by Brandon Straka

On May 26, 2018, Brandon Straka shared a video about why he was walking away from the Democrat Party. That video went viral and launched the #WalkAway Campaign, a movement that led to hundreds of thousands of people sharing their own stories and videos of walking away from liberalism and the political left.

Now, 6 years later, Brandon follows up his original video with the first ever “sequel” to it. In this new video, Brandon states in rapid fire succession all that the left has done to erode and destroy our culture, our country, our values, and our freedom.

From the left’s war on reality, to their presumed ownership of minorities, to bringing authoritarianism to America, to weaponizing our justice system… this video speaks to all of it and then some.



Once upon a time, I was a Liberal. But you already know that. Six years ago, I proclaimed that I was no longer a Liberal, and told all the reasons why.

But I had no idea how much worse things were about to get. The left is no longer simply intolerant, inflexible, illogical, un-American, and misinformed. In the last six years, they have devolved into malicious, corrupt, perverse, sadistic, ruthless, oppressive, and borderline-authoritarian behavior and rhetoric.

Liberalism has been devoured by Leftism. And Leftism is just hatred and destruction, marketed as “Virtue”. For years now, we have watched as the Left has embarked on an intentional and methodical endeavor to radically upend American Life.

They pushed for every policy objective that would increase crime and disunity, while destroying our economic system, our justice and morality, our right to defend our border, and our right to defend ourselves. Today, the ultimate goal of the Democrats is more power, more control.

In an effort to destabilize and divide our society, the Left has waged a war on reality, chipping away at our common perception of what is true and what is false.

They’ll accuse you of doing everything that they do, and being everything that they are. They’ll say that “You’re in cult”, while they bow down, in unison and worship their false idols. They’ll say that “You’re violent”, while they burn America to the ground.

That “You’re lawless”, while they de-fund the police and release dangerous Repeat Offenders into society. They’ll say that you’re the “Nazi”, while they lead anti-Semitic tirades from coast-to-coast. That you’re the “Fascist”, while they weaponize the Federal Government against their political opponents.

That you are “un-American”, while they burn our flag, kneel for our anthem, and rip our Constitution to shreds.

They’ve created a blatantly-hypocritical and overtly dishonest moral structure, feigning outrage over the “sins” of their opponents, while flagrantly ignoring, excusing, and enabling the hateful and dangerous behaviors of their own side.

They’ll criminalize your right to defend yourself, while making martyrs out of attackers.

They’ll provide sanctuary for illegal migrants, but surveil American Citizens they fear are “too patriotic”.

And in the left’s abusive, false reality, you are the “Dangerous Threat to Democracy”, as they employ every trick and scheme to remove their political opponents off the ballot.

You are a “Racist” – and if you don’t acknowledge your racism and inherent bigotry, that’s proof that what they say about you is true.

In the Left’s reality, there’s no such thing as gender – yet gender identity is the most important thing in the world.

“This is the most secure election in history”.

“This is a woman”.

And this is a “Mostly peaceful protest” but this is an “Insurrection”.

To capitalize on the Left’s deceitful, False Reality, the Democrats have ushered-in a whole new era of racism, sexism, and discrimination, deceptively presenting these new ideas as “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”.

The party that dishonestly takes credit for the advancement of Civil Rights now openly advocates for prejudice, segregation, and denial of opportunities, based on skin color and gender, making skill, merit, and safety secondary; prioritizing diversity quotas over capability.

And the Democrats have a powerful ally in their war on reality: the Mainstream Media. An institution that could once be trusted to hold power accountable, the media is now overwhelmingly Leftist and overwhelmingly pro-government, running nonstop interference to protect the Establishment.

That’s why so many people believe every lie, every hoax, every false narrative, every piece of fiction the Establishment-supporting media creates and echoes, because the Left knows if they repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

The Democrats have decided they have full ownership over Minorities in this country, telling them they are the victims of a culture of “Systemic Oppression”.

If you are Black, Brown, LGBT, an immigrant, or a woman, the Democrats and the media are exploiting you, creating story after story and hoax after hoax, to make you think that the other side of the aisle hates you; that you have no hope, no future, and no safety – unless they are in power.

