Military veteran @CBoy4620 on TikTok has this important message about the


Calling out all veterans, this is Cboy. It’s time for us to organize. Time for us to get together.

We’ve got a serious problem. It seems our government, who’s meeting with Great Britain right now, is going to give Britain authority to release our long-range missiles into Russia. Which, in all retaliation, Putin will strike back. He’s done warned us.

So we need to come together, get together in our groups. We’ll have to go to DC and arrest every member for Treason, because they’re all involved.

Even MTG [Marjorie Taylor Greene]. If you hear this, Marjorie, you better shut down the authorization of our long-range missiles, or you’re going to be arrested by us for Treason, also.

We’re not going to let this happen to our nation. So calling out all veterans, let’s get together. We’ve got a job to do, and they’re not f@cking around.

They’re going to start a war with Russia, and they’re talking about it, right now. They have our long-range missiles. First one they fire into Russia is going to start a fire we can’t put out.

So as a last-ditch effort, call your Congressmen. Call all Congress. Call your Representatives.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Hello Everyone,

    Thank you joining me, Big Caca Johnson for the runs on happenings.

    We are seeing the tip of a major news story currently peeking through. Tonight in New York City the famous rapper P Diddy has been taken into custody by the authorities shortly after landing.

    For more on this latest dropping we turn to our correspondent Diarrhea Daisy who has been floating around all over the scene with all the slimy details.

    Thank you Big Caca Johnson this breaking news is causing an impaction, possible rupture through out the music industry. Many are questioning why did P Diddy came to New York and why he was arrested here but not elsewhere in the US. Some are speculating that P Diddy was here to revive his popular “Vote or Die” movement that was very successful in getting Bill Clinton elected in the White House. However P Diddy remained silent on his endorsement of Kamala Harris so it was believed that he was going to throw his support at Trump who will be having a rally in New York very soon.

    Wow Diarrhea Daisy that is quite the stinker. This load reeks so bad that I can smell it from here. Were you able to get any more information?

    Yes, after posting bail P Diddy left and wouldn’t talk to members of the media, but against the advice of his own legal counsel he did tells us the following. “We ain’t going no where. We can’t be stopped now. Cause it’s Bad Boy for Life.”

    That sounds very cryptic, what could it mean? Were there any other comments?

    Yes, we asked for Jennifer Lopez’s thoughts and her people have told us that she hasn’t had any business with Puffy for years. On social media at the time of P Diddy’s arrest 50 Cent posted #wanksta.

    Thanks and unfortunately this is all there is to come out for the time being, there will be more news to stomach and digest soon.

    This is Big Caca Johnson swirling away on The Flush!

    • The Flush has taken sh!tposting to a whole other level, here.

      This sh!t is for the history books, it’s so impactful.

      Just don’t go t their website, because it will steal all your data or some sh!t.

  • how many rambos we got out there in the wild ? our frontline defense was warpspeeded and suppressed so no tranny insurrection is forthcoming . the next war president if he makes it past the election gauntlet without getting killed will not be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube they switched the “get trump” tactics to bombing since the rookie assassins cant hit shit and all they have left is a mossaded brigade of gleefully plugged suicide ass bombers .

  • so LR missiles already been shipped to the front . suicidal dictator Z waiting for the expert help needed to select targets , read the manuals , etc. . ring leaderless vacant presidential office says no way but it goes off anyway all rouge and without official WH stamp of approval . oopsy daisy the fun begins livin’ la vida loca .

  • WW2 was set up in summer of 1929 by Young’s Plan (after Owen Young COE of GE) who just happened led US “delegation” to bail out Germany after Dawes Plan of 1924 failed. New twist was added and Germany was allowed to invest in MIC this time around. They only needed someone suitable to run it, and there was an old bachelor with proven record. Wall street was more then happy to chip in.

    Now, writing is on the wall. Again. That poking of Russian bear is clearly designed to start a major conflict. Crew in Tel Aviv also has its own agenda with Iran.

  • I believe this to be another fear tactic, to stampede the Sheep.
    Techniques that have worked in the past, are repeated.

    Right now the Background Radiation is off the charts.
    Nukes are obsolete; Frequency is the, not so New, Toy in Town.

    This and other ploys may give the Deviants a voice for disarming the masses.

      • I don’t believe that in this century, it will work.
        There are Vets pre jab and Vets post jab.

        More Vets then not have been compromised in health matters and psychological matters.
        Organizing would require time and resources….first point.

        Vets on active duty would not for the most part, change sides, as they feel part of the status quo, which gives them and their families, they believe a comfort and practical zone, that benefits them.

        The weapons capabilities of the status quo Vets, would out perform, the Vets, of past stature.

        I am a pre jab Vet…I won’t say from what War…..from what I have
        observed, Vets in themselves are not a congruent force.

        Also the targets named are not necessarily the right targets to stop this agenda……at best it would take a multi front operation to hamper and dislarge the agenda.

        Don’t get me wrong, I think force is the only way to stop, the nonsense.
        In the past Vets have gathered to gain rights and promises, but they were beaten down… a society that we live in, having right on your side is not enough.

        A true Organized Force is required.

  • If only that would resolve the problem!

    I viewed a man in the streets of Springfield, Ohio yesterday interviewing some of the native born local clucks who are upset over the mass migration of Haitians who are bringing their primative culture with them along with the financial advantages provided by the foriegn occupation facilitator USG. Other than recognizing the injustice of their own economic disadvantage and the Haitian advantage, these locals were clueless and leaderless.

    Whatever in the world could these pitiful Americans accomplish in the nations capital that they are impotent to deal with in Springfield or nearby Columbus, the state capital?

    Ohio is a valuable case study in what happened to America. In the mid-20th century it had developed into a very prosperous agricultural and industrial powerhouse. Success seems to always provide the opportunity to become fat, dumb and lazy—and in Buckey’s conceit they forgot G-d and their neighbors!

    Big industry, having exploited the land and it’s people; to avoid the cost of repairing the damages moved out into the welcoming arms of southern states. While this was happening government farm policies were destroying small family farms, forcing endless land consolidations into corporate farms often owned by indusries, managed by bean counters having little interest in land and habitation preservation, families and communities, only in bottom line profits!

    One peculiar cross breed of corporate abuse of Ohio land is the coal mining industry. Reams have already been written about it and lest we hate too much them as directly responsible, let us not forget them as makes law and policy in Columbus and DC who owe a big debt of gratitude to them as pays their election freight! Get private money out of our elections!

    As if the industrial shift to the American south was not enough judgment to bear, along comes Billy Bob and Newt with their “consumer economy” version of the New American Century, and they cleaned out the rest of major Ohio industry by sending it overseas. It took awhile, but it eventually hollowed out Ohio’s jobs. What are Hatians doing in Springfield?

    All this left the big three government/college cities of Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati pretty much in positions of power over the rest of the state and with high taxes they have lived off the rest of the state—and the Springfield clucks have yet to figure it out.

    So of what use would they be in DC when they are impotent to deal with local corruption? Ugh!

    • He’s caling on veterans, who have been trained and disciplined, not on Average Joes. Look at him. He’s 70 years old and livestreaming while jogging. He is not an average guy and he’s not addressing average guys. He’s addressing guys who can do military operations and go in and cuff the criminals.

      • Agreed, but to further illustrate what I was suggesting that there are local remedies that are not being used, as Colonel West suggests here.

        BREAKING: Trump gets GREAT NEWS despite VILE media lies!

        Instead of whining or threatening to descend on DC with pitchforks and tar sticks do something that will not get you in trouble with them as has their hands on the levers of power.

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