is now required, next year it will be more boosters.
    Stop the scam of the banks and corporations this whole situation is not about a virus, it’s about fiat currencies failing around the world and depopulation.
    Wait until the truth about the shots called vaccines comes out. Then they will really see a protest when people find out they were poisoned and have nothing to lose.
    I just noticed in my local newspaper outside Toronto, Canada that the obituaries were 10 pages long this week, it’s usually 1 or 2 pages.

  • The new world for freedom for all in every country people are standing up and saying enough is enough. We now realize governments, churches, police, judges and lets not leave out those corrupt politicians have lied to us. Stand up people and fight back. There’s more of us than them. Together we can stand together but keep our sovereignty in each country and teach our children the truth and true history of the world. No more lies no more bullshit. If we stand as one they cannot defeat us. Shove that new world order up their asses.

  • How excellent! Mankind now asserts themselves to take hold of their lives and resist the minions of those evil spirits and devils our documented ancient history has been trying to teach us about since we were little.
    Nowhere, never in human history, did we ever get taught to blindly comply with such blatantly false narratives, nor on such ridiculous mandates (of any kind), by anyone, over anything at all that even called for it. For example, the non-existant (hypothetical) legislation making the crime/s of paedophilia into capital crimes. That is definitely called for today since the historical crimes of the 20th century, as we all know, saw a pernicious series of devil perpetrators, guilty of such crime/s, simply vanish into obscurity instead down into the grave (and hades where they belong). But, were too numerous to form a statistic. The rationing of resources during WW-2 would be the closest we’ve come to these CoVID restrictions, and those were not ridiculous. Those were entirely valid, relevant, and appropriate for the challenge/s at hand. These were neither, at all, valid, relevant, nor appropriate because CoVID-19 is not a real disease. CoVID-19is simply a radically strain of Coronavirus (AKA seasonal ‘Flu).

    The truth is emerging now and those souls accountable for not upholding our collective welfare paramount, when they volunteered for the role (e.g. Trudeau et al.), even campaigned for our votes in seeing them rise to power over us through Representative Democracy (AKA “Mob MENTALity”) as stewards of the people, i.e. Government, these souls are being held accountable and we will practice God’s mercy on them and their deaths will come quickly and humanely (unless they’re paedophiles, in which case we shoot them in the balls with 12G target ammo (28g birdshot) from 10’ away and then lecture them condescendingly on their foolish & sinful crimes while they slowly bleed out from the lightweight ammo wound/s and learn to regret the day they ever committed “…to ever offend one of these little ones…” (“…It would be better they tied a millstone around their neck and threw themselves in the sea…” JESUS CHRIST).

    Keep the faith.

  • What is happening to the world governments is an outrage and we the people must take our governments back from their domination over we the people. Covid was only their way to take our freedoms. The Governments of America and Canada are in bed with China and care more about Them than its people

  • Its about time we the people take back our economy’s that we the people built. To hell with these world politicians that are only in it for themselves

  • He’s a mean bully, a horrible man like Hitler and when the tables are turned he’s chicken $hit and runs and hides. I hope they find him

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