After being fired by the debased and pathetic CIA-controlled CNN and now working at NewsNation, Chris Cuomo appears to have either regained some degree of Freedom of Speech or else he’s singing a new tune to avoid hanging from a noose.



I don’t get it. That’s why I reached out to Trump. I wanted to just say, “Listen, I’m really sorry that this is going on and it’s being dealt with this way.”

Not because I’m in favor of his politics or what he says, I criticize him all the time. That’s my job and he deserves it, but he doesn’t deserve this, a guy pointing an AK-47 at him while he’s playing golf – and we take solace in the fact that the guy didn’t get any rounds off.

If I had been through what that guy’s been through in the last two months, you would not know where I am. You would never see me on TV, again. No way I would do that.

I don’t know how he does it. He’s got kids, they’re adults, but he’s got grandkids. He’s got a wife.

People giving crap to Melania Trump, worrying about whether or not there was a plot around his husband. How could she not? People mock her. And then, her husband has a guy pointed with an AK-47?

Where are those people apologizing? That’s what it’s time for.

We are playing a dangerous game with ourselves. He is not a Despot-in-Waiting, OK? I don’t buy it.

You gotta care when somebody tries to kill somebody. I’ve told you this before and I’ve learned the lesson so many times myself around the world: Either you care when anyone is hurt, or you’ll never really care about anyone in the world.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Anyone with a SCINTILLA of shame who has caused as much damage as Cuomo NOW is (allegedly) SUDDENLY AWARE OF, would apologize profusely and retire from putting his nasty self on public display. He is OBVIOUSLY a YANKEE DOUBLE AGENT (as is Robert E. TRUMP* until proven otherwise) who shilling for the DS’s next TROJAN HORSE, Donald j. Trump. (“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!”)

    *General Robert E. Lee, graduate of the West Point YANKEE military academy, like many of the “leaders” of the Rebel cause (including YANKEE Military Academy graduate, Jefferson Davis, who had a PREFERENCE for Yankee-trained generals), produced Trump-like results, leading the Rebels to Glorious DEFEAT, in places he shouldn’t have taken them in the first place (Lee=Gettysburg PA, Trump=Bad Veeps all the other bad personnel choices, Warp Speed, allowing the steal, culminating in J6.

    Both “attempts” were faked by TV ad actors (DO YOU SEE IT YET?)

    If they actually wanted him dead, he would already be dead. Here, Donnie explains it so much better:

  • Where can people get a program, describing all the actors on the political stage.

    It has gotten to the point, where only actors can be in politics.

    A SNAKE has a Forked Tongue……JANUS has two faces.

    All of politricks is a large pile of rotted garbage.

    Ritual killing, pays devidends.

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