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by Shepard Ambellas

(SQAUK) — Recent investigations have raised doubts about the current occupant of the White House, who identifies himself as President Joe Biden. Facial recognition software, known for its precision, has concluded with over 99% probability that the current “Biden” is a different individual altogether. These findings have ignited fervent debate and suspicion among investigative journalists and political analysts.
Facial discrepancies and technological evidence

The facial recognition analysis conducted by Sqauk compared numerous photographs and video footage of President Joe Biden from different periods. Additionally, experts in contact with Sqauk highlighted significant discrepancies in facial features, such as the shape and positioning of the ears, nose, and eyes, which remain consistent throughout an individual’s life. The software’s high probability rating that the two men are different has only fueled speculation.’s facial recognition accuracy rate exceeds 99%.

Can you believe it? Facial recognition software has detected with over 99% accuracy that the man currently publically appearing as the United States President, Joe Biden, is undoubtedly not the original Joe Biden. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an imposter in the White House, and there’s no room for debate.

Theories of masking and digital alteration

There are various theories about how an imposter could effectively deceive the nation, in addition to facial discrepancies. Investigators propose the possibility of using advanced physical masks and digital masking technology. Advances in both these areas have made it possible to create highly realistic masks that can change a person’s appearance and digital technologies that can manipulate live broadcasts and recordings.
Broader implications and other key figures

The implications of this deception extend beyond just President Biden. Some investigative journalists suggest that other important political figures in the U.S. government may also be imposters, using similar disguises or other methods of identity manipulation. This theory, although controversial, is gaining momentum as more inconsistencies in the appearances and behaviors of various officials come to light.

Criminal repercussions for the imposter

Should the imposter be exposed and convicted, the criminal repercussions would be severe:

Fraud and Misrepresentation: The imposter would face identity and wire fraud charges, each carrying substantial penalties.
Conspiracy: If accomplices were involved, conspiracy charges to commit fraud would be added.
Treason: Posing as the president could be seen as treason, punishable by death or life imprisonment.
Impersonation of a Federal Official: This charge alone would result in significant penalties.
Obstruction of Justice: Interfering with the government’s lawful functioning would lead to additional charges.
Espionage: Unauthorized access to classified information could result in charges under the Espionage Act.
Forgery and Document Fraud: Any fraudulent use of official documents would lead to further charges.
Public Corruption Charges: Given the office’s high responsibility, public corruption charges would be inevitable.
Other Federal Charges: Numerous other federal charges could be levied, leading to a cumulative sentence that could result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

The call for an independent investigation

Given the gravity of these allegations and their potential impact on national security and public trust, we demand the formation of an independent committee to investigate these claims thoroughly. Americans deserve transparency and truth; only an unbiased investigation can provide that.

In conclusion, the possibility of an imposter in the White House is a serious matter that requires immediate attention. The technological evidence and the severe criminal repercussions underscore the need for a comprehensive and independent investigation to safeguard the integrity of the highest office in the land.

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Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Showing photos of Biden from two different time-periods isn’t fair.

    But many of us have seen photographs of the less aged Biden and wondered.

    On the other hand, what is the motive to put the more senile Biden in a national debate only to be ravaged by legitimate criticism? If it’s to create a good excuse to replace the senile Biden, it’s unnecessary because all they have to do is cite “health concerns” and desire to be with his family.

    One thing I can say with certainty is the CIA and its cousins are doing a good job of confusing the heck out of the public, which fits with their goal of destroying the country to better enable a One World Government.

  • There’s nothing you can do about any of this crap because you don’t make the laws. You ignorantly allow others, like the Rockefeller’s to make laws and run your affairs. This Representative form of government came from the Roman Slave System. All Representatives are bought off, blackmailed, compromised and controlled by The East India Trading Company, located in The City of London. What we desperately need is Direct Democracy. And in this day and age of technology and computers, it’s a no brainer. And anyone like Alex Jones and Mike Adams, who claim that direct democracy is mob rule are in fact controlled opposition. Because of course it’s mob rule. It’s the whole damn mob of us Daring to make our own laws and run our own affairs. A German philosopher once said that, “… no one is more hopelessly enslaved than he who thinks he’s free “. These monsters are going to actually tax the air and water. And they will out price us until we eat ze bugs. Have you forgotten Bill Gates, “… we must get the carbon emissions down to zero “. Zero? You got that? For the very stupid, that means , zero people on earth. Well, thanks anyways for allowing me to speak, Capt Joe.

  • It doesn’t matter whose face is behind the mask, the Jews still pull the strings behind the scene, and the Jewish Federal Reserve has milked America dry with debts to the tune of 137 Trillion Dollars.

  • There are TV shows and movies that have dealt with this sort of thing. For example watch the 1963 Outer Limits episode “The Hundred Days of the Dragon.”

    From Wiki:

    An East Asian government plans to take over America by replacing White House officials and leading corporate executives with duplicate agents. They want to force the United States to pull out of Asia. The expected winner of the next presidential election is candidate William Lyons Selby (Sidney Blackmer). While on the campaign trail, he is killed and replaced by a foreign agent who has had his face molded (using a new medical serum that temporarily plastisizes the skin) to look identical to Selby. The mole, masquerading as Selby, is eventually elected. Though he fools the nation, the president’s daughter begins to suspect that the man is not her father. She reveals her concerns to the Vice-President, Ted Pearson (Phillip E. Pine), who had also been targeted for replacement, but the attempt is unsuccessful.

  • Hi,
    I was leaning towards not commenting on this , then I watched the video and basically the links of Biden and Trump being imposters / Fakes , look alikes has been posted here a few times ,
    I’m not a Democrat or Republican , but honestly in the links there are clear pics of the Real and Fake,
    The Trump link even had pics of Trump with brown eyes and pics of Trump with Blue eyes ,
    It’s not going to get exposed to the Controlled Media , too many elites are making money off the Biden and Trump look alikes.

    Even Jimmy Carter had a look alike 8 was replaced with his look alike.
    The Jimmy Carter info is in the website under 1979 title if I remember correctly.

    Once ya Really understand what happened since the very 1st Public schools ya start to understand how things got this far.

    Good website

    Under the More tab button read the article on about the Politicians who were written to about the Constitution.

    A Rabbit hole with a bottom of a rabbit hole.

  • It’s particularly noticeable around this guy’s left earlobe. In early pics, both earlobes are rounded at the bottom and detached. Pics of him now mostly show a guy with the left earlobe attached at the bottom. If this was plastic surgery, why only one side?

    • Because that’s the side where they put the earpiece so they could talk to him while he is giving speeches and such. You often see him touching that ear like like to get a better hearing…he did that even at the debate. AND he even had notes with him that he wasn’t supposed to have!

  • Ms. Bruce, please do a piece on Thomas Massie & the death of his wife. He has been very vocal about AIPAC. Anonymous Conservative dot com posted a tweet on his June 29 blog that showed a tweet addressing Mr. Massie. It certainly looked like it implied he was next. Not sure if it was posted directly to Mr. Massie’s Twitter, I have no access anymore. AC says nobody in Massie’s office is talking.

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