Dick Cavett: What is “Black Noise”?

David Bowie: Black noise?

Dick Cavett: Yeah.

David Bowie: Black Noise is something that Barrow’s got very interested in.

Dick Cavett: Yeah, it’s a big one.

David Bowie: Well, no – it’s one facet of Black Noise is that, everything – like a glass, if an opera singer hits a particular note, the vibrations are out of the metabolism of the glass and it cracks it, yeah?

Dick Cavett: Yeah.

David Bowie: So Black Noise is the register, within which you can crack a city or people, or – it’s a new controlled bomb. It’s a noise bomb, in fact, which can destroy. Why do you ask that?

Dick Cavett: Is it a real thing? Is it being experiemented upon?

David Bowie: Oh, it is, yeah. It was invented in France.

Dick Cavett: Could a tyrant use it, to…

David Bowie: Well, until last year, you could buy the patent for it in the French Patent Office for about the equivalent of three, four dollars.

It depends how much money you put into it. I mean, a small one could probably kill about half the people there, but a big one could destroy a city, or even more.

Dick Cavett: This is a weird idea.

David Bowie: Don’t look at [me!] It’s not my idea!

Dick Cavett: Let’s not give the instructions on how to do it!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Stupid people keep putting traitors wearing slick suits into office who then give away all the money to banksters and military industrial complex and big pharma and give nothing to the poor. Ha ha! You’re gonna pay real soon. Capt Joe. lol ! Write in Dr Shiva for president. I hope he’s bulletproof.

  • Wasn’t Bowie, and others, the son of high ranking military and or CIA

    Hence, he would have had knowledge and experience of what he speaks of here?

    • David Bowie was born lower middle class in a London suburb and had no military or intelligence background in his family.

      Jim Morrison, however was American and his father was a Rear Admiral in the US Navy. I think that’s who you mean.

  • definitely not developed in France frequency weapons are from off world . we came into this world without the knowledge of weapons and war . our .gov wanted sum so they traded us off to get them to build out the secret space fleet but did not succeed . during the Orion wars our planet Maldek was destroyed by such a weapon the result of which is now an asteroid belt . Tesla a Venetian downloaded the recipe but wouldn’t hand it over to the psychopaths and became an enemy of the state who they couldn’t trust cause he knew it might fall into the deep state’s hidden hands . He was ahead of his time and we were already a lost cause at that time in history .
    He died a sad man who failed in his mission to lift us out of poverty and save the planet .


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