They lie about hate crimes and skew data to make you think that bigotry against you is on the rise. They want you to believe that your rights are in danger and that every problem in your life is caused by somebody else.

They’ll tell you they’re the only people who care about you in your Freedom of Choice and opportunity.

And then, in the ultimate act of gaslighting, they’ll punish any of you who exercise your free will to leave them. They’ll call you a “Self-loathing traitor” and tell you “You hate yourself”, if you don’t stand in solidarity with their illogical causes and beliefs.

They’ll ostracize you from your community, cyberbully you and try to make it impossible for you to exist. This is your punishment for being a minority and daring to disobey them by thinking for yourself.

It’s critical to Democrats that minorities remain forever segregated and afraid. Their goal is to make sure that you never know intellectual and spiritual freedom. Divided, they stand.

Remember, these are the same people who brought authoritarianism to America, under the guise of “Protecting people from a ‘pandemic'”. They led the charge to lock you in, mask you and destroy your business – just because they could.

They exploited a virus to manipulate an election. They arrested citizens for daring to open their stores and go to work. They jailed people for going to church.

They turned a drug-addicted career criminal into a civil rights hero and gave him a funeral fit for a king, while our grandparents were forced to die alone.

They mandated you take an experimental vaccine, they knew was not proven safe nor effective and suddenly, when a pandemic gave them the opportunity, the party that once championed Free Speech and expression became the Party of Censorship and Suppression.

They ban and restrict any speech or opinion that challenges the Establishment narrative. They’ll label anybody who questions them as “Spreaders of disinformation”, to discredit them. They even created a Governance Board to track and punish thought criminals.

Comply or be canceled. There’s no line the Democrats won’t cross, anymore in their craven quest for power. If they can’t earn it, they’ll steal it. If they can’t steal it, they’ll break it. If they can’t break it, they’ll silence it. And if they can’t silence it, they’ll make it disappear.

This isn’t a political party. It’s a crime syndicate, and nobody holds them accountable.

The Democrats have created a two-tier system of justice, weaponizing three-letter agencies against their political opponents, spying on them, raiding them, jailing them, and putting them on lists, while they live without any fear of consequences for their own corrupt behavior.

If they want you out of the way, they’ll search high and low to find a crime to accuse you of. And if they can’t find one, they’ll make one up. They’ll force you to confess to things you didn’t do, because they have the power to do it.

They’ll destroy your name and reputation with the help of their media, who report anything the government tells them to. They’ll un-person you by banning you from banks, payment platforms, email services, social media, and air travel. Just like Communists do.

They’ll try to destroy every aspect of your life, based on the lies they created, then celebrate the devastation they’ve caused. I should know. They did it to me.

They’ll convince your friends and family it’s their “Patriotic duty” to turn you into the FBI, to have you investigated and punished. They’ll label you a “Domestic terrorist”, to dehumanize you, so that no one objects when they imprison you, bankrupt you, and bury you.

They’ll come after everyone around you, one-by-one and nobody will stop them, because everyone’s too afraid.

And then it’s your turn. And there’s no one left to speak for you.

So stand up, tell every truth, blow every whistle, sound every alarm, never shut up, never back down.

Speak out now, while you still can. This is our last chance to save America, because once your freedom is gone, it’s gone.

And you’ll never get it back. Once upon a time, I was a Liberal. But Liberalism is destroying us.

So I will stand and fight for my values of Unity, Equal Opportunity, Personal Empowerment, Compassion, Freedom and Love. So, I continue to #WalkAway. And I encourage all of you to do the same.

Join us. Unite. Share your stories. Walk Away.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Seriously?!? It’s time to start calling out all politics Democrats & Republicans are the same entity doing the same things to you. Keep getting sucked in to the illusion that both sides create, fools! This is a classic divide and conquer strategy right out of Sun Tzu and we continue to allow it & us to be played by it like marks. Nothing will change until the very foundations of everything has been overturned as it’s all been eternally corrupt from the beginning of “government”! Remember the oligarchs gave us “government” after we started beheading them on the very guillotines that they used on us! Please stop re-reinforcing the illusionary narratives that “my evil choice of “government”” is better than your choice of evil “government” just because we’re in a constant selection cycle! I do hope your readers and you start to realise this soon Alexandra.

