Algerian Womens’ Boxing champ, Imane Khelif is seen here doing a little demonic jig after pummeling the Hell out of Thailand’s Janjaem Suwannapheng and has now advanced to the Finals.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Fancy turning into a half fake woman in order to be able to punch up real women so that can win a cup a medal and a contract. But also lots of repulsion. A repulsion that makes it a loser not a winner.
    And how is this biological structure considered a female when still has its dongle dangling down there? Same for those females that turn males but do not have the uterus sawn shut and then get pregnant … Nothing more repulsive than that. Who is my daddy? Yeah good question kiddo, good question.
    These situation are like those self-labelled vegans that buy plastic for fake leather and eat fake burgers meat flavoured … ALL IN ALL ARE JUST A BUNCH OF CHEATS without any self-respect and self-respect is a word (or combination of words) that does not appear anywhere anymore.
    Now you have these wanna bees that turn anything into a tool to hide from themselves making it nasty for everybody else around them. Offended is their everyday tool used to get attention or respect? Well attention is only negative cause they are acid pieces of work and respect they can only dream about it. Also these individuals are so into me me me and more of effin me, that never take in consideration how their poor behaviours do affect those transgenders that are just normal discreet sensitive (and funny as too 🙂 ) people that do not want to be turned into muppets of those ones Sodoma and Gomorra freaks shows.
    Also since when kids are allowed to march down parades with an adult crowd that behaves like a mobile porn movie? Considering that R+ is still used to rate such movies too …
    This ugly can grab its gold medal and hide it … cause there is nothing of honour or to be proud of about that piece of yellow metal.
    Itself is just a pawn turned into an international clown for a new world order agenda. A disgrace to its own kind, its sport, its self. Maybe one day it ll be able to understand it too. Meantime turn the tv channel over … we do not want our young boys to think punching women and being a cheat for some lurid fame and fortune.. are good doings, do we now?

  • In other female boxing action Barack Obama 6’2” 180 lbs representing the uSsA was TKO’d by 5’2” 105 lbs. Dainty Daines from Kenya, and again TKO’d and eliminated in Round 1 :15 by Little Cindy Brady 102 1bs. 4’11” representing El Salvador … Obama said he feels good about his boxing, even though being thumped twice, Obama said the smaller dainty petite girls sure packed a punch. and will spend 2 more nights in the hospitol.

  • Thanks I’ve been looking for the video of the victory dance…that femme dance and the new femme hairstyle is so obvious.


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