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One of my favorite conspiracy theories of late is the one that was recently posted to 4Chan, claiming the reason for the President’s recent extended disappearance was due to the recent CrowdStrike fiasco, that took out all the AI programs that have been generating the CGI Joe Biden, which is why he disappeared for nearly 2 weeks.

Sadly, it’s as plausible as anything, at this surreal, dystopian juncture in history.

Brandon re-emerged late last week, 6″-8″ taller.


Anonymous 4Chan: The Joe Biden AI Software

07/22/24 (Mon) 20:19:37

A few nights ago, Azure, the Microsoft cloud hosting service, suffered a major outage, followed the next morning by the CrowdStrike outage. There is more to this than you know.

Azure hosts many systems – websites, corporate servers, virtual machines, even LLMs. On one of these Azure machines, the WH was hosting an AI dataset and model used to generate Joe Biden (and other administration execs) videos and audio.

They spent significant time and storage to build this out, giving them the ability to place him in all manner of realistic scenarios. When Azure was taken down, the Joe Biden AI was also taken down. Data suggested this was an intrusion from a foreign actor.

In a panic, the WH ordered CrowdStrike to push out an update that would enable them to track exfiltrated data from the Azure instance, in hopes of preventing it from getting out of their control. CrowdStrike rushed the job and ended up sending out a bad driver, which bricked a million Fortune 500 workstations.

This created two problems – one, Biden was now a liability because a foreign actor likely had the AI module and could impersonate him. This meant he had to go. Two, they didn’t have the model themselves and couldn’t make any new Biden videos.

This is why he has not appeared in public, why he dropped out, and why they are scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • A dying old man going through degenerative process.
    Speaking of height, his legs seem longer just like some AI app does + Jill is further behind, making her appear much shorter.
    About the face, yea, does look completely diff in pics likely due to brain / plastic (?) surgery + other cosmetic / AI effects.
    Furthermore, if you watch some clip, his voice and facial expression actually didn’t change that much.

  • You gotta laugh if people still don’t realize Biden is played by an actor or AI. That actor or actors who created the scene of shitting himself at Normandy are heroes for doing this gig. Those spirits who fought and died at Normandy said, “I shit myself near here, too.”

  • Notice as early as July, 2019, Biden’s right ear lobe was attached at the neck—perhaps a prosthetic concealing a wire. Prior photos of Biden show symmetrical, non-attached ear lobes. “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff, then deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking — I’d be fine with that,” Obama said.

  • Look at Biden’s earlobes. The real Biden had danglers, the current one who mumbles incoherently has attached earlobes, except for the current one in the mask who speaks coherently, he also has danglers. On the other hand, ‘Alex Jones’ is definitely Bill Hicks. Bill ‘died’ then replaced the original Alex in 1999. They WERE two different people until the 1999 replacement. And Elvis is also alive, he’s an evangelist called Bob Joyce. He ‘died’ to his old self and became a preacher.

  • There have been many versions of Joe since he was executed at GITMO…We’ve not been seeing the real one for quite some time…People just don’t pay attention to details or features. If you look at photos from years ago compared to the newer ones, you can absolutely see that we haven’t seen the real Joe….

  • Ever hear of Occam’s Razor, the most obvious answer being the correct one?
    What is more than obvious is that “Joe Biden” (the most popular image) has met his well-deserved end some time ago, which is why the Narrative of his being “forced out of the race” by high-profile Democrats was invented as the “cover story”. He never had “COVID”, either. That was simply a play to buy some more time to plan even more excuses. Pay particular attention to the “Joe Biden” who intends to restructure the SCOTUS tomorrow. I think that since “the Jig is Up” with “Joe Biden”, they are going to be “going for broke” to do as much damage as possible to America using unbelievable Biden actors until circumstances ultimately reveal that “Joe Biden” has expired and arrange an actual funeral. I cannot say how long the 2020 Biden has been dead, but I suspect that it has been months before the 2020 Election Steal when he was allegedly “in his basement”, which means that the entire Biden Crime Family has been complicit in this years-long Fraud.

  • While I agree totally that’s NOT Joe, my husband brought up a point…..could Jill be wearing higher heels??? I think not. She’d have to be wearing stilettos!!!

  • Jill acts like the office is hers. Maybe it is. I think Biden died long ago and all of the ones we’ve seen are fake. I think there are at least two, maybe three. Some bloggers think as many as five. Possible one of them does have Parkinson’s & dementia. The one who spoke on tv lately looked like he had bruises on the left side of his face. He could have fallen. He could have been beaten up by one of his Chinese handlers. If Biden is dead, is this family doing all this to keep their connections & the money flowing? Are they being threatened? Or are they just the lowest life criminals on the planet? Just another mafia family like the Bushes. I would really like to know what the hell has been going on for four years. It’s like watching a bad movie. And I think if they had any real power the world would have been nuked by now.

  • reprogramming the suddenly bigger big guy to stop his presidential role playing gig from glitching and running rouge code alter overlay hacking attacks being induced by agent orange tryna get sum payback for the blue team assassination of those 4 skin cells from his ear .

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