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Alexandra Bruce
August 22, 2013

This is part of the liner notes of David Wilcock’s latest book, ‘The Synchronicity Key’ and above is his video introduction:

“What if all space, time, matter and energy is composed of a Source Field that is alive and intelligent? What if there is a celestial “personality” that affects how we think and feel as we drift through different regions of space, in repeating cycles of time?

“What if the Cabal, New World Order and/or Illuminati are programmed to collapse at this time in our history — by cycles vastly older than human life on Earth?

“What if they inherited a variety of powerful symbols and teachings that were originally positive, and have since been horribly contorted into something negative?

“What if we are now seeing the fulfillment of a vast script that is guiding all life on Earth through a series of spiritual lessons known as “archetypes?”

“If these great cycles of time are real — and David gives extensive proof that they are — then nothing can be more important than to study and understand them, and learn what they are here to teach us.

“We just might discover that the events we are now seeing will usher in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity on earth — and quite possibly transform biological human life into a light-body form.

“Ascension does seem to be the key. The great cycles keep repeating the class we need to master in order to gain these stunning new abilities.

“Great teachers like Jesus and Buddha came here to reveal what we need to know — and David also deftly reveals how the Bible is packed with clues that Jesus and other great teachers were very well aware of these cycles.”

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Alexandra Bruce

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