by SGT Report

It’s now perfectly clear to anyone who can THINK that the US Secret Service has been lying about every single detail about the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, PA on Saturday, July 13th.

New video from Fox News from the Trump rally clearly shows the shooter walking on the roof of building 6 from a vantage point much lower than the Secret Service sniper’s vantage point.

There is NO WAY they didn’t see the shooter (or hear him on the roof), but they allowed the assassination to attempt instead of taking out the shooter.

Journalist Daniel Fournier joins me to discuss the latest in this developing story about treason and the shadow government.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • See the “crowd” behavior similarities between the two fakes:

    I see the other comment didn’t pass the net censorship filters. The 153 news site must be pain in the ass for our controllers, a real ‘persona-non-grata’. Let’s see if this comment pushes through. I put the two links between the square [brackets], hoping to avoid filtering. Avoid copying those brackets [ at the beginning and at the end ] of the links.

    • Oh, what do you know, filters beaten. This time around.
      In the first video link above we can see similar behavior of the “crowd” as was seen in the Boston marathon hoax – see the second video link from the 1 hour 44 minutes and 55 seconds onward where it analyzes behavior of “the stage crew” and compare it to the Trump hoax. The stage crew of the Trump hoax is also color coded (wearing red, blue, white and black, indicating different functions/tasks of participants), the color coding is easier to hide here because of the nature of the event (stripes and stars gathering), compared to the marathon hoax where it couldn’t be made so obviously recognizable as that was an sporting event and too obvious color coding could reveal the hoax there.
      With Trump hoax we find color coded people performing tasks of scene-directors, crew-coordinators, makeup artists, stage hands, view blockers, …
      And the police is in on the hoax as well.
      Trump must be on it, too.
      As for the Secret service, they could have been unaware at the time of the hoax going on, only to be updated after the fact, so that their performance would be convincing for the purposes of hyper-realistic film making. But they could have been in on the hoax from the planning stages as well, judging their continuing role in the consequent media & congress dog&pony show that is still going on.

      This is how our counterfeit “reality” comes into existence and is then sustained (by MS+ALT media emotional triggering) with an intention of eventually becoming so entrenched in the public’s mind as our true reality that it can be printed as history schoolbook’s content that will serve to stifle our posterity’s attempts in leaving their inherited counterfeit “reality”.

  • That was an excellent discussion. They brought out some of the amazing synchronicities involved with the attempted Reagan assassination and, the glass research companies and the Cheneys. Strange findings about the blood and the handling of the crime scene. There is suspicion about the identity of the supposed shooter on the roof which made me wonder–would the plotters really entrusted the killing of Trump to an inexperienced 20 year old when they had a seasoned antifa-Ukraine sniper (Yearick) available?

  • Unfortunately people who can think critically are reported to be in the minority per at least 2 sources I have read: 1) David Wilcock reported years ago that his spiritual sources estimated at a minimum 51% of the population can not think critically, and 2) I recently read that Dr. Stanley Milgram of the infamous Milgram Experiments estimated the number to be 80%.

    • Richard, not a surprise to my generation who witnessed the removal from public education: Phonics, Basic English Grammar, Civics, European Languages, Health Classes, The Christian Bible, the Decalogue, and replaced all those things with Look See Spelling, Darwinism, Sex Ed, Social Studies, Diversity programming, etc. It was deliberately planned by Columbia Teachers College, Marxist John Dewey, the US Department of Education, SCOTUS, and subversive social engineering, Christ hating change agents with their hands everywhere on the levers of political power. That’s the manifest faithless foundation for all our present sorrows and hopelessness that turns 20 year olds into monsters who want to murder their neighbors.

    • What if the Milgram experiment had an ulterior motive?

      🙂 Maybe to screw your mind inside out?
      Here are some thoughts from the paper:
      “[…] the Milgram experiment was ultimately about convincing us we’re all nasty and brutish at heart. It was about convincing us that Hitler and Eichmann and their ilk aren’t any worse than us. Or, flipping that, that you weren’t any better than them. It was a sort of backhanded defense of the Nazis, which should appear strange to you coming from a Jew. That is, until you learn all the top Nazis were Jewish. Milgram’s great sleight-of-hand was imprinting on the public consciousness the notion that nothing is really good or evil – that these are more or less social constructs, and the only “scientific” way to explain evil is through systems theory or determinism or some other shunt. After all, if you are every bit as capable of doing what the Nazis did, and you don’t consider yourself to be evil, then Eichmann must not have been evil, either. And if he’s not evil, then evil itself must not exist.
      And why would our overlords want us believing that? Because it completely cripples our motivation to resist anything they do. If every corrupt system – banking, media, big pharma, etc. – and every bad actor within those systems can be explained away with behavioral science or some “reality is an illusion” mumbo jumbo, then what are you left to fight against? And how do you possibly fight against it?
      In this way, sociology just follows hard science since 1900, which has also promoted more and more the idea of “reality as illusion”. A mind-numbing relativity than squelches all possibility of action.”.

      🙂 Maybe such “experiments” are performed to stop your movement, to give up more easily, preferably before you’ve even started with your action and become a follower of mercantile caste’s top-down controlled movements and promoter of ‘their’ robber-baron actions?
      And here is a link to “The Stanford Prison Experiment was Staged” paper:
      “[…] the guards had been pressured to act nasty by Zimbardo, nullifying the whole idea from Zimbardo or the later literature that this had anything to do with the thin veneer of civilization or the guards quickly descending into a state of nature. That much is true, though, as I have just showed you, the Stanford Prison Experiment was a far bigger fraud than that. It wasn’t just pushed, it was hoaxed from the ground up.”.

      • In the sixties SCOTUS decided to break up local schools with bussing. My mother-in-law was a public school teacher. Bussing put an end to her career!

        Because black children bussed into her schoolroom were undisciplined, unruly, violent and disruptive. When she provided discipling, she got hauled into the principles office and reprimanded. Reason: if we require them to behave and perform, they will drop out, their parents will make our lives miserable, so just tolerate them and pass them on.

        When she reasoned that will harm the white children, she was made to know she will follow government policy or else, and she chose to not be a party to the dumbing down of white children and retired.

        I read a black replacement teacher’s letter to one of her students parents and was shocked by the terrible grammar, sloppy penmanship and misspelled words! This was the beginning of DEI and the end of America as best educated and most industrious organized society in the world!

        You can thank Marxist John Dewey, Columbia Teachers college, leftist teacher’s unions, US Department of Education, SCOTUS, and rudderless parents for all of this!

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