Charlie Kirk: What Springfield, Ohio [is] – really quick – which –

Tucker Carlson: Of course –

Charlie Kirk: – with the Haitian cat-eaters that are coming in: Springfield Ohio is a perfect example of how the ruling class has treated the Heartland of the country.

• Step One: We close the factories and we send them overseas, so that people don’t have work.

• Step Two: We flood those communities with opioids, that they’re permanently-addicted and we kill a lot of them.

• Step Three: We send their kids; their sons and daughters, to go fight no-win wars and they come back with permanent health issues.

• Step Four: We flood their town with foreigners – after we’ve completely abused and broken them; and we sent their jobs overseas.

• Step five: The residents who are still there and have survived all this abuse notice that the foreigners are doing really weird stuff and illegal stuff, like driving in head-on traffic, killing kids, eating cats and taking geese out of the pond.

And then we call the people that are still there, in Springfield “racists” – after their factories have closed and their sons died in Iraq and they’re addicted to opioids and their local school’s being overrun by Haitians – but they’re “racist”, for noticing that their home is turning into Port-au-Prince.

You wonder why Donald Trump’s poll numbers don’t go down? You wonder why so many people wear that red MAGA hat in Springfield, Ohio?

Because he is the only lifeline that these people have. He is the only hope that they have: The only person that does not insult them or talk down to them and wants to lead a rebellion – and yes, a revenge campaign – against the people that have done this to them and destroyed their home.

Tucker Carlson: Amen.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • AND there is one more possible aspect, when dealing with people on drugs, the young women who can get pregnant, caught while on drugs by police, give birth to the child, then dragged to courts, sentenced and while in jail, being forced to give that child to the public ‘health officials’, who from now on will take care of the new born!??? Oh, really?? Like the hospitals taking care of the covid unjabbed and dying in those facilities??? Just describing ONE case from my neighborhood.. Are there more of those, everywhere??

    • I saw a very fine-tuned operation like this involving Wakenhut (now G4S: – they were the private security company that guarded Area 51.

      Wackenhut owned orphanages in the Dominican Republic and in some other Latin American countries. It was obvious to me that they wanted to be able to inculcate their future staff while they were very, very young.

  • I don’t believe there has ever been a time in history where a group of people from a completely different culture can invade a well established city many miles away… safely.

  • A chapter in a Political Recipes Book, registered in the Library of Congress…..Room 101, ( those who know that 101 is the Sun Hieroglyph, the Tortue Room and the Killing Room).

    VOA Jr., yes now broadcast in your own country…….called turning the tables; not only by furniture manufacturers, but by aware people.

    A proven technique, used worldwide; and always preciously recycled, because it always works, on the weak minded.

    Now that the FED, lowered Rates, and the worlds banks followed, the Illusion of a growing prosperity, will emerge, and run through 2025, so whom ever is placed in the Oval Office, will ride the wave, of (excuse the expression), improving the Economy…..The Economy Size….now on Sale, Buy it and Save your Soul.

    I couched my comment in this particular way, as I know very few people, will understand it……this is the Time (s), that we live in.

  • Yep, that is pretty much the Plan. It is being going on since 1990′. See the old case of government dumping a few thousand of Somali illegals in Lewiston, Maine one time. MSM immediately branded protesting locals “racists”. The only trick in their playbook.

    There are billions being printed for Zelensky and his oligarchs, and no money to bail out Americans in Springfield, OH.

    Before Vietnam war started, CIA using US Navy ships, moved 1M+ bare foot villagers from north part to south. Presently, there must be some agenda in secretly flying thousands of criminals from Port Au Prince and who knows where.

    As to Chinese fentanyl, about one person a day dies from it NJ (pop. 8.5M + 1M of illegals), yet, MSM rarely mention it. Why?

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