Dr Simone Gold was in a restaurant with huge TV screens and huge windows looking out on Times Square, in Manhattan when she received the news of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

She says, “Look behind me. I’m in the center of Times Square. There’s video, huge video monitors behind me, huge TVs behind me. Not a single report on the news about the President being shot…

“This is the center of New York. You see all those video monitors outside, right? See all this? None of them are reporting that the presidential candidate for the Republican Party has been shot. Not a word.

“Look at that. If anybody has any doubt about the depth of the censorship and propaganda that we are living in the 21st century, in 2024, have no doubts, anymore. Presidential candidate has been shot, and not a single mention of it in the center of Times Square.”

The New York Times referred to a “shooting” and CNN initially reported that Trump was “injured” and did not use the words “assassination attempt” until the FBI officially announced that, indeed it was.

Joe Biden, in his public announcement similarly refused use the words “assassination attempt”. It was only last week that Biden said it was time to “Put Trump in the Bullseye.”

Multiple eyewitnesses tried to warn the Secret Service about the shooter on the roof, to no avail.

The goal was to blow Donald Trump’s brains out on live TV. The plan was to outdo the grainy Zapruder footage of the JFK assassination, as a lesson to all of us about what happens when you challenge the Black Nobility.

Kentucky Congressman, Thomas Massie just tweeted:

“The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump. This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • So according to the provided diagram, where was the person who was killed situated ? And the poor soul who is in critical condition ? Perhaps the same bullet that went thru Trumps ear also hit one of them ?

    • Right, there are still missing details in question.
      I don’t easily buy this sort of stuff anymore as there’s a lot of manipulation going on these days from all sides.
      We can only try to look into the issue without having bias, and decide what makes sense the most.
      This thing doesn’t make much sense to me, as they can easily manipulate voting system anyways rather than having to piss right wings off.

      • Missing details..?? Self appointed illegitimate Drag Queen Obama 2008-2024
        still occupying the White House from her throne in the White House closet.

      • Missing details..?? Self appointed illegitimate Drag Queen Obama 2008-2024
        still occupying the White House from her throne in the White House closet.

  • Just like the SS on the back of JFK’s limo, who made the call to take them off, just mins before the kill shots rang out.

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