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It’s never too late for Groundhog Day!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It is also possible to love some one, day by day, night by night, hour by hour, moment by moment.
    Repeating love is not so easy, as the repetition of bullshit.
    There is fear for lving life in love, in conflict with the fear for dying inside survival.
    Which fear is needed?

    There is a choice. However is it free??

  • It could be the greatest laugh, when a democratic party for lovely intimacy would be grounded.
    I guess there could be a huge need for this and would become for sure much attention.

    Well it is said:
    love your neighbour as your self, …………which would be now the base of such a party.

    Democratic sex ist something, is it not?
    Or would republican sex has more chance?

    Any tee party would be mixed up.

    • Aham,
      thank you for your loving insight.
      By all oddity. Its just truth.
      May be, so it become possible to make earth a loveplanet ? With laughing humans all around the world?
      Finally love is everwhere.
      On the left side the democratic and on the right side the republican.
      All are one in love……

      • Some kind of organising is needed for this.
        Without the effort it is not possible.

        For makinf war, no effort is needed……………..

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