  • Hi ,
    In no particular order , my opinion / thoughts….

    The Democrats sold out too the Elites agenda is all , ,
    The democrats are controlled by being sellouts and go alongs ,
    But republican party does damages too ,
    I’m not a Democrat or Republican…

    Look remember when Albert Einstein said: I don’t know how world war III will be fought but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones ,
    Why did that quote for so many years get to linger in the public’s mindset ???
    For control , to mislead the public , world war 3 is Already happening it starred in 2020 by a pysop if brainwashing the public through television and other media outlets…
    What happened in 2019 , 1 in 5 countries was Protesting around the world ,
    There are 195 countries In The world ,
    193 countries belong to the United Nations ,
    The 2 countries that are only observed and not members of The United Nations are Palestine and Vatican City.
    World war 3 is A an information / technology surveillance society coming to every country ,
    So in 2019 38 countries were protesting ,
    Perfect time to layout a Fake pandemic the following year in 2020 to lockdown society , pump people up with Bioweapons if nanotechnology to obey and get cancer and die.

    Here’s a link for a Free download Title:
    COVID-19 operation and the war for technocracy….

    It’s 400 pages and very very very well written , it gives very Great details how we got into this mess and more than likely we’re not getting out of it….

    I read 42 pages so far this afternoon today and I highly recommend reading it……

    For the readers of Forbidden knowledge who read the articles on how the military was Behind the COVID-19 and The article about Cathy O’Brien talking about the public will be brainwashed ,
    This book covers that plus it goes into Detail as how and why ,
    Me I definitely believe this surveillance will lead to a microchip and digital currency 1 day / 1 year ,
    Anyway check it out you don’t have to pay ir sign up for nothing to be able to download the Pdf format link Book…..

    As I type protesters just breached security gates at DNC in Chicago IL ,
    It’s 4:52 pm Central Time here. In Chicago ,
    I’m home about good couple miles away from that area…. Was watching news on Chanel 2 in Chicago IL ,
    Will check back later after awhile.

  • This succinct analysis of what happened to the Democrat Party is perhaps best seen through the lens of what happened in 1968.

    RFK, the leading Democrat presidential candidate had just been assassinated in that seasons campaign and all the evidence had been swept up behind a veil of secrecy and propaganda just like it was with his brother’s assassination. The Chicago convention and the city was in turmoil as political factions jockeyed for dominance. Chicago was a hot bed of Marxist factions seeking to break the old order represented by Mayor Daley who controlled Chicago with an iron fist.

    But it was the beginning of the end for the Daley machine and the corrupt Democrat party as it had existed for a very long time! As a compromise they ended up with two unappealing milquetoast leftist, Humphrey and Muskie.

    It was the universities that formed the basis for the reformed Democrat party, systematically feeding their dutiful Marxist soldiers into positions of power. I was in university in 1954 and I remember what political science professors were teaching. They were sabotaging America as founded and soft selling collectivism to us students! In 1954, in a Methodist University! The same university attended by my grandmother, back before it had been subverted by leftist theologians.

    I was lucky to have kept my own thinking while they were trying to brainwash me. Others were not so lucky, or blessed. Today nearly everything coming out of Chicago and other major metros is Marxian. Universities are the primary source. I could cite chapter and verse on how they accomplished this, but too much for this venue.

  • They moved real fast, it took decades to chip away at our soverneignty to get they radical democrats back into power. Now it’s full speed ahead. We the people can and must stop it.

  • I agree whole heartedly. The Democrats are no longer the same political party during the days of JFK. They really have become a crime syndicate. However, if it’s true that no one holds them accountable for their crimes, look no further than the Rino’s. Because either the Rino’s are guilty of committing the same crimes, or else they allow the Democrats to do whatever they want in return for political favors. Dear people, probably 95% of the individuals holding a political seat in Washington DC are a part of this crime syndicate.

  • They’ll provide sanctuary for illegal migrants, but surveil American Citizens they fear are “too patriotic”.

    They’ll criminalize your right to defend yourself, while making martyrs out of attackers.

    ^ So true, so true.


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