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The film, ‘White Noise’ was released on Netflix in September of last year. It’s about a train crashing, exploding and burning toxic chemicals off into the atmosphere, creating a major health hazard for miles around, reflecting what just happened a few weeks ago in Ohio.

‘White Noise’ was even filmed in the same area, just a few miles from Ground Zero in East Palestine.

Some people will call this a coincidence. But these days, believing in coincidence can cost you your life.

And there is more. Just three months before the train wreck, the City of East Palestine began adopting the MyID™ digital bracelet system into their local emergency services.

Being touted as “The Ultimate ID System”, MyID™ is a digital ID company, dealing primarily for the medical industry, bracelets designed to make it easier for First Responders to access your medical profile in the event of an unexpected emergency.

And just a week before the crash, they began handing these bracelets out to all the residents of East Palestine.

Also, two weeks before the crash, the CDC updated their page on vinyl chloride, removing their section on how it affects children and raising the safe exposure threshold [by 1,000X].

Neale Donald Walsch wrote, “There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, Intent and Experience.”

Not only does the Ohio train crash appear to be a deliberate attack, it appears to be a very deadly attack.

Three days after the train wreck, authorities called for a controlled release burn. Controlled, in that they would initiate the spark that would burn all the chemicals and cargo together in a massive chemical fire, potentially putting millions of peoples’ lives at risk.

The vinyl chloride spill at Camp Lejeune was small in comparison to what happened this month in Ohio – but it still poisoned over a million people and it took decades for the effects to materialize.

A new federal lawsuit against Norfolk Southern alleges that 1.1 million pounds of vinyl chloride was spilled into the local environment.

The vinyl chloride metabolite, chloroethylene oxide attacks human DNA and can take years to start showing up as cancers and other disease. There’s arguably no safe dose for exposure.

Leading expert in the study of vinyl chloride, Dr Julianne Beier agrees and says that nobody should be drinking the local water. According to Dr Beier, vinyl chloride gets transported into homes via the groundwater. She says, “It comes out of the water into the air and that’s really the major route for toxicity for the liver. It comes through the air.”

While some argue that burning it resolved these issues, that seems to be false. Dioxins are the deadly toxin behind Agent Orange and DDT. They are generated when chlorinated chemicals, like vinyl chloride burn.

In fact, the exact same reaction that happened in East Palestine when they decided to burn vinyl chloride and PVC pellets together was arguably the most efficient and deadly way of dispersing dioxins into the environment and could equate to being one of the biggest chemical weapons attacks in history.

Some are saying that tens of millions of lives could now be at risk.

And that number will keep growing, so long as humanity dismisses these attacks as coincidence and continues to do nothing.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • This was a Good article.
    But it’s just like an article on forbidden knowledge said awhile ago: We’re a passive society, we don’t react proactive unless it centers closer to home.
    And imagine if this is as bad or as deadly as people think , I bet or wonder how many living in Ohio really are catching on to what’s going on.
    My Buddy’s brother moved to Ohio years ago.
    They’re just destroying,,

    Jimmy Jukebox,


    I looked at and read the articles about Fluoride, I really enjoyed the older articles and Highly recommend reading them, between 2010 and 2013 those have some very good information in them.


  • The man acting as Norfolk Southern has done a trespass upon peoples property. He has detroyed homes, land, businesses, dreams, men,women, boys, and girls; how much is that worth when men and women detroy property[ proper- t(o) y (ou)]

  • I was poisoned heavily and intentionally with carbon tetrachloride in September. These people are saying their teeth hurt, well that was one of the first months symptoms for me… it felt like all my teeth were being ripped out of my face. It wreeked havoc on organs and now I basically have mesothelioma. That’s what’s going to happen to these people, just a little slower. I’m so mad for them.

  • Alexandra,

    To toy with a targeted victim
    is very strong in mammals—
    such as how a cat plays with a
    mouse before eating it ( why
    the Agency likes to play with
    the citizenry—even torture for
    de-Sade-type pleasure; and
    some sadists can’t orgasm un-
    til seeing tears in the eyes of
    his victim ) :

    Forward Message :

    Dr. Naomi Wolf et al.,

    In case you’ve missed this, re ongoing
    PREDICTIVE Programming by America’s
    Shadow Government :


    And :

    Forwarded Message :

    Dear Dana Loesch,

    It was that Experimental Gene Injection ( “EGI”—my term )
    which killed that 27-year-young athlete.

    Deep State operators toy with their intended
    victim(s)—via predictive TV programs :


    – Rick


    Study this report, re predictive movies :

  • CHEMICAL WARNING: Being exposed to just 1/32 millionth of a gram of DIOXINS is your maximum LIFETIME allowable exposure; EAST PALESTINE IS NOW TOXIC TO ALL LIFE, INCLUDING HUMANS; EVACUATE EAST PALESTINE!! Massive dioxin plume could warrant a ghost town scenario Dioxin was the principal cancer-causing compound Agent Orange, used in Vietnam. Dioxins are so toxic they caused a complete evacuation of Times Beach, Missouri in 1983. These dioxins are not something that drifts away and degrades; they are not something that can be forgotten tomorroW

  • In comparing it to agent orange it will be interesting come springtime to see how the deciduous trees and perennials blossom and bloom in areas affected by the fallout.

    With that, Is there a way we can light matches to similar tanker cars /trucks in certain sections of WashDC?

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